

A powerful and manipulative man was reborn in aot as Eren I don’t own this shoutout to Some Randy for making this check him out on fanfiction.com If you don’t like this than please shut the f up and leave I just want people to experience this novel

S1eepless · Tranh châm biếm
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Chapter 3

Eren swung the plow down with force as he began to toil the soil in a new patch. Mikasa and Armin close behind him doing similar work.

A while had passed since the day the Titans invaded wall Maria. Eren stopped in his work as he wiped sweat from his brow, recalling the consequences that befell humanity since they lost a third of their land.

Wall Rose had to take an influx of refugees, and soon a food shortage broke out. The royal government came up with a plan to alleviate the food crises. Sending out twenty percent of the human population, they told them to reclaim Wall Maria.

Most of them didn't even have vertical maneuvering gear.

They mainly drafted the refuges as the core of the army that would be sent.

When the time came, they were sent off as heroes. However, everyone knew that those heroes would meet a tragic end. It was already set in stone. Told to reclaim the wall, they knew they were just sent to relieve the stress on the current situation.

Eren scoffed as he picked up his plow and began working again.

Over 250,000 people were sent and only 200 returned. It was most likely a bloodbath, but Eren couldn't help but feel like those lives could have been used more effectively.

Only a few soldiers who actually receive training went on the mission, and they were most likely with the 200 that had returned.

If they had used the 250,000 people as a meat shield while they brought supplies to repair the wall, they could have very likely actually claimed it. But of course, the government didn't have the reclaiming of Wall Maria in mind, rather, they just thought of the shortest way to decrease the mouths to feed.

If Eren was in charge, he could have reclaimed the wall with only 100,000 people.

Eren gave a sigh as he glanced at Armin. Recalling how his grandfather had left the boy because he was drafted for the expedition. It hit home for the boy. His grandfather was very important to him. After his parents had died in an accident, the old man was all Armin had left.

Eren suspected that the eldest Arlet wasn't the first to be killed by the government.

Eren had heard Armin speak of his parents, how they wished to see the outside world. They even planned to. However, they died before they could. A wagon accident.

It could be considered naive to believe that, but would anyone suspect any different? The government was there to protect them, why would they kill people who wished to be free from the walls?

The ringing of a bell interrupted Eren's thoughts of government conspiracies. The noise signaled that it was lunch, telling them to get in line for their measly scraps of food.

"Only a year left." Waiting in line, Armin tried to make some small talk.

"Yeah." Eren spoke up. "Are you sure you guys wish to join the training corps?"

Two heads gave nods.

Eren scratched the back of his head as he pondered over the two children before him.

Armin. He was smart intellectually, he would make a great piece for the battlefield. However, he lacked self-confidence and strength. Eren hoped he would join the Garrison, seeing as he had few connections in that particular regiment.

Mikasa. Battle amazon would best describe her. She seemed to possess an unreal strength. He had wanted to test her DNA to see if there were any abnormalities, but with the current technology, it was impossible. She kept her emotions under a stern mask, only dropping it in the current company. She would no doubt become a great Titan slayer, but Eren hoped her skill would land her in the top 10, allowing her to join the MPs.

While he did have more connections in that branch than any other, it would still be beneficial to have such a skilled warrior close to the capital. If things broke out, she could be a heavy asset in turning the tides of battles.

But… Eren feared they both be joining the Scouts. The reason is only that he was joining. He couldn't fault them, but he felt like they wouldn't really be needed.

Because for the plans Eren has, the vertical maneuvering gear would become obsolete for Titans.

While he couldn't deny their combat efficiency in design, the fact still remained it was utter stupidity to face off a being that had no intelligence head on. They could not fear and they relied purely on instinct.

Airships and tanks would be the proper armaments to use. Airships could bombard the Titans without even getting close. No lives would be lost. Tanks could be used for when the vegetation is to thick for the airships to bombard the Titans.

The future that Eren envisioned would be one where humans wouldn't have to face Titans head on. In the process of using more efficient technology, it would prepare them for war against other humans. Specifically the ones outside the walls.

Eren just had a hunch they existed. Even more so after his father…

"Eren! You have to retake Maria and go to our basement!"

"You won't remember this, so it is no use explaining it."

"Just remember, take the key and get to our basement!"

"Save the people of the walls!"

His father was foolish. Perhaps if he was a traumatized nine-year-old then he would have forgotten such events. But for a man who has already lived a hard life? Although some details are fuzzy, he remembers the exchange well.

