

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 116 Identity token, smooth handling

A palm-sized black token.

 Everyone was stunned for a moment, unable to see what it was for the time being.

 Song Ningyan was the same, with confused eyes.

 However, Song Xiufeng, who was sitting high up, couldn't sit still any longer. He stood up with a "chang" sound, his face suddenly changed, and his pupils shrank.

 Obviously, Song Xiufeng recognized what Chen Qingyuan was holding.

 Zhao Yichuan's identity token represents his own will.

 The most shocking thing is that this token was forged by the dean. It is rumored that it contains a natal attack of the dean, which is of great significance.

 "Zhao Yichuan actually brought this thing over, this..."

 Song Xiufeng was stunned. The look of control he had just now disappeared, and his expression was rich.

 Some well-informed core clan elders seemed to have guessed the origin of this token, their expressions changed dramatically, and a look of horror flashed in their eyes.

 "What's going on, Patriarch? Does this token have an extraordinary origin?"

 Most of the clan elders who didn't know the situation noticed the unusual look on the clan leader Song Xiufeng's face, and secretly communicated through messages, with confused expressions on their faces.

 After a while, Song Xiufeng closed his eyes and suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

 Then, a look of fear flashed across Song Xiufeng's eyes, his eyes focused on Chen Qingyuan, and he muttered: "Chen Shaoxia, do you know what this token means?" "

 Not sure." Chen Qingyuan said truthfully: "Zhao The elder just said a few words. If anyone bullies his apprentice, he will ask me to take out the token. He also said that as long as everyone in the Song family does not become blind, he will definitely be willing to sit down and discuss it. "

 Zhao Yichuan, you are like this This guy really doesn't give me the Song family's face!

 Song Xiufeng took a deep breath and felt a headache.

 Originally, Song Xiufeng planned to resolve the marriage between the two families first, and then go to Daoyi Academy in person to apologize. As the head of the Song family, he made a special trip to apologize and gave Daoyi Academy face, so he would definitely not make the situation serious.

 However, Song Xiufeng never expected that Zhao Yichuan would let Chen Qingyuan bring the identity token that symbolized his own will. ъìqυgΕtv.℃ǒΜHeadache

 , what a headache!

 Song Xiufeng felt that this matter had become particularly difficult to deal with.

 If the Song family allowed Song Ningyan to act recklessly, not only would the Song family's face be damaged, but other young people in the Song family would also follow suit. If this happens, the entire Song family will be in chaos.

 This precedent cannot be set.

 However, if the Song family did not give Zhao Yichuan this face, the situation would become very troublesome.


 Not only was Song Xiufeng irritated by this, but even the old guys who were accustomed to strong winds and waves also had splitting headaches and didn't know what to do.

 Daoyi Academy does not participate in the secular affairs of Beihuang and has a special status. Otherwise, if Zhao Yichuan dotes on Song Ningyan so much, if Song Ningyan does not make mistakes in the future, she will definitely be able to gain a firm foothold in Daoyi Academy, and it is natural not to marry.

 "Elder Zhao gave the token to Chen Shaoxia, so how does Chen Shaoxia plan to deal with the Song family's family affairs?"

 After thinking for a long time, Song Xiufeng pushed the trouble onto Chen Qingyuan. When he said this sentence, he deliberately emphasized the word "family affairs".

 If Chen Qingyuan handles it carelessly, it will give the Song family an excuse to avoid offending Daoyi Academy. In this way, the Song family's face will definitely not be damaged and there will be no need to cause trouble.

 As expected of the head of the family, he took the initiative back into his own hands and let a young boy like Chen Qingyuan take the blame.

 A few old guys glanced at Song Xiufeng, their eyes shining with admiration.

 "Actually, this is not difficult." Although Chen Qingyuan is not as old as any of the old men present, his cunning is no less than that of an old fox.

