

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 137 At a glance, 50 years, Lin Changsheng came out of the customs

Lin Changsheng has been closed for a few years, and has completely integrated the inheritance of the sect into his body.

Nowadays, his cultivation has reached an unimaginable level. This is the will inheritance of the ancestors of Qingzong. There is no need to go through natural disasters. It can give full play to the potential of the whole body in the shortest time and make the cultivation progress by leaps and bounds.

That year, Lin Changsheng broke into the magic cave under Tianyuzong and temporarily suppressed the momentum of the magic cave. However, now there is another trace of turmoil in the interior of the magic cave.

Over the years, the senior officials of Tianyuzong went to the top forces of other star domains for help, and all of them were rejected. Unless the Mahayana monk comes forward, it will definitely not solve the disaster of the demon cave.

But why did those Mahayana monks help?

With the family background of Tianyuzong, it is not enough at all.

After a busy schedule, Tianyuzong found that everything was in vain. The Devil's Cave Riot, at most, just let the creatures of the Fumeor field fall into an endless abyss, which can't affect other forces, and others have no obligation to help.

After all, the forces in the world are not as selfless as Qingzong.

In fact, many sages of Qingzong did not want to go to the Moyuan to die, but they integrated the inheritance memory and saw all kinds of miserable situations of innocent people of all races, and they couldn't bear it.

"While there is still time, withdraw quickly!"

Tianyuzong is ready to relocate, and the resources accumulated over the years can be taken away. As for the innocent people in the Fuxingyu area, they don't want to care about it.

"According to the latest reliable news, Tianyuzong can't solve the problem of the magic cave and is ready to escape from the Fumeor region."

All sects got the news, a bolt from the blue.

Then, all the strong men of the sect rushed to Tianyu Sect to ask what was going on.

The disaster of the Magic Cave was obviously caused by Tianyuzong, but now it is ridiculous to help everyone in the meteor field to bear it.

"Qin Yang, I'm waiting for an ex-mendation!"

The senior officials of each sect came to the mountain gate of Tianyu Sect in person and called the name of the Tianyu Sect, which was fierce.

"Shen Shijie, didn't you say that you were sure to invite Da Neng to solve the magic cave? Why do you want to run away?

An old man shouted loudly and was extremely angry.

The elder of Tianyuzong is named Shen Shijie. Many years ago, he took a group of old guys to the Xuanqingzong Palace to ask about the situation in the abyss.

"If Tianyuzong doesn't open the boundary of the protection sect again, don't blame me for being ruthless."

The high-level officials of the sects of all parties were blocked outside the mountain gate and were ready to start.

The movement of Tianyuzong's decision to relocate was not small, and it was difficult for all sects to know.

Hearing that the strong people of each sect planned to forcibly break through the boundary of the protection sect, the senior officials of Tianyu Sect could not pretend to be dead, so they had to come forward to welcome each other.

"Friends, please come in."

The elder came forward in person, with a smile on his face.

Everyone with a black face and strode into Tianyu Sect. They must ask for a clear understanding. When the magic cave breaks out, they will also suffer, and they must not easily let Tianyuzong, the culprit, be let go.

Hundreds of people sat in the hall, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

"Guys, Tianyuzong has tried his best."

Qin Yang sighed and apologized.

"Do your best?" Du Ruosheng of Dongyi Palace sneered: "This matter happened because of Tianyuzong. It's ridiculous that you want to slip away if you don't solve the matter!"

"Tianyuzong is willing to divide the few remaining resources into you. I hope you can understand."

Qin Yang hugged his fist and said.

"Do you really think a little bit of bullshit resources can send us away?" A grumpy old man cursed: "My Fengyang Sect has been rooted in the Fumeo Seon area for tens of thousands of years, and we are facing the disaster of the destruction of the Sect because of Tianyu Sect. I only have one sentence here. If Tianyuzong does not solve the magic cave, then Fengyangzong is willing to fight with Tianyuzong to death.

"Dongyi Palace, that's the same thing."

Du Ruosheng made a statement.

"Donglinmen, the opinion is as above."

"Tianxu Lingmen..."

All parties have expressed their positions and agreed.

For a moment, the sky above Tianyuzong was covered with a layer of suppressed black fog. If this matter is not handled well, the senior management of Tianyuzong should not want to leave the Fumeor field alive.

The atmosphere in the hall is extremely tense, and it is possible to draw a sword at any time.

"Gentles, if Tianyuzong has a solution, it is impossible to abandon the family business and escape. The magic cave has taken shape. Non-Mahayana monks can't be suppressed. The old man has been asking for help everywhere over the years, not to mention losing face. The most important thing is that he has nothing and no one is willing to help.

Shen Shijie, the ancestor of the Empress Dowager, stood up and apologized to the senior officials of the various sects. What he said was a miserable and vivid image was about to cry.

"Even if Tianyuzong takes people's lives, there is no possibility of success at all."

The suzerain Qin Yang glanced at everyone and sighed.

"Can't the method of the array of spiritual beads be used for the second time?"

Someone asked.

"No." Shen Shijie replied, "The first effect of this method is obvious, and it can be delayed for about a hundred years. Even if it succeeds the second time, it is difficult to suppress the things in the magic cave.

Hearing this answer, everyone's faces turned dark.

It really can't solve the magic cave. Even if they unite to destroy Tianyuzong, they still have to escape from the Fumeor region.

This is life!

Everyone really doesn't want to leave the Fumeor Domain. This is the place where they settle down.

If you go to other star domains, where will you settle down?

The place with strong aura has been occupied and moved away from the Fumeor field, and the sect may fall apart and be destroyed in one day.

Just as the atmosphere in the hall became more and more dull, a terrible breath came from a distance and came to Tianyuzong.

One man was dressed in a black robe, covering up his appearance and breath with metaphysics, and no one could find out.

It was Lin Changsheng who came. He left an incarnation in Xuanqing Sect. I quietly left and came to Tianyu Sect.

Lin Changsheng can't sit itly and ignore the matter of the Devil's Cave.


With a loud noise, Lin Changsheng smashed the boundary of Tianyu Sect between his fingers, making the boundary tremble violently, the mountains and rocks rolled down, and thick smoke everywhere.

"What's the matter?"

Everyone in the hall was shocked and looked at it one after another.

"What a terrible pressure. When did Tian Yuzong provoke such a big enemy?"

The strongmen of each sect felt a trace of pressure from the dispersion, and their souls were suffocated.

"Who is the predecessor? What's the grudge against my Tianyuzong?

Under great pressure, Qin Yang walked out of the hall, bowed to Lin Changsheng, who was standing in the void, and asked.

"Tianyuzong let the demon cave grow, take profits from it, and endanger the lives of hundreds of millions of people in the meteor region. This move is not allowed to be condemned.

Of course, Lin Changsheng will solve the magic cave, but the premise is to get rid of the scourge of Tianyuzong first.

If it weren't for Tianyuzong, countless creatures in the Fuming field would not have to bear the threat of the magic cave.

With that, Lin Changsheng raised his right hand and pressed towards the high-rise cover of Tianyuzong.

"The Mahayana monk!"

Suddenly, everyone clearly felt the terrible pressure of Lin Changsheng and exclaimed.

The strong men didn't want to be implicated and went around as fast as possible. Lin Changsheng did not stop these people. However, the people of Tianyuzong wanted to escape, but they were directly stopped by a strong pressure.

"Senior, please have mercy. I have something to say."

Shen Shijie and others were anxious and shouted anxiously.