He had turned into a Titan, ate his father, and became a human again.

He didn't know how it happened, well a syringe was ejected into him, but he didn't understand the science of it.

It was a new world with genitalless monsters who eat humans walking around, should such a revelation come as a surprise?

At first Eren thought that he had gained abilities to transform into a Titan. If that were true then it would explain how the Colossal Titan and Armored Titan pierced the wall. They were humans that could transform into Titans at a whim.

However, Eren couldn't transform. He tried all the "power-up" cliches he knew. Even going as far as resorting to Kamehameha.

He will admit that the last one was childish, but he really didn't know how the newfound powers worked…

Well, it didn't matter. He was sure that he would learn how they functioned as time went on.

Lunch ended and they were soon back at work. The day rolled by and the sun started to set. The refugees began to filter out of the field as they headed to the shacks where they would rest until they awoke to repeat the process.

However, in the middle of the night, a boy slipped out from one of the makeshift shacks. Being careful not to wake up anyone, he began his path towards the woods.

Bringing his hands near his mouth, he gave heated breaths to ward off the cold that chilled him as he took a walk on the beaten road of the forest.

"You know, it would be more beneficial if you came to work with me." A voice broke the silence.

"Rommel." Eren turned into the direction of the sound, noticing the young blond emerge from behind a tree. "And…?"

Eren trailed off as he noticed the second silhouette behind Rommel. A large, burly man with red hair and green eyes. He was tall with trunk like arms.

"Scott." The man gave his name. "I'm the second in command that Rommel told you about… Although, I suppose I am actually third if we count you."

Eren gave a nod, recalling the mentions of Scott within Rommel's reports.

"I'm surprised." Eren said. "You don't seem that much shock that a child runs this whole operation."

The man gave a low chuckle.

"Yeah, well, nothing really surprises me anymore. Had to wrestle a three-meter Titan when the walls fell. Only was able to get away when I threw it into a well."

Eren gave a low whistle. Rommel had already done background checks on the man. He had been tested with Eren's own challenges, seeing if he really could keep the secret of what they were truly planning.

"It is truly beneficial to have another person on the know-how on what we truly want. The scientist and inventors, as well as the soldiers, only believe that we are making weapons to better our chances at surviving the Titans. While that is true, it is not the intended purpose. Although, I am sure they will stand behind us once we give the plethora of evidence we have gathered against the crown."

"Amen." The man said as he gave a little fist pump into the air while still keeping his stoic expression. "So, what do you need me for?"

"While we have some people in our little circle of the knowledge we plan to do, they are few and far between. Actually, I am pretty sure they are all in the Military Police, in key positions for when the time comes." Rommel spoke up.

"Yes, while we have those people, I would like something more." Eren picked up where Rommel left off. "I want a special ops group that knows of what we plan to do, and has the training to execute it."

"And you want me to lead it?" Scott said as he rose an eyebrow.

"I want you to find and investigate people who have the capabilities to fight for our cause as well as a similar mindset to us."

"So, people who want change?"

"A watered down version. I trust Rommel's judgment in you. I suspect you won't let me down."

"It'll be easy." The man gave a smirk. "I already know where to start. The slums and the underground cities. People who are treated like trash. They have a hatred for the government that leaves them to rot in those oversize tombs. I have no doubt I can convince them to fight for us."

"Excellent." Eren gave a slight smile. "I want a group by the end of the month. They will go through rigorous training to prep them for what I have planned."

"That being?" This time Rommel spoke up.

"Remember those reports on that one city? The Industrial city, I believe? I want an in to it. Since the government is desperately trying to keep the city a secret, I believe that all the weapons, as well as the material, are made there. If we can get into it, we may not have to rely on backdoor methods of retrieving our resources."

Rommel gave a nod as he thought about the scenario.

"It would certainly help. Buying resources from the black market wouldn't look good on the Rommel name if it came to light. Then again, overthrowing the government wouldn't either…"

"Yes, the benefits of having the Industrial city will be huge." Eren added

"Wait, having?" Scott spoke up with a raised eyebrow. "As in obtain? You wish to occupy this city?"


"How?" Scott gave a questionable look. "From what I understand, this city is secret to all. The government would have a tight leash on it. I thought you weren't planning a coup till later, invading this city would negate that statement."