 "Oh?" Song Xiufeng became interested and wanted to see what words could come out of Chen Qingyuan's mouth: "I would like to hear Chen Shaoxia's words." "The

 marriage between two families is a happy event, and it is best if it can come true. However, whether it succeeds or not, it is a matter of course. , after all, we have to ask the parties involved for their opinions. In a few days, Young Master Changsun from Misty Holy Land will come and let Young Master Changsun and my junior sister get to know each other and spend some time together alone. If both parties can develop feelings for each other, we will both be happy. If there is no fate, don't force it. "

 Chen Qingyuan expressed his opinion.

 Everyone was silent when they heard this.

 From what Chen Qingyuan said, no one in the Song family could find much fault.

 It not only gave the Song family face, but also allowed the two parties involved in the marriage to get along. It all depended on fate. The majesty of Daoyi Academy was not lost, and Song Ningyan was given a certain degree of protection.

 If Song Ningyan and Changsun Fengye see eye to eye, this matter will be beneficial to several forces. If the two of them were not destined to become Taoist couples, the Song family would also have excuses to the outside world and would not lose face.

 "This guy Chen Qingyuan is very capable of doing things!"

 Song Xiufeng narrowed his eyes and said secretly.

 Chen Qingyuan once entered Tianyuan, but it was nothing to the Song family. Everyone has secrets and opportunities of their own. Besides, the Song family has more secrets.

 A few days later, when Chang Sun Fengye arrived, Song Ningyan casually said she didn't like it. In this way, if the Song family still wanted to force Song Ningyan, they would not give the face of Daoyi Academy.

 With this move, Chen Qingyuan put the initiative in Song Ningyan's hands. As for the Song family, if they don't want to offend Daoyi Academy, they can only pray that Song Ningyan and their eldest grandson Fengye will have this fate.

 When Chen Qingyuan first started, he wanted to take the opportunity to please Zhao Yichuan.

 Later, Zhao Yichuan secretly investigated Chen Qingyuan's life, knew Chen Qingyuan very well, and handed over the identity token to Chen Qingyuan with great trust.

 With Chen Qingyuan's ability, he will definitely not suffer any loss and can handle this matter properly.

 If Song Ningyan were allowed to hold the token, she would probably directly ask for her freedom. For the sake of face and clan rules, the Song family had to grit their teeth and refuse even if they knew they would be at odds with Daoyi Academy.

 In any case, the Song family is the head of the ancient clan in the Northern Wilderness, and the issue of face should not be taken lightly.

 "What do the Song family think?"

 Chen Qingyuan asked after noticing that Song Xiufeng had not spoken.

 "According to what Chen Shaoxia said, whether the marriage between two families can succeed depends on the fate between the young people."

 Song Xiufeng never thought that he would be deflated by a young man. This feeling is really uncomfortable, as if it is in the throat. Something is stuck and I can't swallow it or spit it out.

 "Head of the Song family, he understands the righteousness deeply and is admired by the younger generation."

 Chen Qingyuan put away the token and said with cupped fists.

 After looking deeply at Chen Qingyuan, Song Xiufeng walked away.

 A clan elder arranged a guest room for Chen Qingyuan and did not dare to neglect it.

 Under everyone's gaze, Chen Qingyuan exited the main hall and headed to the guest room.

 "My father agreed?"

 Although Song Ningyan didn't know how to deal with the world, she could see that the Song family had compromised and felt like it was a dream.

 "Otherwise?" Chen Qingyuan gave Song Ningyan a look and laughed: "If you don't have absolute strength when you come out to hang out, you have to leave some face for both parties, and you can't make things too tense. Junior Sister Song, if you are not Born in the Song family, with your stubborn character, it is easy to offend others."

 "What about you? Haven't you ever offended anyone in your life?"

 Song Ningyan was grateful to Chen Qingyuan, but she was not very fond of Chen Qingyuan. I liked Chen Qingyuan's preaching, so I commented.