

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

boninggou · Huyền huyễn
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450 Chs

Chapter 101 Brother, will you lie to me?

Daoyi Academy, Baiyan Palace.

 As soon as Chen Qingyuan's front foot came back, his back foot was brought here by an irresistible force.

 "You brat, is everything going well?"

 The person who took action was naturally Master Yu Chenran.

 By the lake, Yu Chenran sat cross-legged on the water and fished, while Chen Qingyuan also stepped on the water and saluted: "It went relatively smoothly." "

 That's good."

 After learning that Dongtu Buddhism decided to get involved with Chen Qingyuan, Yu Chenran I feel very comfortable.

 In this way, if Chen Qingyuan's identity is exposed in the future, Buddhism will definitely help, and the security issue will be further improved.

 "By the way, there is something I want Master to help me with my eyes."

 As he said that, Chen Qingyuan took out the Buddhist bead and handed it to Yu Chenran's eyes.

 When Yu Chenran saw the beads, his eyelids suddenly trembled, and his hands couldn't help but tremble.

 "The fish that was just hooked ran away."

 The mood fluctuated, causing the fish that bit the hook to slip away.

 Yu Chenran kept his eyes fixed on the beads and asked very seriously: "Is this something given to you by Tianxu Temple? Is it a gift or a loan?"

 "Give it." Chen Qingyuan noticed something was wrong with Yu Chenran's face and was suspicious. He asked loudly: "Master, is this Buddhist bead very precious?"

 "It's... not bad!" Yu Chenran held it in for a long time, stabilized his mentality, and said slowly: "Since it is Tianxu Temple If it's given to you, then keep it. Don't show it unless you have to."

 "Yes." Chen Qingyuan took the beads into his body and continued to ask: "Master, you haven't said what this beads are yet?"

 "Shang Ren Tian The relic of the abbot of Xu Temple is the only one in the world."

 Yu Chenran took a breath and said in a deep voice.


 Hearing this, Chen Qingyuan was frightened and exclaimed.

 The relics of the previous abbot contain the Buddhist teachings of a lifetime, and their preciousness cannot be measured by worldly things.

 In the past, this relic was placed under the Buddha tripod to stabilize the formation and seal the devil.

 Now that the demon in the Buddha tripod has been completely eliminated, the old monk decided to give this relic to Chen Qingyuan to protect Chen Qingyuan and forge a good relationship.

 "This... this thing is precious!"

 Although Chen Qingyuan's vision is far less than that of the powerful people in this world, he still knows very well what the Buddhist leader's relics mean.

 "Master, why don't we go back!"

 Chen Qingyuan is usually greedy for money. He earns it by relying on his own ability without any pressure. However, this Buddhist bead brought huge psychological pressure to Chen Qingyuan.

 A hot potato!

 Chen Qingyuan was worried that there was some conspiracy in this, otherwise why would such a precious thing be given to him? Is this a Buddhist strategy? Do you really want me to become a disciple of Buddhism?

 no! Absolutely not!

 It is impossible to be a monk in this life.

 "What else? This is a rare treasure of the Supreme Dao in the world, keep it."

 Yu Chenran said with firm eyes.

 "Master, why don't I put this Buddhist bead with you?"

 Chen Qingyuan thought about it in his mind and gave the beads to the master. If Buddhism comes to visit him, the master will take care of everything.

 "I don't have this blessing." Yu Chenran was envious, but shook his head and said.

 "You don't have it, so do I?"

 Chen Qingyuan said with a bitter smile.

 "You do." Yu Chenran nodded seriously.

 Seeing this, Chen Qingyuan was stunned and didn't know what to say.

 In order to make Chen Qingyuan give up the idea of ​​returning it, Yu Chenran said again: "Silly boy, Buddhism gave you the Jidao beads. It is your creation and the creation of Buddhism. If you return it, you will offend Buddhism."

 " Huh?"

 Chen Qingyuan looked confused.

 "If you can't figure it out, don't think about it. You will understand it naturally later. Anyway, you only need to remember one thing. The beads should be kept on your body and should not be exposed easily."

