

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

boninggou · Huyền huyễn
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450 Chs

Chapter 198 Headless Ancient Monks in the Ancient Temple

In the northwest region, in the depths of the dark starry sky.

An ancient cyan temple is slowly floating in all directions, and the walls are engraved with obscure runes. Cracks have appeared in many places. Each crack symbolizes the law of the broken road in the world, which is not complete.

There is a dark white pillar standing in every corner, up to the middle of the ancient temple.

The temple is nine floors high, about 100 feet.

The top was covered by a thick fog, and there was a faint golden light.

The temple door was closed, and there was a huge bronze ring hanging on the door, which was rusty and peeled off.

Looking at the temple from a distance, my heart was heavy, and a depressing feeling surged into my heart, which was uncomfortable.

Hundreds of people stood in the starry sky, looking at the ancient temple shrouded in darkness, and did not dare to move forward.

The smell of silence and sadness slowly drifted from the end of the starry sky, and no one could keep calm.

Some people couldn't control their emotions, and two lines of tears slid down unconsciously.

On this day, Chen Qingyuan and others came.

The first time the Taochen Buddha saw the ancient temple, his body shook slightly, his eyes condensed, and showed a complex expression.

The feeling that suddenly gushed out of his heart, Daochen Buddha can't describe it, but he just feels very painful.

Why is this so?

The Taoist Buddha asked himself in his heart.

After thinking for a long time, I couldn't get an answer.

Looking at it again, tears crossed my cheeks.

"What's the matter?"

Chen Qingyuan stepped forward a few steps, gently patted Daochen Buddha on the shoulder, and asked with concern.

The Taoist Buddha did not reply, but still kept staring at the ancient temple.

Before long, the Taoist Buddha sat in the void, folded his hands, closed his eyes and chanted the scriptures: "Guanzi Bodhisattva..."

The words of chanting fell into everyone's ears, which was extremely profound and difficult to understand.

The Buddha's voice spread to the depths of the cold starry sky to the ancient temple.


Half an hour later, the door of the ancient temple opened, and there was an ancient bell that had gone through endless years, shaking gently, making the sound of a simple and heavy bell.

Everyone's souls trembled. Hundreds of pairs of eyes looked at the ancient temple, opened their mouths slightly, and their faces were full of surprise.


The thick fog at the top of the temple seemed to have dissipated because of the bell.

Then, everyone saw the scene at the top and were awkked.

What's more, he let out an exclamation, and his expression was stunned and difficult to hide.

"That's... Head!"

At the top of the ancient temple, there is the head of a Buddha with his eyes closed.

The Buddha closed his eyes and his ears were on his chin, solemn and solemn.

On top of its head is a fist-sized Buddha bead that emits golden light. Even in the dark, the Buddha's light is still strong and will not be worn out.

After reading a passage of scriptures, the Taoist Buddha slowly opened his eyes, got up and faced the ancient temple, and bowed.

"Do you know what's going on?"

"What does this head mean?"

"I feel suffocated and my whole body is cold."

The heavenly pride of all forces was talking in a low voice, looking at the eyes of the ancient temple, and a trace of fear appeared.

Strong curiosity stimulated everyone to enter the ancient temple to find out. Even if there are unknown risks in it, they refuse to turn around and leave.


Don't wait for others to act, the Taoist Buddha has taken steps and walked to the ancient temple with a solemn and pious face.

Seeing this, Chen Qingyuan and others immediately followed and were always vigilant.

Soon, the group came to the door of the ancient temple.

The Taochen Buddha stopped, and then gave a big salute, and then he moved forward again.

Crossed the temple gate and broke the prohibition.

The situation and layout of the temple came into the eyes of everyone, which shocked everyone and respected. In addition, there is a hint of horror, which hits the soul.

In the center, there is a wooden fish.

If you go deeper, it is an ancient bell full of Buddhist scriptures.

In the innermost part, there is a monk sitting on the plate.

The monk was dressed in a dark yellow casss, sitting dignified, with his hands folded, and very serious.

The moment they saw the monk in the temple, Chen Qingyuan and others were shocked.

Because this is the body of an ancient monk without a head.

"The head at the top of the temple should be the ancient monk's!"

Anyone can guess this.

"What does this mean?"

It's just that everyone doesn't understand why the corpses of the ancient monk are separated and located in different locations of the ancient temple in this strange way.

"Has he been assassinated? Or is it because of something?

No one in the audience could understand.

Hundreds of people came to the temple one after another, and the rest stayed near the ancient temple and watched, not afraid to enter for fear of danger.

"The little monk came from the east to see the monk."

The Taoist Buddha did not have any fear. He took a step forward and said to the headless ancient monk.

Although this is a corpse that has been dead for many years, the Taoist Buddha is full of respect, and every move is the highest courtesy of Buddhism.

Chen Qingyuan and others looked at each other and kept silent.


Suddenly, the black chain hanging the ancient clock broke, causing the ancient clock to fall to the ground, causing the ground to vibrate and dust to fly.

Some timid people thought they had touched some prohibition, and they ran outside the ancient temple with a thush and were frightened.

When they found that there was no problem, those people still didn't dare to come in and stood outside and watched with lingering fear.

As the ancient bell fell, a piece of yellow paper fell from the beam on the first floor of the ancient temple.

The yellow paper is full of ancient Buddhism and Taoism, and now there are still extremely profound Taoist marks.

Daochen Buddha has been staring at the falling yellow paper, and instantly understands what it is for. His pupils contracted and his mouth slightly opened.

"Buddha, what does it say?"

Chen Qingyuan took a look at the Daochen Buddha, speculated that he must understand the content on the yellow paper, and asked softly.

"The poor monk is willing to use flesh and blood as the guide to shape the temple of the law, dispel the fog, and connect the divine bridge one after another..."

The following content has been eroded by the law of time, and the Taoist Buddha could not interpret it.

This is a forbidden technique of Buddhism. If you use this technique, you will die, without exception.

Daochen Buddha has read the major classics of Dongtu Buddha Temple since he was a child, but he has not consulted this forbidden art.

Although the Taoist Buddha did not know the practice of forbidden art, through all the traces he saw, he could be sure that the headless ancient monk in front of him was practicing the forbidden art.

"What do you mean?"

When everyone heard the words, they looked blank.

Among the people present, the most clear person is Chen Qingyuan.

Dispel the foreg and connect the bridge one after another.

Chen Qingyuan said a few words, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes. He couldn't help but think of the Qiyou quasi-emperor, who could reach the other side in only a thousand years, leaving endless regrets.

The ancient temple has nine floors, representing the nine realms of the divine bridge.

In ancient times, the road collapsed.

Who was the first person to break through the limit of the road in ancient times?

A pair of earlobes are about to fall on the shoulders of the monk, dressed in Buddha's light, stepping into the darkness from the sun.