"Who said we were going to invade it?" Eren gave a slight smirk. "No, what I plan is more of a… usurp, if you will."

"...How is that any different?"

"What I mean is that our elite squad will eliminate MPs who are in high positions within the city. With a little bit of… persuasion, we will have our men who have joined the MPs reclaim the vacant spots."

Scott gave a frown as he put a hand to his chin, thinking over the things that Eren had just stated.

"Rommel was right." Scott finally said. "You really are a demon."

"Ouch, do you really feel that way, Rommel?" Eren gave a narrowed look at Rommel.

"Hey hey." Rommel waved his hands in a non-threatening manner. "I didn't mean anything bad by it."

"Heh," Eren gave a slight chuckle. "No, perhaps you're right. Although, I wouldn't go as far as to call myself a demon. No, perhaps it would be best to call me…

"The Führer."

Rommel rested his arms on the rails that were placed around the platform. The platform itself overlooked a wide area. Inside this area were people walking about in a very busy like manner. Some ran in between little stations with papers, others were testing new ideas and machines, and even a few were drawing up new plans on how to further use the gas that was designed for the vertical maneuver gear.

It was a small but complex operation. These were the scientist and engineers who were creating what they knew to be illegal equipment. All of them were told that this would be used to defeat the Titans, however, a small part of them figured that was not all.

They knew that the Royal government, in some way, was limiting technology. They knew that if they wanted to use the equipment, something inside the walls would need to change.

They knew that what they were doing would lead to revolution. No one spoke of it out loud, but it was a general consensus that a rebellion would be the result if they wish to achieve what they strived for.

Despite knowing this, they continued to work. Believe that Rommel knew best and would bring about an era where there would be no limitations for the human mind as well as a world free from the Titan menace.

Rommel couldn't help but smile. It was all thanks to Eren that this was all possible.

Finding the people, testing them to see if they were worthy in a sense, and finally keeping the operations running. None of this would have been possible without Eren.

The Führer.

That is what Eren had called himself. Despite the foreign sound, it had a nice ring to it, sliding off the tongue like he was meant to say.

Meant to say it when describing Eren.

The Führer.

When asked to elaborate on it, Eren surprised them both by saying it was a whole different language.

The Leader.

Rommel felt that the name held more meaning rather than the literate translation. He couldn't help but call Eren that. When asked to describe Eren, he would most likely say The Führer. Even if the words fly over the person's head, those words are the only way he knows how to describe Eren.

Rommel supposed that they would just have to see him in action to truly understand what those words meant.

"It has a nice ring." Rommel spoke out his thoughts. "The Führer."

Scott, who was currently behind him, gave a low grunt in agreement.

"It appears to me that you were right on the mark about that boy. He's scary."

"Yeah." Rommel couldn't help but agree. "If you thought he was scary now, you should have seen him when he was at the estate when it was attacked."

"Ah." Scott thought back on the story. "If I remember correctly, the papers said it was you who defeated the assassins. I suppose it is safe to assume it was Eren?"

"The Führer." Rommel correct. "I feel like we should refer to him as The Führer."

Scott gave a sideways glance to Rommel. Giving a deep sigh, he shrugged his shoulders.

"Works for me. I need an alias for him anyway when we start recruiting this so-called elite squad." Turning around, he rested his elbows on the railings just like Rommel, except he was facing the back. "I guess I should stop procrastination and start head out on finding members who are sympathetic with our cause."

It had been a few days since Eren had given them a plan on what they were going to do with the Industrial city.

They needed more information, like whos and locations, but it all essentially boiled down to one thing. Take out the leading MP and have one of their guys take his place.

It would take precision planning and god-like foresight, but Rommel and Scott knew that it would be no challenge for The Führer.

Despite saying he had been procrastinating, Scott had actually been doing the opposite. Checking up on old friends and favors, he was doing research of the current underground cities.

"Didn't you say there was one individual who stood out among all the groups of the underground slums?" Rommel asked as he continued to look down at the men and women walk about.

"Yeah. He was said to be skilled with the vertical maneuvering gear, obtaining it through illegal means, he strikes targets for money and food. I believe he also had two lackeys with him that were not quite as equal to him but still close. However…" Scott trailed off.

"What is it?" Rommel prompted him to finish.

"Some sources say that the Scouts may try and recruit him. It might be too late for him to join us if he is with the Scouts…"

"I don't think that is quite a bad thing." Rommel said. "If anything, the Scouts may come to by our allies in the future. So it's not like we are missing a prime opportunity, it will just come later rather than sooner."

