

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 235 The Silver Gun was Borth, Detering Everyone

A silver spear fell into his hand.

The indescribable power of time is all over the void. A force that has gone through the vicissitudes of life burst out from the body of the gun, overwhelming the world and sweeping everything.

The silver gun appeared in the world, and the withering and decayful calmed Fu Dongliu's pressure.

Then, Chen Qingyuan clenched the silver gun in both hands and stabbed fiercely forward.

The tip of the gun touched the palm, and the two sides were slightly deadlocked. The central position formed a huge eye of storm, which was very horrible.

After a few breaths, the palm light broke, and the power of the tip of the gun penetrated for nine days, smashing the power of Fu Dongliu's momentum, and the momentum accumulated for many days was instantly disappearing.

Everything happened too suddenly, and everyone's facial expressions still remained unfamistic about Chen Qingyuan. Unexpectedly, Chen Qingyuan destroyed Fu Dongliu's momentum in a tough way. He was as motionless as a mountain, dressed as a fairy in white, and stood with a gun, which was amazing.

After a moment, everyone reacted and was extremely shocked. They opened their mouths and didn't know how to say the surprise in their hearts: "This..."

At the moment when his momentum was broken, Fu Dongliu's pupils contracted rapidly, his mouth opened slightly, and an undisguised look of shock appeared on his cold face.

I never expected that Chen Qingyuan would break the situation in this way.

"The opponent I like should have this kind of spirit."

Fu Dongliu was surprised for a long time and slowly came to his senses, with a trace of excitement on his face and muttered to himself.

If I don't even have the ability to do this, then won't I wait for nothing?

Only when you defeat the strong can you achieve success in your heart, and this battle is meaningful.

"Isn't Chen Qingyuan Jianxiu? Why do you still have a long gun?

No one can answer this question, and there is a strong suspicion.

"Don't look at me, I don't know what's going on."

Changsun Fengye felt a lot of asking for help and said in a complicated mood.

In the eyes of everyone, Changsun Fengye and Chen Qingyuan are good friends, and they should know this.

In fact, Changsun Fengye knows nothing.

"He can be proficient in kendo and understand the realm of half a step without a sword. It should be impossible to achieve anything in the way of spear!"

Many people swallow saliva. I hope it's not possible, otherwise Chen Qingyuan would be too perverted.

All sentient beings in the world can't get to the realm of entry, but Chen Qingyuan can make achievements on many roads. Thinking about it, his scalp is a little numb.

"As a brother, I don't know anything."

Changsun Fengye was stunned and wanted to beat Chen Qingyuan up and ask for a clear question.

After Chen Qingyuan broke the situation, everyone had a strong interest in the battle, concentrated, and did not want to look away, for fear that they would not see any wonderful pictures.

"Aren't you Jianxiu?"

Fu Dongliu asked for everyone.

"It's kind of." Chen Qingyuan walked forward with a gun in his right hand.

"Are you still proficient in the long gun?"

Fu Dongliu and many demons can see that the silver gun in Chen Qingyuan's hand is particularly extraordinary, engraved with traces of years on it. It must be an extremely ancient weapon.

"I know a little about one or two."

Chen Qingyuan looked indifferent and never stopped moving forward.


So you hide so deeply.

Fu Dongliu smiled, because he had not met such a strong and interesting opponent for many years.

The blood in the body began to boil.


Chen Qingyuan suddenly took the initiative to attack, swept with a long gun, cut off the void where he passed, waved a hundred miles of light of law, moved around his waist, and came to Fu Dongliu in the blink of an eye.

Fu Dongliu's eyes condensed, his left hand was raised, and a Taoist picture of the power of yin and yang appeared in the palm of his hand.

Immediately, Fu Dongliu patted his left hand forward, and dozens of hundreds of legal barriers appeared to defend.


In an instant, the light of the law swept out by Chen Qingyuan penetrated more than 50 body protection barriers, and the speed behind began to slow down.

Seeing that the body protection barrier was about to be broken, Fu Dongliu added the method of defense again, put his hands together and pushed forward.


The gun light crossed and the barrier burst.

Although Fu Dongliu blocked the blow, a wisp of slight tingling came.

Looking down, a shallow mark appeared in the palm of the right hand, and a few drops of blood overflowed from the wound.

"It's really sharp!"

With his peers competing, Fu Dongliu has not been injured for hundreds of years. He looked at the wound in the palm of his hand without anger, but only stronger excitement and expectation.

Chen Qingyuan's strength made Fu Dongliu particularly happy, like an unexpected joy.

"The way of the long gun has reached the peak!"

With Chen Qingyuan's use of this move, the demons saw his gunway realm one after another, and were shocked, and their emotions fluctuated greatly, and there were waves in their hearts.

"Is he still a human?"

In the early period, he and Fu Dongliu were tough and did not fall behind. The kendo had reached a state of half a step without a sword, and the gunway was even more extreme. In addition, he also has the foundation of the double elixir and has learned a lot of Taoist magic.

After thinking about it, everyone found that Chen Qingyuan was so perverted that he was simply not a human being.

"It seems that he has never said that his strongest is swordsmanship."

Thinking back hard, the heavenly pride from the northern wilderness said with a trembling voice with a frightened face. Only today did they really understand how evil Chen Qingyuan is. Fortunately, they did not have a feud with him, otherwise the consequences would be unpredictable.

"Yes! He never claimed that he was just a swordsman.

The sky is as arrogant as a wooden chicken. No matter how hard they try, they can't connect the funny and dark Chen Qingyuan in the past with the amazing, arrogant and indifferent Chen Qingyuan.

"The boss... I'm hurt."

The monk of the 18 veins in the western Xinjiang saw the little blood in Fu Dongliu's palm and couldn't sit still any longer. He got up and stared. His eyes were bigger than the copper bell, and he couldn't suppress the shock in his heart.

In the eyes of people in the western Xinjiang, Fu Dongliu is the god of his peers. It can be said that his peers are invincible, standing at the peak and overlooking the world.

However, Chen Qingyuan injured Fu Dongliu. Even if there was only one slight wound, it had a great impact on the hearts of the people in Xijiang and could not regain calm for a long time.

"Your skin is very hard."

In the sky, Chen Qingyuan's face was expressionless and his eyes were cold and arrogant.

"So, you have to work harder and don't let me down."

Fu Dongliu waved his sleeves, and a top-quality spiritual vein appeared on his side. As he quickly formed a seal in both hands, the spiritual veins dried up in an instant, and there was not a single spiritual stone left.

What Taoism can consume a whole of top-quality spiritual veins in an instant?

Chen Qingyuan squeezed his lips tightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he was extremely vigilant.

"The boss is serious."

Below, people in Xijiang subconsciously clenched their hands, and their hearts trembled slightly.