

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

boninggou · Huyền huyễn
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450 Chs

Chapter 117 Let you struggle for a while

"No one in this world has offended anyone. Although I have offended others, I still live a good life. Unlike you, who have no brains and do things recklessly. Let me tell you, if you want to have less trouble in life, When you need to bow your head to your elders, you should bow your head, and when you need to act coquettishly, you should act like a coquettish person. Anyway, you are not an outsider, and you will not lose a piece of meat."

 Chen Qingyuan said.

 "Hmph!" Song Ningyan clasped her hands on her chest and hummed, unable to refute.

 It happened that Chen Qingyuan saw Song Ningyan's arms folded, glanced at her, and muttered in a low voice: "Although I have no brains, I do have information elsewhere."

 "Hey!" Song Ningyan suddenly shouted.

 Chen Qingyuan seemed to have a guilty conscience, so he quickly looked away and said seriously, "What?"

 "Thank you."

 Song Ningyan stopped and thanked her solemnly.

 "Who told me to fall in love with a junior sister like you? You're welcome."

 To be honest, it was the first time Chen Qingyuan heard Song Ningyan say thank you, and he was a little uncomfortable.

 It is not easy for a beautiful girl like Song Ningyan to lower her head and say thank you.

 Forget it, since you came all the way to help me, I won't quarrel with you.

 Song Ningyan allowed Chen Qingyuan to complain, going in with his left ear and out with the right ear.

 After sending Chen Qingyuan to the door of the guest room, Song Ningyan turned around and left. This matter has not been completely resolved, and Song Ningyan needs to face her family elders alone.

 The guest rooms are large and the facilities in the house are very complete. The tables, chairs and benches are all made of high-quality spiritual wood.

 Chen Qingyuan admired every corner of the guest room. When he opened the closed window, he could see a crystal clear lake with hundreds of willow trees planted on the shore and many golden carp in the water.

 The scenery is beautiful, like a paradise.

 That day, it was late at night.

 In the inner hall of the Song family, there were more than a dozen people sitting in the room, all of whom were Song Ningyan's immediate family members.

 The person sitting in the first place is not the head of the family, Song Xiufeng, but his father, Song Wenxian.

 Song Wenxian is the last head of the Song family and one of the strongest combatants in the Song family today. He loved Song Ningyan, his granddaughter, so he shamelessly sent Song Ningyan to Daoyi Academy to give Song Ningyan a chance to seek freedom.

 "Dad, things are going to be difficult to handle now, please handle it!"

 Song Xiufeng's tone was a bit accusatory. ъìqυgΕtv.℃ǒΜ

 "Hahaha." Song Wenxian had white hair and many wrinkles on his face. He had kind eyes and a hearty laugh. Song Wenxian already knew what happened in the hall today: "If you are not outside now, then you are not the head of the Song family, but Ning Yan's father. You should be happy for Ning Yan." "That's what I

 said, but This girl Ningyan is too ignorant, alas!"

 Song Xiufeng practiced for thousands of years before he and his wife had Song Ningyan, how could he not love her. However, as the leader of the clan, he must be cruel sometimes and not care about personal relationships.

 "It's all Chen Qingyuan's fault. If it weren't for him, Ningyan would definitely not be able to solve this problem."

 One of Song Ningyan's uncles sighed.

 "Speaking of which, Old Man Yu has lived for so many years and has seen countless geniuses and monsters. He has never thought of accepting a disciple. This time, Old Man Yu accepted Chen Qingyuan as a disciple, which really surprised me."

 Song Wenxian had a crush on Chen Qingyuan . I was very interested and wanted to see it with my own eyes.

 "That kid is just a little fox, very thief."

 Speaking of Chen Qingyuan, Song Xiufeng felt uncomfortable. He has been in charge of the Song family for many years, but this is the first time he has been suppressed by young people.

 "How can a person who is favored by Old Man Yu be ordinary?"