"Yeah." Scott placed a hand on his neck as he popped a few joints to loosen it up. "Well, I better get going. The Führer had put a lot of faith in me and since this is technically my first mission, I don't want to disappoint."

"Good luck." Rommel gave a slight wave to the retreating form. Giving a large yawn as he stretched his arms upward, he decided to turn in for the night. Looking down below, he noticed that many of the people were still working. Giving a slight chuckle at the researchers' enthusiasm, he turned to leave through the same door Scott did.

Eren stared at the star-filled night. He had just received a report regarding Scott's endeavor on acquiring members for the elite squad. Apparently, he was doing quite well. With only a week to go, Eren would have his special ops squad.

He will admit, it was somewhat of a surprise when he had heard that Scott was doing so well. He had given the man a month to put together this group, however, he suspected it would take longer. He had just wanted the man motivated, but he went beyond all expectations.

Eren gave a muffled yawn. He hadn't been sleeping well. The time committed to the operations has been affecting him more than he would have liked. He was barely able to keep up a facade in order for Mikasa and Armin to not realize his nightly ventures.

He hadn't been idle either. He had been working nonstop to acquire more information regarding the Industrial City. It was a walled city with a moat surrounding it. It had only one bridge as the entrance both in and out, leaving it a very desirable fortress. He had heard rumors that there was some sort of rebellion and a battle took place there.

He heard it from some passing MPs, something along the lines of "No action since those dissents a long time ago".

Eren didn't know the exact details, but it was of little concern. It was not like he was trying to invade the place. He was only usurping power from the inside. Speaking of which, he should begin preparations for when one of his men would take control.

He had three options to choose from. However, he was leaning toward one person in particular.

She was a harsh woman who earned the ire of many MPs simply because she wants to get work done. In a sense, she had a corrupt mindset of justice. She believes that corruption is like a weed. Pull it from the roots and burn it in a fire.

She doesn't take many prisoners when it comes to a fight.

It would be a lie if Eren said he wasn't interested in her. Her mindset and views of the world were quite interesting to him. It didn't take long, but she passed his test and she came into the know-how on what they were planning to do.

She agreed right away.

"Evidence? Why the hell would you need to give me evidence?" She said when Eren had questioned why she had accepted so easily without looking at any evidenced. "I know perfectly well how corrupt this world is. I couldn't change it on my own… Well, I am fine with being used as a tool. As long as you don't stray from the path of justice, I will fight for you."

Eren couldn't help but give an amused chuckle. Definitely an interesting person. She'll be perfect for the role he had planned for her.

The man could not be older than twenty.

He had grown up in a tough situation. He wasn't privileged or blessed. He could be considered the scum of the world. He had killed for petty reasons and done atrocious acts just to survive. Somehow, someway he knew his actions would catch up to him.

His karma, the retribution that came in this form of a large giant.

He laid on the ground, battered and bruised, as he stared up at the large behemoth. The burly man took one step forward, causing the sprawled out man to flinch.

"Y'know." The large man spoke. "If you wanted to kill someone, you should be prepared to die yourself, Jeremiah."

Jeremiah gave a low gulp as the man spoke his name. He had heard that a person from the above ground had been poking around in these areas. He had also heard that a few people have been disappearing.

When one lived in the underground cities, news tended to be dull. Everyone knew each other, even if they didn't know the exact name. They were all unfortunate souls. In some cruel and twisted way, they were family.

Jeremiah had a strong sense of family. With a little brother to care for in this hell hole, he knew that that was the only saving grace he had.

So when an unknown man comes down here and people start disappearing it can be anything but a coincidence. The man knowing his name all but confirms this.

He had tried to take him down. A simple knife to the back, but the man was more prepared than he initially thought. He was tall and large, easily exceeding six feet. His arms were like trees themselves. If the man hadn't caught the wrist which held the knife, Jeremiah question if the knife would even pierce his skin or just break off due to the mass density of his muscles.

Mustering all the courage he had, he wiped the blood that had shed from his broken nose and stood.

"Don't deny it, I know you're the cause for the recent disappearances." Jeremiah gave a defiant glare to the man. "You think I will just sit back and let your rip these people from their families?! Down here, that's all they got left, and you would do that to them?!"

In a burst of adrenaline, he ran toward the man. Despite him being larger and stronger, he swung his fist.

