

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 125 Chen Qingyuan and Changsun Fengye prepare to discuss

In the front hall of the Song family, there was a huge circular arena with a diameter of 10,000 meters.

 There is a barrier on the outside of the ring, which can reduce the impact of the divine channel technique and protect the lives of those fighting.

 This is a friendly discussion between the two families, and no lives should be lost.

 The juniors of the Song family began to compete with the true disciples brought by Miao Miao Holy Land. Although there were some minor frictions, the overall situation was relatively harmonious.

 After several days of quarrel, the two families had mixed successes and losses.

 It just so happens that it must be a secret arrangement of the older generation. No one should lose face.

 Jianghu is not about fighting and killing, it is about human relationships.

 You can fight, unless you can suppress the whole world. Otherwise, if you don't have friends, you will fall into trouble sooner or later.

 Song Ningyan, Changsun Fengye and others were all present, watching the fight in the ring and killing time.

 From time to time, hearty and complimentary laughter erupted in the front hall. The elders of the two families were complimenting each other, saying that there was a successor, outstanding talent, extraordinary understanding, etc.

 Changsun Fengye was not interested in this kind of scene before, but today he is very interested.

 By the time the conversation between the two families was over, the fight was coming to an end.

 Changsun Fengye stood up and attracted everyone's attention.

 "Feng Ye, what's wrong?"

 asked the great elder of Piaomiao Palace.

 "Since it is a competition between young people, I want to give it a try."

 Changsun Fengye glanced at everyone and said with a smile.

 As soon as these words came out, the whole audience fell silent.

 Many people's expressions changed, including the top executives of the two companies.

 "Stop messing around and sit down quickly." The great elder quickly sent a message to the eldest grandson Fengye and said sternly.

 If the eldest son Fengye takes action, isn't this going to ruin the Song family's situation?

 Although the Song family has many geniuses, none of them can compete with the eldest grandson Fengye. It is precisely because this generation of the Song family has been out of touch with each other that they thought about marriage to prevent a disconnect.

 "Elder, I'm serious, I'm not kidding."

 Changsun Fengye looked back at the great elder and said it directly without using voice transmission.

 The people present were not weak in cultivation. Even if the eldest grandson Fengye did not raise his voice politely, they could still hear it clearly.

 Most of the senior members of the Song family frowned. Doesn't Taoist Master Sun Fengye understand the ways of the world?

 If the Song family accepted the challenge, no one would be able to compete with the eldest grandson Fengye; if they did not fight, it would be a loss of face for the Song family if word spread.

 No matter what the situation is, it will not be good for the Song family.

 For a moment, the scene seemed a little stiff.

 "I have an opponent I'm optimistic about, and I'm not just fooling around. Since this is a competition between young people, it shouldn't be limited to the Song family and Piaomiao Palace."

 Changsun Fengye walked towards the ring and said to everyone: "I I heard that Chen Qingyuan from Daoyi Academy is visiting the Song family, why don't you invite him to come out and participate in this matter?"

 Wow -

 suddenly, there was an uproar in the palace, and everyone showed surprised and unusually rich expressions.

 As we all know, Chen Qingyuan is an extremely special member of the Ten Heroes of the Northern Wilderness. Many people are curious about him, and there are even many young talents who want to defeat Chen Qingyuan and use him as a stepping stone to rise to the top.

 The competition between the ten heroes of the Northern Wilderness will definitely be exciting and everyone is looking forward to it.

 Everyone said that Changsun Fengye was terrifyingly powerful, but no outsider had ever seen it with his own eyes. If Changsun Fengye could be forced to use his trump card this time, it would satisfy the curiosity of his peers.

 "Can he... beat Changsun Fengye?"

 Song Ningyan was sitting like a piece of wood with an expressionless face. At this moment, her eyes were shining with brilliance, and Chen Qingyuan's cynical look appeared in front of her. It was difficult to imagine Chen Qingyuan fighting seriously.

 A few days ago, someone went to the guest hall to invite Chen Qingyuan to observe, but unfortunately Chen Qingyuan refused without hesitation.

