

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 162 Fierce Battle

Xianchang Star, the cloud.

The clouds are thick and cover the body.

Chen Qingyuan and Yan Qianling confronted each other, one in white and the other in a blue robe.

A Yulan sword stirred the surrounding sea of clouds, and the sharp sword cut through the void everywhere, forming thousands of white whirlpools of different sizes.

For this battle, Yan Qianling will not keep his hand, and directly show the fluctuation of his cultivation.

Half-step god!

In an stant, the audience exclaimed one after another, and their expression changed sharply.

"I'm afraid few of my peers can get to this point."

No wonder Yan Qianling has this self-confidence and doesn't want to be squeezed out of the top ten.


With a dull sound, a dark black ancient mirror appeared in Yan Qianling's hand.

The mirror flows with strange ripples of laws, like evil eyes, and has the terrible power to devour the soul.

The black circular ancient mirror is glued to the palm of Yan Qianling's right hand, about two feet in diameter.


Yan Qianling's words fell, and his figure instantly came to Chen Qingyuan. He operated the method of the universe in his body. His right palm clapped out, and the black ancient mirror burst into a powerful black light.

This blow seemed to be able to smash thousands of mountains, and the space around it was directly distorted, making the soul of the watcher suffocated and his body trembled uncontrollably.

"Break it!"

Chen Qingyuan stood high and did not move, holding a sword in his hand and waving a move.

The black light of the sword and the ancient mirror collided with a few breaths, and then the black light was divided into two.


The cracked black light passed by Chen Qingyuan and fell to both sides. One by one smashed the sky, and the other penetrated the ground. The sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, and the momentum was huge.

Then, Yan Qianling attacked again, with a long roar, Lingwei rioted, and his black hair rushed to the crown.


The power of the ancient mirror gushed out like a tide, turning into thousands of strange and unpredictable powers, wrapping up Chen Qingyuan from different directions.

Chen Qingyuan did not dare to be careless. He integrated the universe of Daoyi Academy with his own swordsmanship. In a short time, he stepped into the realm of half a step without a sword, swept with a sword, and destroyed the power of the ancient mirror that was about to approach the body.

At the same time, Chen Qingyuan came out with another sword.


The flash of sword came to Yan Qianling in the blink of an eye.

Yan Qianling's pupils contracted rapidly, and he quickly put the ancient mirror in front of him for defense.


With a loud noise, Yan Qianling stepped back a few miles to the rear, and his right arm trembled gently.

Chen Qingyuan's sword made Yan Qianling feel great pressure, and his face became very solemn and did not dare to despise him at all.

"How can there be such swordsmanship only in the early cultivation of Yuanying?"

The surprise in Yan Qianling's eyes was hard to hide. His heart trembled slightly and his hands tightened.

There are many swordsmen among the onlookers. With Chen Qingyuan's sword just now, he can infer something, but he just can't believe it. He looked terriled: "Chen Qingyuan has realized the realm of swordless, but that's the realm that our generation's swords yearning for in his life!"


Many people don't want to believe it and think that they have read it wrong.

"He fought with the Yan Shengzi of the half-step god with the cultivation of Yuanying, which is enough to prove that his swordsmanship is far above us."

Under normal circumstances, there is a huge strength gap between each small realm, just like a sky, which is insurmountable.

Just give it a try.

Yan Qianling stabilized his mind and took the initiative again.


The ghost figure formed dozens of ghosts in the sea of clouds. With the naked eye alone, you can't tell where Yan Qianling's real body is.

Chen Qingyuan glanced around, and his eyes bloomed with a pale golden light, showing a top pupil of the Taoyi Academy, which could distinguish the true from the false, sweep away demons, and see through the falsehood.

At a glance, Chen Qingyuan broke through Yan Qianling's illusion and attacked his body with a sword.


An understated sword, accompanied by a sword sound.

A sword mark about tens of thousands of miles long appeared in the sea of clouds. Dozens of illusions transformed by Yan Qianling were all broken. His right hand was raised above his head, relying on his own spiritual power and black ancient mirror to resist the shocking sword. His whole body was tight and the pressure increased sharply.

This is an illusion that Yan Qianling has been practicing for many years. I thought that with the help of the power of the ancient mirror, it could disturb Chen Qingyuan's sight and find an excellent opportunity to take action.

However, Chen Qingyuan cracked the illusion so easily, which made Yan Qianling a little suspicious of life.


The huge sword light emitted a terrible pressure, which made Yan Qianling unable to support it and roared loudly.

After a long stalemate, Yan Qianling urged the black ancient mirror in the palm of his right hand, which produced a strange devouring power and absorbed all the sword power.

Next, the two sides fought about a hundred moves, and fought back and forth.

According to Yan Qianling's expectations, he originally had an absolute advantage, but the situation was very different.

Now that the war has been fought, Yan Qianling has no way out now. He must grit his teeth and fight until the last moment.

At some moment, Yan Qianling found a suitable opportunity and immediately ran the ancient mirror in the palm of his hand, sending out a terrible prestige.


Chen Qingyuan held a sword and flew back ten miles. The sound of breaking the air was very harsh.

Just when Yan Qianling felt relieved, Chen Qingyuan had moved to his side and stabbed him with a sword.


The moment Yan Qianling's face changed greatly, he immediately used the art of body protection and pointed the ancient mirror at Chen Qingyuan.

Although Yan Qianling's reaction was fast enough, it was also half a step slower.


The sword light flashed, and a deep sword mark appeared on Yan Qianling's left arm.

Then, Yan Qianling retreated backwards and maintained a long safe distance from Chen Qingyuan.


Yan Qianling's eyes were shocked and puzzled.

Up to now, Yan Qianling, whos cultivation is much higher than that of Chen Qingyuan, is actually at a disadvantage.

Not only Yan Qianling doubted himself, but the onlookers also looked blank and shocked.

"Fit together!"

Yan Qianling gritted his teeth and whispered, decided to bet on his own foundation and make a final contest with Chen Qingyuan. He didn't believe that Chen Qingyuan, who was re-monistic, could surpass himself in such a short time.

He can't accept this result.

Since he was removed from the top ten, he often heard some gossip. On the surface, he was indifferent, but in his heart was tortured. He wants to prove himself with practical actions and stand at the top of his peers in the northern wilderness.


The temperature of this void suddenly dropped, and hundreds of iceberg phantoms appeared in the sea of clouds.

Yan Qianling stands on the top of the highest iceberg, like a king, overlooking the country and unparalleled.

"The edict!"

The black ancient mirror separated from his right palm and floated in front of him.

Yan Qianling's right index finger pointed in the center of the black ancient mirror, his index finger made a shole, and his blood flowed into the ancient mirror.