He landed a hit square in his gut.

A little surprised he had hit him, considering the man had caught his knife strike while he was behind the man. Now in front? Jeremiah honestly didn't think he would land a hit.

"Nice punch." The man spoke, unfazed by the fist planted firmly in his gut. "Here, try this on for size."

The blow came so swiftly that Jeremiah didn't even recognize it had hit him until he was flat on his back staring at the darkness of the underground cave ceiling.

Then he promptly clutched his stomach and threw up. It was a shame, every morsel of food counted in this hell and he just threw up a meal he had recently.

"Kid." The man spoke up as he towered over his figure. "What is it you desire for this world that you would go so far as to try and kill me."

Jeremiah gave a few more dry heaves before he settled on glaring at the man. Wiping the excess vomit on his mouth, he stood at full height, albeit shaky legs.

"What I want?" Jeremiah said in between coughs.

"I want nothing more than to be with my family." A fire lit inside his eyes. "I don't expect you to understand, but down here we are all brothers and sisters. Even if we fight among each other, we can't deny the fact that we all live in the same hellscape that is this damned underground city."

"Heh." The man gave a smirk. "So, why not change that and get what's best for your family?"

Jeremiah blinked once slowly. Then another time. Was the man mocking him?

"I trust you understand what the cause of your suffering is?"

After the man said that, it finally clicked.

This man and what appears to be his goal. The people disappearing.

"You… You wish to overthrow the government."

"Oh." the man seemed genuinely shocked. "You are the first to ever get it that quick. Considered me impressed."

"So the people disappearing?"

"They have agreed with me and my leader's… no, my Führer's viewpoint."

Jeremiah gave the man a look of confusion. The man had gone around recruiting people of all things to aid in what Jeremiah had assumed was a coup.

"How can I trust you?"

"You can't." The man was quick to speak up. "Or rather, you can't trust me now. I can promise you evidence that will show the corrupt of the government, however…"

The man trailed off as he took in the surrounds of the area. Houses in shambles and further on people struggling to live.

"... I think you know first hand the attitude the royal government has."

Jeremiah looked at the man. In his anger, he had mistaken him as nothing more than a mindless brute on a killing spree. But looking at him talk and show emotions, Jeremiah realized one thing about this man.

He was kind.

His eyes told it all about him. Giving a sigh, he decided it was all or nothing.

"I can't deny that the prospect of replacing the government with a more caring one is tempting. I trust this… Führer of yours has a plan for this."

"He does." The man spoke with a small smile. "The reason I am out here is because he wants more people with a mindset like ours for when the time comes. I trust you know both the pros and cons of joining us, whether if we will succeed or fail. However, with The Führer, I can say without a doubt we will succeed."

"Such confidence..." Jeremiah gave a downward glance. He was about to kill this good man, without reason or evidence he was the one who was involved with the missing people. He had just trusted his gut. Although he was technically right, the man was responsible for the disappearances. It wasn't just as bad as he thought.

Jeremiah gave a sigh. He had already weighed the pros and cons of the situation. To be honest, even if he were to leave as a slave bound in chains, any place would be better than this.

"I only have on request." Jeremiah spoke up as he looked the man straight in the eyes. "I have a little brother. Get him a good life outside this underground city and I will serve you forever."

The man gave a smile. A genuine smile as he went up and patted Jeremiah on the shoulder.

"I was right about you." He said "You're smart, kind, and generous. You also got good instinct."

The man held out his hand towards Jeremiah. Hesitating only briefly, he grasped the hand in his and was given a firm shake.

"The names Scott." The man identified himself. "Consider your request done."

Rommel looked at the report Scott had sent in.

Seven people.

Considering he had only a month to prepare, it was quite something to accomplish. No doubt Eren would want the list and information of all the new members making up his elite squad.

Rommel hummed in appreciation at his choice of picking up Scott. The man was a refuge and would have been one of the unlucky ones to go on that one expedition to reclaim wall Maria if Rommel hadn't stepped in and taken him under his wing.

He exhibited the ideal qualities of one who you wanted to have your back.

And his usefulness continues to shine as shown by him bringing in promising candidates for The Führer's elite squad.

A knocking at the door interrupted Rommel's musing. A quick 'enter' brought forth Scott himself.

"I see you reviewed the members I picked up."

"Yes, quite a fine job you did." Rommel praised Scott for his efforts.