 It's best not to join in the fun of a fight, or you might get involved accidentally. If the eldest son Fengye was not here, Chen Qingyuan would be very interested in watching.

 "Mr. Chen is a guest of my Song family. I'm afraid it will be difficult to satisfy the eldest grandson's request."

 The patriarch Song Xiufeng said thoughtfully.

 "I'm just making a suggestion. As for whether we can succeed, we have to listen to Mr. Chen's thoughts!"

 Changsun Fengye really wanted to compete with Chen Qingyuan, even if it was just a simple discussion, he could learn more about it.


 Song Xiufeng fell into silence. In fact, he also had a little expectation.

 However, this matter involves Chen Qingyuan, and the Song family cannot make random decisions.

 "I'll invite Mr. Chen, maybe he will agree."

 Before Song Xiufeng could speak, the eldest son Fengye smiled gracefully, turned around and headed towards the guest hall.

 Immediately afterwards, there was a lot of discussion in the front hall.

 Not only the young people were excited, but many old guys also showed expectant looks.

 "Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with the Song family. It was all caused by the eldest grandson Fengye."

 Song Xiufeng secretly thought that he also wanted to see how capable Chen Qingyuan was, who was accepted as a disciple by Vice President Yu.

 Outside the guest hall, the eldest son Fengye was dressed in white clothes, spotless.

 "Mr. Chen, I'm here again."

 Changsun Fengye said loudly.

 This guy is still haunted!

 Chen Qingyuan, who was sitting cross-legged and practicing in the house, felt depressed.

 "The young people from the Song family and the Piaomiao Palace are having a discussion, which is really boring. I feel a little itchy, so I proposed a friendly discussion with Mr. Chen. I wonder what Mr. Chen wants?"

 eldest grandson Fengye continued.

 "You're sick! I'm not going."

 At this moment, Chen Qingyuan couldn't keep silent and cursed.

 Isn't this bullying? It is said that Changsun Fengye has reached the state of transformation into gods, while Chen Qingyuan has just entered the Nascent Soul stage. If there really was a fight, Chen Qingyuan would not be able to compete unless he revealed the trump card of the Three Pills Saint Grade.

 The three holy elixirs must never be shown to outsiders, as the consequences would be too terrible.

 "How can Mr. Chen be so irritable? Let's just have a brief discussion, that's all."

 The eldest grandson Fengye had a good temper and a bright smile.

 "Why should I satisfy my evil taste of fighting with you?"

 Even if Chen Qingyuan doesn't want to fight and is unsure about things, this is not asking for trouble for himself.

 "In a fight with the same realm, Mr. Chen will never suffer a loss."

 Changsun Fengye said quickly.

 "No." Chen Qingyuan's voice of rejection came again: "There will be no benefit in fighting with you."

 "Then we can place a little bet. As long as Mr. Chen wins, we are willing to give him thousands of high-grade spiritual stones. If you lose, there is no need to do this." After thinking about it, the eldest

 son Fengye made a suggestion that was beneficial to Chen Qingyuan.

 "Thousands of spiritual stones, who are you looking down on?"

 Chen Qingyuan complained.

 "Uh..." Changsun Fengye was stunned: "Then what do you want?"

 "Ten thousand high-quality spiritual stones, plus a high-quality spiritual treasure. And, no matter who loses or wins, you You have to give it all to me. If you can agree, I can meet your request and discuss with you."

 Chen Qingyuan is not too afraid of fighting in the same realm, and takes this opportunity to test Changsun Fengye's depth. And you can make a lot of money, so why not do it.

 "This... is too much!"

 Changsun Fengye twitched the corner of his mouth, secretly thinking that Chen Qingyuan was too greedy.

 The spiritual stone was okay, but a high-quality spiritual treasure would be a bit painful.

 "Forget it if you don't agree. Don't bother me."

 Chen Qingyuan was convinced and looked impatient.

 After hesitating for a moment, Changsun Fengye nodded and agreed: "Okay, it's a deal."

 Boy, if you had promised to fight in the same realm, I would also like to fight you without paying a price.

 The leader of the ten heroes of the Northern Wilderness, let's see how capable you are.

 After making another fortune, Chen Qingyuan opened the door happily.