

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 102 Meeting Murong Wenxi again and paying back the money

Chen Qingyuan and Black Python chatted for a long time, laughing happily.

 No matter how happy the time is, it will always be in the past.

 "Brother Hei, I'll come see you next time."

 It's time for Chen Qingyuan to leave and he has to go home.

 "Okay, be careful on the way back." Black Python already knew that Chen Qingyuan was going to Fuliu Star Territory, and said with concern: "If you run into trouble, your life is the most important thing. After I come out of seclusion, brother, I will beat up all the guys who bully you. A meal."


 This is a genuine Mahayana Demon King. Of course Chen Qingyuan will not refuse and said with joy and gratitude.

 Looking at the entire Fuliu Star Territory, and even many surrounding territories, none of them have been able to cultivate a single Mahayana monk. Only in the core area of ​​the Northern Wasteland would top powers occasionally appear.

 After leaving Daoyi Academy, Chen Qingyuan stood in a void somewhere called Wangxu Starfield.

 The small world of Daoyi Academy is built in Wangxu Star Territory. This star territory is very remote, which is in line with the low profile of the academy. It is extremely far away from the core area of ​​​​Beihuang.

 The direction determined by Chen Qingyuan was towards the Fuliu Star Region.

 When passing through various places, Chen Qingyuan paid the corresponding spirit stones to catch the large teleportation array connecting each star field. Although the price is very expensive, it is safe and convenient and saves a lot of time.

 "It seems that I will be able to go home soon in the Beicang Star Territory."

 After more than ten days of traveling, Chen Qingyuan arrived at the Beicang Star Territory and missed his home very much.

 "You're already here, why don't you go find Wu Junyan?"

 Back then, Chen Qingyuan and Wu Junyan were supposed to have a fight, but it had to be postponed because of matters at Daoyi Academy.

 To be honest, Chen Qingyuan felt somewhat guilty for disappointing Wu Junyan again and again.

 Wu Junyan is the number one genius in the Beicang Star Territory and one of the ten heroes in the Northern Wilderness. His name has spread to many top forces in the Northern Wilderness, and his influence is not small.

 After thinking for a while, Chen Qingyuan decided to go to Wu's house to settle the unfinished date.

 The Wu family is still very famous in the Beicang Star Territory, and Chen Qingyuan found out after a little inquiry.

 Arriving at the gate of Wu's house, it was heavily guarded and solemn.

 "Xuanqingzong Chen Qingyuan came here to pay a special visit to the Wu family."

 Chen Qingyuan reported his origin.

 "Wait a moment."

 The guard at the door looked shocked when he learned that it was Chen Qingyuan. After regaining consciousness, he hurried to the inner hall to report.

 After a while, a middle-aged man in luxurious clothes walked out quickly. He was the housekeeper of the Wu family.

 "I've met Mr. Chen."

 Butler Wu knew Chen Qingyuan was right the first time he saw him, and he bowed his hands in salute.

 Chen Qingyuan smiled in return.

 "Please come in."

 Butler Wu extended his hand to salute, with a slight smile on his lips.

 When they arrived at the reception hall, the head of the Wu family personally came to entertain him and prepared good tea and wine for Chen Qingyuan to enjoy.

 "Why did Mr. Chen come to my Wu family?"

 The head of the Wu family, Wu Junyan's biological father, asked.

 "I haven't seen Wu Junyan yet. Is he not in the house?"

 Chen Qingyuan explained his purpose.

 "Jun Yan left home five years ago. It is said that he went to the three-core star field. The specific circumstances are unknown."

 Speaking of Wu Junyan, Wu's father was both proud and depressed.

 This kid only knows how to practice and doesn't even have a Taoist companion. He's so worried.

 Moreover, Wu Junyan has a withdrawn personality. Even Wu's father can rarely talk to him and he doesn't know what to do.

 "Went to the three-core star field."

 Chen Qingyuan frowned and thought for a long time.

 Then, Chen Qingyuan bowed to Father Wu: "In that case, I will say goodbye, junior."

 "Let's have a cup of tea before we go!"

 Father Wu was quite polite to Chen Qingyuan. After all, Chen Qingyuan had a good background and was very capable. powerful.

 "No, thank you."

 After saying thanks, Chen Qingyuan turned and left.

 Wu's father kept staring at Chen Qingyuan's back and murmured: "The aura of golden elixir and the richness of Qi and blood. Even if this son starts practicing again, he will still be the top genius in the world." After leaving the

 Wu family, Chen Qingyuan found a place to stay and planned to Take a day off and start your journey again tomorrow morning.

 Inside the house, Chen Qingyuan looked out the window and said to himself: "Old Wu, it's not that I don't want to fight you, it's just that I missed it again."

 The Tianhe Star Territory, the Earth Star Territory, and the Human Spirit Star Territory are called It is a three-core star field.

 The core area of ​​Northern Wasteland.

 Wu Junyan went to the central area of ​​Hebeihuang, definitely looking for a stronger opponent. People like him can't stay where they are.

 Except for Chen Qingyuan, the weakest among the ten heroes of Beihuang are all Nascent Soul stage monks.

 After all these years, some people may have broken through to the state of transformation into gods.

 The next day, Chen Qingyuan was ready to set off.

 There were several people standing at the door, none of them dressed like ordinary people.

 "Who are you?"

 Chen Qingyuan frowned slightly and asked.

 At this time, a woman came from behind, and everyone retreated to both sides.

 Murong Wenxi was wearing a light white dress, her eyes were as blue as gemstones, and her skin was so fair that it could be broken by a blow.

 "Miss Murong, why are you here?"

 Seeing the person coming, Chen Qingyuan's doubts disappeared and she asked in surprise.

 "This is the Beicang Star Territory. Is there anything that I don't know about?"

 The Murong family is an ancient clan in the Beicang Star Territory. They have a profound background and a complex intelligence network.

 News that Chen Qingyuan visited the Wu family and stayed one night in a nearby city soon reached the Murong family.

 "I mean, is Miss Murong here to see me? Is there anything wrong?"

 Looking at the beautifully dressed Murong Wenxi in front of him, Chen Qingyuan's heart did not waver, while the young men around him were mesmerized.

 "Repay your money."

 Murong Wenxi had already thought of an excuse, turned over his hands, took out a simple Qiankun bag, and threw it to Chen Qingyuan, who was less than five meters in front of him.

 Chen Qingyuan took the Qiankun bag and looked into it with his spiritual thoughts. There were only a thousand middle-grade spiritual stones in it.

 When the two of them entered the Death Realm together, Chen Qingyuan lent Murong Wenxi a thousand spiritual stones and established a written agreement, requiring him to return the three thousand with interest.

 At that time, Murong Wenxi felt that Chen Qingyuan was all about money.

 "Why is it only this little? Where was the agreed three thousand?"

 Chen Qingyuan raised his head, glanced at Murong Wenxi, and asked.

 "I've been short of money lately, so I'll pay you back this much first, and I'll make up for it next time we meet."

 Murong Wenxi said with a smile.

 "..." Chen Qingyuan opened his mouth and thought: "You are the legitimate daughter of the Murong family, how can you be so poor?" "

 Alas! The family can hardly open the pot."

 Murong Wenxi sighed softly, Looks very miserable.

 The guards and servants standing aside said: Miss, the Murong family is not that poor!

 How could Chen Qingyuan not see Murong Wenxi's little thoughts? After putting away the spirit stone, he gritted his teeth and made a bloody decision: "Forget it, just because we got to know each other, we can just pay back the capital. From now on. , we owe each other nothing."

 "That's not okay!"

 Upon hearing this, Murong Wenxi immediately became anxious.