

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 230 The conversation of the Qingzong people, the wind and rain are coming

Dugu Changkong came forward, and no one else would dare to object.

"Please, elder."

The Lord saluted with a group of high-level officials, and their eyes trusted.

The elders of Linghemen are at the peak of Mahayana and have made great contributions to the sect. The ability of Dugu Changkong is one by one in Dizhou, which should not be underestimated.

Outside the mountain gate, Lin Changsheng went to various places over the years to get some justice for Qingzong. During this period, he was also injured and rested for a period of time.

When he came to Linghemen this time, Lin Changsheng planned to be the last stop, and then went to a place that no one knew.

When the devil's abyss is in turmoil, he is willing to die.

Normally, at least tens of thousands of years apart, the magic abyss will be unstable.

The suzerains of the Xuanqing Sect and others went to the Magic Abyss without even a thousand years. Why did Lin Changsheng have to prepare in advance?

Perhaps it was too long, resulting in the seal of the magic abyss to the limit, and the time for strengthening the seal was greatly shortened.

Perhaps because the things in the abyss have become more horrible, the seal hundreds of thousands of thousands of years ago slowly can't be suppressed.

In a word, the situation in this life is different from before. Lin Changsheng knew that this was a road of no return and had no intention of retreating.

Our monks are not afraid of death.

If you can protect the peace of your homeland, it's just a life, and it's gone.

"Friends, can we talk in another place?"

Dugu Changkong stepped out of the mountain gate and stepped in front of Lin Changsheng.

"I have nothing to talk to you about."

Lin Changsheng was still the same as before, wearing a dark robe, covering his original breath, changing his true appearance, and his body was faintly covered with a layer of fog.

"The platform of Taiqing, the spiritual method returns to the heart, exorcises evil spirits and suppresses demons, protects the world, the three disasters are extreme, and the six boundary methods..."

Dugu Changkong spread the sound and was not known to outsiders.

Hearing this formula, Lin Changsheng's face changed. At first, he thought that Dugu Changkong was amusing himself, because there were still many people in the world who knew the Taoism of Qingzong.

However, hearing the true meaning of the Taoist scriptures behind him, Lin Changsheng's heart set off a huge wave, which was difficult to calm down.

Only those who have been inherited by Qingzong can touch the core secret of Qingzong Taoist Sutra. What's more outrageous is that a layer of Taoist lines seems to appear on the body of Dugu Changkong, and it is the art of Qingzong that runs.

Because Dugu Changkong was deliberately covered up, only Lin Changsheng could see the fluctuation of the law on the surface of his body, and others could not catch traces.

"Can we talk in another place now?"

Dugu Changkong's eyes were extremely deep, and he meditated.


Lin Changsheng was very curious and nodded.


Then, the two disappeared from where they were, not knowing where they were going.

The picture turned in an unknown cave.

Dugu Changkong has set up dozens of prohibitions around to ensure that the conversation will not be passed on.

After doing all this, Dugu Changkong looked at Lin Changsheng beside him and showed a gratifying smile.

"Who are you?"

Lin Changsheng did not put down his vigilance and asked.

"Xuan Qingzong, Li Jianghe."

Du Gu Changkong replied.

Li Jianghe is his former name. In those years, he did not want to go to Moyuan, changed his name and became Dugu Changkong.

"What?" Lin Changsheng's face changed drast and was extremely shocked.

How could Lin Changsheng not know the name of the elder of Xuanqingzong?

"No... It's impossible.

Lin Changsheng questioned.

"I know you don't believe it, but it's true."

Dugu Changkong began to talk about Xuanqingzong, and also mentioned the past of Qingzong.

In addition, Dugu Changkong also used the unique secret method of Qingzong, which has reached an unfathomable state. With the current ability of Lin Changsheng, there is still a long way to be away from this realm.

When he got here, Lin Changsheng had no doubts. He was very excited and saluted: "Lin Changsheng, see your uncle."

After calculation, Dugu Changkong is the uncle of Master Lin Changsheng.

Wait, let's say it.

Wu Junyan is a personal disciple of Dugu Changkong, so he is the generation of Master Lin Changsheng.

In short, Chen Qingyuan has to call Wu Junyan his uncle in the future.

If Chen Qingyuan knew this, he would not be able to accept it. In the blink of an eye, Lao Wu's generation is above him. Who can stand it!

"I can't afford to worship you."

Dugu Changkong flashed to the other side, avoided Lin Changsheng's salute, and sighed.

"What does Uncle mean?"

Lin Changsheng was stunned for a moment, full of doubt, and asked puzzledly.

"In those years, I failed the will of the sages of Qingzong..."

Today, Dugu Changkong has realized, but it's too late. He did not cover up his fault and said it one by one.

After a while, Lin Changsheng figured out the reason of the matter and did not mean to complain. He sighed, "Uncle, you don't have to blame yourself. It's not you who are wrong, but those ignorant people."

If the top sects in Dizhou were willing to resist the magic abyss together, how could Qingzong fall into such a field?

What makes Qingzong's heart cold is that those sects not only did not help each other, but also began to divide up the resources of Qingzong after taking advantage of the top combat strength of Qingzong to die.

Every time he remembered these things, Lin Changsheng did not want to go to the Moyuan and had the idea of letting the Moyuan explode. However, if the magic abysm really breaks out, it will be unlucky that it is not an ordinary creature.

"I'm like a walking corpse, and I regret that I didn't go to Huangquan with my brother at the beginning."

The old people who Dugu Changkong cares about have died. He lives in this world and suffers every day.

"What are you going to do now?"

Lin Changsheng could not experience the sadness and loneliness in Dugu Changkong's heart.

"Do my best to pave a smooth road for future generations."

This belief is something that must be done in Dugu Changkong. Only in this way can he have the courage to face the ancestors of Qingzong after death.

Hearing this, Lin Changsheng bowed to Dugu Changkong to show his respect.

Sometimes, the living are the most painful.

Dugu Changkong already has a plan in his heart, living up to the will of his ancestors.

The two talked for a long time, but did not talk about Moyuan. They talked about some interesting things.

Especially when talking about Chen Qingyuan's childhood, the two of them kept laughing and said frankly that Chen Qingyuan was a naughty child, and he had never been worried since he was a child. ъìqυgΕtv.℃ǒΜ

Dugu Changkong has been paying attention to the feast of Baimai. He once saw the ten heroes of the Northern Wilderness from afar and looked at Chen Qingyuan.

If I had known that Chen Qingyuan was a disciple of Xuanqing Sect, I would have looked at it a few more times instead of scanning it in a hurry.

"Longevity, your style of doing things is too high-profile, which is not good for yourself."

Du Gu said in the sky.

"This old guy in Dizhou has always been tolerant, just to let me go to the Moyuan to stabilize the situation in the world. Although I don't intend to live, I can't let these forces live a peaceful life.

When it comes to this, Lin Changsheng was a little angry.

"You have to live." Du Gu patted Lin Changsheng on the shoulder, and his words contained a deep meaning: "Only when you live can you have hope."

The next moment, Du Gu Changkong left in the wind.

Lin Changsheng stood here alone, looking at the back of the lonely sky, sad.

It's up to me, an old guy, to do what I'm going to die.

But not now.

There is a trace of uneasiness in Dugu Changkong's heart. After the end of the Baimai feast, there will definitely set off a huge storm.

The wind and rain are coming, and there is no peace.

At the same time, the ancient star of Yanchang in the ancient world.

Chen Qingyuan closed the to practice, and his breath was changing, and there were signs of breakthrough.