 Foolish people are blessed!

 Asking himself, Yu Chenran is very envious of his disciple's blessings. Not to mention the best in the world, at least there are few who can match him.

 "Disciple, please remember."

 Even if Chen Qingyuan was confused, he stopped asking.

 Perhaps, you really only have to wait until you reach a certain height to be qualified to figure it all out.

 "Go and rest!"

 Yu Chenran's words were slightly low.


 Chen Qingyuan left.

 Chenran was the only person left in Baiyan Palace.

 After fishing for a long time, Yu Chenran found that none of them took the bait, which meant that he still couldn't calm down.

 "The old monk is really making a big deal!" Yu Chenran's mind was filled with that Buddhist bead, and he sighed: "This is to tie Buddhism and Qingzong together!"

 When one is prosperous, both are prosperous; when one is lost, both are harmed.

 Of course, Buddhism also has selfish motives, and most likely wants to take this opportunity to occupy a position in the imperial state. After all, although Buddhism has great influence in the East, it is not that important in other territories.

 The Buddhist beads transformed from the relics of the previous abbot are enough to train a top Buddhist master, and they also have many wonderful uses.

 In Yunxiju, Chen Qingyuan rested for a few days after returning and planned to go back to Xuanqing Sect for a visit.

 Counting the time, it has been fifteen years since I left home.

 Arriving at Baiyan Palace again, Chen Qingyuan expressed his thoughts: "Master, I want to go back to Xuanqing Sect, is it okay?" "

 According to the rules of the academy, you can't go back now. However, as a master, I am the vice-president. , I can make an exception for you."

 Yu Chenran raised his eyebrows.

 "Thank you, Master."

 When he heard the previous sentence, Chen Qingyuan's heart tightened, thinking that it would be difficult to go home. I felt happy when I heard that I could go back.

 "Just come back early."

 Yu Chenran smiled.

 "Master, I want to go see the dean's pet, can you?"

 This time when he returned from Dongtu, Chen Qingyuan brought a lot of local delicacies, which are rare in Beihuang.

 "It's not difficult. You can enter with this talisman."

 Yu Chenran flipped his palm and handed a palm-sized talisman to Chen Qingyuan.

 "Master is so kind. If you are in poor health in the future, I will definitely take good care of you."

 Chen Qingyuan said.


 Upon hearing this, Yu Chenran kicked Chen Qingyuan directly to the closed space.

 With the help of the power of the talisman, Chen Qingyuan opened the barrier on the road and entered the mysterious space.

 An endless plain with billowing clouds and mist above.

 "Brother Hei, I brought you delicious food."

 Chen Qingyuan shouted towards the front.

 After a while, the dozing black python poked its head out of the clouds, with a joyful look in its eyes: "Brother!" As

 the scene turned, Chen Qingyuan took out all the delicacies and piled them into a hill.

 The black python looked at the delicacies he had never seen before, and was very grateful to Chen Qingyuan. His feelings rose slowly: "Brother, you are so good to me." "

 It's nothing, it should be."

 Chen Qingyuan didn't have any small thoughts. I really want to get some good food for the black python, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered to bring it from Dongtu. After all, the black python has been locked in this mysterious space for many years, which is somewhat pitiful.

 "By the way, Zhao Yichuan came here not long ago and said bad things about you."

 The black python was lying on the ground eating delicious food.

 "What did you say?"

 Chen Qingyuan's eyes were a bit suspicious.

 "He said that you have matured into a mature person, so he told me not to be deceived by your appearance." The black python circulated his spiritual energy, put the food suspended in the air on the ground, and asked seriously: "Brother, will you lie to me? "

 Of course not. We are brothers and we are brothers. Elder Zhao must be jealous of our relationship, so he said bad things about me."

 Chen Qingyuan said, patting his chest.

 "It makes sense." The black python nodded, then thought about it and blinked: "But, I am a python, I don't seem to have any limbs." "

 ..." Chen Qingyuan.