

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

boninggou · Huyền huyễn
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450 Chs

Chapter 106: Goodbye to Bai Xixue, things have changed and people have changed

Bai Xixue suddenly appeared in front of him, which surprised Chen Qingyuan.

 Today, Bai Xixue was wearing a light-colored dress, a crystal necklace, and a flawless jade pendant around her waist. She had a hint of cinnabar between her brows, red lips like fire, and long hair like a waterfall.

 Her gaze remained on Chen Qingyuan, with a different look in her eyes, and her mood was extremely complicated.

 Their eyes met, and time seemed to have stopped at this moment.

 Pictures from the past appeared in front of the two of them involuntarily.

 A gust of breeze came, waking the two of them up.

 "Is something wrong?"

 Chen Qingyuan broke the quiet atmosphere, his voice was calm and there was no emotion.

 Hearing Chen Qingyuan's words again, Bai Xixue was not too happy. Her heart tightened and she muttered: "It's okay, I happened to pass by." "I

 heard that you became the saint of Dongyi Palace. Congratulations."

 Is it really just a coincidence? ?

 The Fuliu Star Territory is so vast, and Bai Xixue appears here, which arouses people's imagination.

 "Thank you." Bai Xixue nodded.

 After saying hello, Chen Qingyuan prepared to bypass Bai Xixue's location and continue moving forward.

 The two of them had made it clear back then that everything in the past had disappeared like smoke and they owed nothing to each other.

 Seeing Chen Qingyuan who was about to disappear from her eyes, Bai Xixue felt some uncontrollable inner emotions and called out loudly: "Brother Qingyuan."

 After hearing this, she stopped.

 Chen Qingyuan turned his back to Bai Xixue and his body trembled slightly.

 Then, Chen Qingyuan slowly turned around with an indifferent expression: "Miss Bai, don't forget that the cause and effect between you and me has been severed. The name you just called me seems inappropriate!"

 A stinging pain filled his heart.

 Bai Xixue's soul seemed to be suffocated, her pupils changed, and her expression became slightly uncomfortable. She actually knew very well that she was the one who was wrong from beginning to end, and it was impossible to go back to the past.

 However, at that moment, she really couldn't help it, and then she called out the past title.

 After a while, Bai Xixue suppressed the emotions deep in her heart and bowed apologetically: "Sorry, I overstepped."


 Chen Qingyuan didn't want to get too entangled with Bai Xixue, so she turned and left.

 After Chen Qingyuan left, Bai Xixue couldn't control it anymore, and two lines of tears fell from her eyes.

 If possible, Bai Xixue hopes to go back to the past years.

 Everything she has now was given by Chen Qingyuan. That year, Chen Qingyuan had already told her that there would be many crises in Tianyuan. But she made a promise that she would wait for Chen Qingyuan no matter how many years passed.

 However, in just a hundred years, she forgot her promise and planned to become a Taoist couple with Qin Yutang, the young master of the Tianyu Sect.

 How ridiculous!

 For a monk, a hundred years is really not a long time. It may take hundreds or even thousands of years for some great powers to retreat once.

 Is it really because his teacher Yao Susu sealed Bai Xixue's memory that Bai Xixue was so ruthless?

 This is absolutely not the case.

 If Yao Susu could cut off a person's feelings, he wouldn't be just an elder. What she did was just to ease Bai Xixue's mood a little.

 Things have developed to the point where they are today. In the final analysis, it is still Bai Xixue herself.

 She thought that Chen Qingyuan was dead and would not come back, so of course she wanted to think about her future. The young master of Tianyu Sect is obviously a good choice.

 At that time, the marriage between Dongyi Palace and Tianyu Sect had not yet begun. After Chen Qingyuan came back, Bai Xixue had every chance to change it.

 However, Bai Xixue didn't and didn't want to meet Chen Qingyuan.

 Due to Chen Qingyuan's tough attitude, Bai Xixue had to go to Xuan Qing Sect to resolve the cause and effect.

 At the beginning, Bai Xixue still felt guilty. However, when she confirmed that Chen Qingyuan had become a disabled person, her eyes slowly changed from guilt to indifference.

 "You deserve it."

 Looking at the direction Chen Qingyuan left, Bai Xixue laughed at herself, tears falling to the corners of her mouth.

 A hint of salty taste reaches the tip of the tongue.

 Slowly, the taste becomes very bitter.

 It's not the tears that are bitter, it's her heart.

 It wasn't until Bai Xixue stepped into Yanxue City and experienced many hardships that she truly understood how good Chen Qingyuan was to her in the past.

 Unfortunately, everything is a foregone conclusion.

 Bai Xixue knew that even if she bowed her head, she could not go back to the past. Likewise, she couldn't forgive herself, she just wanted to take a look at Chen Qingyuan from a distance, nothing more.

 She used to be a really ruthless person.

 The matter has come to this, and even if we repent now, it is of no use.

 "I'm sorry."

 Bai Xixue's mood slowly returned to stability, she wiped away the tears on her cheeks and her eyes were slightly red. In this life, she has only one goal left, chasing Chen Qingyuan.

 I don't want to be able to renew my relationship with Chen Qingyuan, I just want to be able to see his back.

 Whoosh -

 Bai Xixue turned into a stream of light and returned to Dongyi Palace. I am very satisfied to be able to see Chen Qingyuan up close today.

 She was originally an ordinary practitioner, but she met Chen Qingyuan by fate, and was forcibly improved by Chen Qingyuan.

 Nowadays, Bai Xixue can be called a genius, but she is still not as good as Chen Qingyuan.

 Bai Xixue needs to make unimaginable efforts to catch up with Chen Qingyuan's back.

 "It has nothing to do with me."

 Chen Qingyuan frowned when he thought of Bai Xixue's expression just now.

 Although the two only communicated briefly, Chen Qingyuan could feel the changes in Bai Xixue. However, that has nothing to do with him.

 Before leaving Fuliu Star Territory, Chen Qingyuan had to go somewhere.

 An extremely remote corner, Mingyue City.

 The people who live here are basically mortals, their spiritual energy is thin, and monks are rarely seen.

 At the end of a certain street in the city, there is a house that has passed through the years.


 Chen Qingyuan looked at the door open, slightly surprised.

 After hesitating for a moment, Chen Qingyuan walked in.

 The person who lives here is the Chang Geng Sword Immortal who was famous all over the world in the past. His name is Li Muyang.

 When Chen Qingyuan first stepped into Mingyue City, Li Muyang noticed it, opened the door and waited quietly.


 Seeing Li Muyang chopping wood in the woodshed, Chen Qingyuan stepped forward and saluted.

 "Sit down!"

 Li Muyang pointed to a wooden stool next to him and said.


 There were some sawdust on the stool. Chen Qingyuan blew lightly and sat down slowly.

 "Why is Mr. Chen here free?"

 Li Muyang asked while chopping firewood.

 "Not long ago, I went to Dongtu and brought some bottles of good wine to my senior."

 As he said that, Chen Qingyuan placed the wine on the table.

 "Thank you, young master."

 Li Muyang looked up at the wine on the table, with a light smile and a gentle smile.

 "Senior, you're welcome." Chen Qingyuan sat upright.

 "Eastland is the territory of Buddhism. Buddhism is not making things difficult for you, right!"

 Li Muyang quickly finished his work, sat opposite Chen Qingyuan, opened a bottle of wine, and took a few sips.