"Will seven be enough?" Scott asked in concern. "I didn't want a team to big, yet if this becomes a large operation, we may need more personal."

"That is up to The Führer to decide." Rommel said as he took out another folder, holding it up for Scott to take. "This here is the training schedule that The Führer wants our elites to go through. He said you could adjust it however you want."

"Quite the overhaul." Scott said with raised eyebrows as he looked at the contents of the folders. "He wants them to be in operation in only two months?"

"Yes." Rommel confirmed. "The training schedule will allow them to be ready for their first mission. Infiltrating the Industrial city and assassination the MP in charge."

"Do we have any information on that yet?"

"Yes, as of now we know almost everything. The Führer is working hard to gather what little information we still need as well as lining up the new successor."

"Who will be the successor?"

"I don't know." Rommel gave a defeated sigh. "Eren really hasn't told me anything on that matter. But let's not get caught up on that. For now, I'll tell you about the target.

"His name is Amot. They say he has the power of an eagle. He is the current leading official for the Military Police in the Industrial City. Age is in the upper forties, single, and male if you couldn't tell. We are still waiting for more information to verify his appearance, but if our current information is correct, he is a tall blond with green eyes. Roughly around 6'1, I believe."

"A tall drink of water." Scott gave a low whistle. "How should we kill him? For it to be obvious he was murder…"

"Glad you caught on quick. The Führer has stated that he wants it to look like an accident. It is a city full of machinery, accidents are prone to happen. Use that to your advantage."

Scott gave a nod as he placed a hand on his chin, adopting a thinking pose. Eren wanted the squad combat operational in two months. It would be plenty of time, considering their first mission is just an assassination. Although, Scott would prefer if they had some experience first…

Eyes widening, he looked back at the folder to scan the information again.

"...It never says it will be their first mission." Scott stated.

"Oh?" Rommel gave an amused smile.

"It just simply states that they should be ready to operate in two months time for the Industrial City plan."

"Yes, what of it?"

"I… I would prefer them to have some experience, so if it is all right…" Scott trailed off as he noticed the smile on Rommel's face. Giving a sigh, he stated his thoughts. "So did I pass Eren's final test?"

"It wasn't a test per say." Rommel quickly waved his hand around. "Eren had just wanted to know if you would be able to play a key role in this mission. He wanted to know if you could find, prepare, and lead men into battle. He has future plans for you. You have shown you are very reliable in finding recruits as well as preparing them, as seen by your concern for wanting them to have more experience before a huge heist like this. Now all that is left is to see if you can lead them, which I have no doubt you will do."

"I see." Scott said as he closed his eyes in respect. "So this is all for the bigger picture. Eren, or The Führer, wants to see if I can be a promising commander rather than some bodyguard."

"Yep, Eren has a way of seeing potential in a lot of people. Besides the timeline, Eren told me you have full reign over the elite squad. Train them how you like and give them missions at your own jurisdiction. Granted, the missions will have to be approved by me and, if long-term, by Eren himself."

"Well then," Scott, for the first time, gave a smirk. "I'm on a winning streak right now, why not keep the momentum going?"

"Haha!" Rommel burst out laughing. "That's the spirit! But don't get too cocky!"

"Well then, I'm off. Notify me if you need anything."

"Oh, one more thing." Rommel stopped Scott before he could leave. "Eren has given the clearance for the elite squad to test out the new guns that we just developed. It is listed in more detail in the report I gave you."

"I noticed, those… revolvers, right? They can shoot multiple times without having to reload like the flintlock pistols."

"The latest model can hold up to six bullets that can be fired in succession, yes."

"Hmm, he also wants me to teach them with the vertical maneuvering gear? Well, I guess it is good training, and if you think about it, the 3D maneuver gear is a convenient weapon. I'll make sure to implement it in their curriculum."

And with that, Scott left the office. Only Rommel remained as he leaned back in his chair as he stared at the ceiling. He couldn't help but smile in anticipation. Although he couldn't see the full picture like Eren, he had a general grasp of what the boy wanted to do.

It was exciting.

Rommel couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of what was going to happen. Eren would become The Führer and Rommel, being a large supporter, would establish his business as the leading one.

Rommel Operations will return to the glory that was held when his father was head. It would become prestigious and everyone would know that it was the company to help The Führer on his journey to leadership.

Whether they fail or succeed, the Rommel name will go down in history.

Thank you for reading.