 Song Wenxian said with a smile.


 Song Ningyan was mentally prepared to be scolded, took heavy steps, pushed open the study door, and walked in slowly.

 "Grandpa, father, mother, second uncle..."

 Looking at the people sitting in the room, Song Ningyan saluted and greeted each one.

 "Girl, sit next to grandpa."

 Song Wenxian pointed to an empty seat beside her, specially reserved for Song Ningyan.

 After sitting down, Song Ningyan felt as if she was sitting on pins and needles, not daring to look at her father Song Xiufeng.

 "Grandpa knows your thoughts and doesn't want to become a puppet of the family. Although your father is strict, he treats you very well. He carefully chooses your marriage so that no one will be wronged." "The Misty Holy

 Land of the Human Spirit Star Territory Your eldest grandson Fengye is a famous genius in the world. If you can't even look down on him, no one in the entire Northern Wilderness will be able to take your fancy."

 Song Wenxian said earnestly.

 "I know that my elders are very kind to me, and I also know that as the daughter of the Song family, I should shoulder corresponding responsibilities. If I don't have the ability, even if I am dissatisfied, I will never go against the will of the family. Since I have some talents, I just want to struggle, hoping that grandpa and dad can understand."

 Song Ningyan felt uncomfortable sitting with the elders and stood up.

 "Of course Grandpa understands you, and so do your uncle and aunt. As for your father, he is a stubborn old man and probably doesn't understand what this girl like you is thinking."

 Song Wenxian doted on Song Ningyan and said with a smile.


 Hearing this, everyone's lips twitched.

 Old man, you always say that your son is a stubborn old man. This is so strange!

 Song Xiufeng showed a helpless expression.

 "Dad, please, give your daughter a chance to prove herself!" Song Ningyan walked up to Song Xiufeng and sincerely requested: "If my daughter fails to meet your requirements, she will never dare to rebel again and let dad arrange it. The future life."

 As she spoke, Song Ningyan's eyes turned red with tears in her eyes.

 Seeing his daughter's pitiful appearance, even if Song Xiufeng was stubborn, he couldn't remain indifferent.

 "Forget it, I'll let you work on it for a while!"

 Song Xiufeng's tense heartstrings slowly relaxed, he sighed, and nodded in agreement.

 "Thank you, dad."

 Song Ningyan cried with joy and threw herself directly into Song Xiufeng's arms.

 Here, Song Xiufeng is not the head of the clan, but a father.

 "The tears are all on me, go away."

 Song Xiufeng pushed Song Ningyan away with a look of disgust on his face, his cheeks were slightly red, he coughed softly a few times to cover up his embarrassment, and he chuckled and cursed.

 Song Ningyan followed Chen Qingyuan's instructions and suddenly felt that it was very useful.

 The always stubborn father laughed and did not blame himself for his behavior.

 "Girl, grandpa remembers that you have never acted coquettishly to your father!"

 Looking at this scene, Song Wenxian smelled something else: "Is this the method that boy Chen Qingyuan taught you?"

 In front of a group of elders, Song Ningyan had no ability to lie, so she lowered her head and said, "Yes."

 "I am becoming more and more interested in this boy. Please arrange a time for me to meet him!"

 Song Wenxian turned around and looked. He looked towards Song Xiufeng with great interest.

 Just after saying this, Song Wenxian shook his head: "Forget it, I'd better go over and have a look in person. Your kid's work is a bit unreliable." "

 ..." Song Xiufeng.

 The next day, Chen Qingyuan opened the door early in the morning and admired the flowers, plants and trees in the courtyard, feeling particularly comfortable.

 "Old man, when did you come?"

 As soon as he opened the door, Chen Qingyuan saw an old man in coarse linen clothes, trimming the grass and trees in the yard with a pair of large scissors.

 Chen Qingyuan didn't notice the arrival of this old man at all, and became nervous and alert.