

A powerful and manipulative man was reborn in aot as Eren I don’t own this shoutout to Some Randy for making this check him out on fanfiction.com If you don’t like this than please shut the f up and leave I just want people to experience this novel

S1eepless · Tranh châm biếm
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24 Chs

Chapter 24 the end

Mikasa hastily awoke from her slumber as she jumped from her bed. Catching a glance at the clock, she realized that she would be late for school if she didn't hurry up. Rushing to the bathroom, she quickly dressed herself up with all the necessities.

Makeup? A little foundation will do.

The school standard uniform? Wrinkled but acceptable.

Breath…? Might want a mint.

She was down the stairs in a flash, giving a wave and a smile to her mother and father before she was off down the street, running to school to try and make up for lost time.

"Oi, brat!" A familiar voice yelled out to her as she turned the block in her neighborhood. It was her P.E. teacher as well as a distant relative of hers. He stood outside with a power washer, no doubt washing away all the dirt for the bajillion time this week.

"Keep a better pace!" Levi spat with some disdain at Mikasa's posture.

"Now dear, be a little nicer to your students." His wife, a girl named Petra came out to scold him. She held a bundle of rags close to her, bobbing it up and down as if to calm whatever was in there.

"Tch," Levi scoffed. "Just because I am on maternity leave doesn't mean I shouldn't correct a shitty pace like that."

All Mikasa did was give a laugh as she waved at Levi and Petra, promising them she would fix her stance as well as luck with the newborn.

Continuing with her run, she turned another corner, almost running into a mop with blond hair.

"Armin!" Mikasa gave a little squeak as she almost ran over her childhood friend. The boy seemed to be panting heavily despite trying his hardest to jog towards school.

"Mi… Ka… Sa…" Armin said between breaths. "Late… Class…"

"C'mon." Mikasa said, picking up Armin like a sack. "We'll be late!"

"Mi-Mi-Mi-Mi-Mi-Mikasa!" Armin protest. "Stop! This is embarrassing!"

"Nonsense!" Mikasa gave a little chuckle. "We did this all the time as kids!"

"But we're not kidddssssss!" Armin yelled out as Mikasa carried him all the way to school.

Classes went and gone, as boring as they were. Mikasa, being a top student, didn't really need to worry much about anything. She hung out with her friends during lunch, tried to avoid the frantic boy's that wanted to date her in droves, and then hung out with her friends even more after school.

It was such an occasion that their group had just got done from karaoke.

It was like any other normal day. They were all heading towards one direction aimlessly, figuring out if they wanted to grab a bite to eat or hit up an arcade.

It was decided, by Connie winning against Shasa oddly enough, that they would do arcade first and food second. It was at that precise moment that they were all heading there that Mikasa was hit with a wave of wrongness.

"Hey…" She suddenly spoke up. "Aren't we forgetting someone?"

Everyone looked at her quite oddly.

"Ehhh…" Connie spoke up, rubbing his chin. "Now that I think about it, where our Riener and Bert."

"They have football practice." Armin piped in. "They will be able to hang out tomorrow though."

"Ymir and I are here." Historia, or as her friends call her, Krista spoke up. "Connie… Sasha… Armin… You… Oh, where's Annie?"

Historia suddenly squeaked as Annie appeared behind her, giving her a pinch on the back to notify her of her presence.

"Oi," She said a little coldly, but that was just her nature. "Am I that invisible to you?"

"Well, you never sing at karaoke, so you might as well never be there." Ymir butted in.

"No, not that." Mikasa gave a frown. "I mean, doesn't it seem like we are forgetting something, or rather someone?"

"I understand what you mean." Jean, who had been silent all the time, spoke up. "Feels like we are missing someone. Don't know why, but I got this pit in my stomach like I hate their guts."

"You hate everyone's guts." Connie spoke up.

"I do not!" Jean retaliated.

"Right, only the people who hit on Mikasa." Shasha somehow spoke with a full mouth, where she got that food was anyone's guess.

"T-T-T-T-That's not true!" Jean said with a blush on his face.

"That's right, you also hate people who say you have a horse like face."

"Marco! When did you arrive?! Don't you have work?!"

"I do." Marco said a little sheepishly. "You guys were just making such a loud ruckus outside, my manager asked me to check up on it. What are you guys even doing outside the arcade? Come on in, I can still give you discounts on drinks!"

Marco said this all with a smile as he led everyone into the arcade where he had a part-time job. Everyone followed suit and followed, forgetting what they were talking about to play Space Invaders or Street Fighter.

However, Mikasa lingered outside, casting a glance behind her.

She felt it in her heart, like it was on the tip of her tongue. Something she needed to remember, events that played out that had changed who she was. But nothing came to her, causing her some frustration, only to be broken from her stupor by the shock of a chilling substance on the nape of her neck.

"C'mon on." Jean stood behind her, handing her the Cola he used to get her attention. "They already started on the dance machine. Connie's trying to spin on his head."

Mikasa gave a giggle, accepting the drink offered to her.

"Hopefully we don't get kicked out this time." She stated as she entered with Jean.

"Yeah." Jean gave a smile as they continued onwards with today's events, long forgetting what had caused them to stop in front of the arcade in the first place.

The man viewed the group of friends from an unknown realm. He didn't smile, nor did he seem sad at the display of happiness. He was simply blank, thinking of nothing as he observed the events.

"Is this really the choice you want?" A figure engulfed in dark flames said behind the man.

"It was the path that would lead to everyone's happiness, even the enemy's."

"I see." The flames seemed to shimmer as if sighing. "To use my power, the source of all organic life, in such a way. I would never have thought of such a thing was possible."

"All it took was my will. When I thought of it, it could have been considered already done."

"I see."

Silence embraced both individuals. Nothing was said as both simply watched the group of close friends play games at the arcade, horse playing around that eventually led to them being kicked from the establishment.

"Don't you wish to join them?" The flames spoke, breaking the silence.

"I have no right." Was the man's quick response.

"You gave them that new life. Don't you think you deserve it?"

The man simply shook his head.

"No, this is all I will do."

"Is that so?"

"What will you do now?"

The man said nothing as the flames questioned his next plan of action.

"Perhaps…" The man hesitated. "Perhaps I will simply atone for all the sins I have committed."

The flames said nothing.

The man said nothing.

Soon, darkness descended upon them, indicating that night had fallen in the world they were viewing. All they saw was the arcade, slightly lit as the employees were preparing to close down the shop for the night.

Soon, even their viewing was gone, as it merged with the darkness of the unknown realm, leaving the man and the dark flames by themselves.

The man, having enough, turned away and walked past the dark flame.

"You have your power back, Demon of Ymir." The man spoke as he was leaving. "Don't be so foolish to give it away this time."

The flames simply stared at the man's figure until it faded out of extinct.

"I will… Führer. I will…

"Eren Yeager."

That's it