

A powerful and manipulative man was reborn in aot as Eren I don’t own this shoutout to Some Randy for making this check him out on fanfiction.com If you don’t like this than please shut the f up and leave I just want people to experience this novel

S1eepless · Tranh châm biếm
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Chapter 19

Eren stood on top of the wall. His look was stern, a glare and the beginnings of a snare were etched upon his face. Hands clenched in anger as they shook told of the feeling he had.

It angered him deeply the way the current events had played out. He could do nothing as he was strapped to Bert's back like some backpack. Usually, when Eren did nothing, it was because it was all going according to his plan. But this was not that.

For the first time in a long time, Eren had suffered a defeat. A full-blown defeat. Nothing was gained in this exchange.

So much was Eren's mind clouded with this failure, he completely ignored the fact that he was able to control Titans at one point. He had not forgotten, it was simply the feeling that arose from him didn't allow him to think of such a matter.

Rather, his thoughts were on what to do next. As of right now, he now had to confirm one thing, before anything else could happen.

"Christa!" Eren shouted at the girl who was a distance from him. She was speaking with the other members of the 104th. Eren cared not what they discussed but he had an inkling that it was most likely Ymir who was the hot topic of what they were debated.

"Is your name Historia?" Eren wasted no time.

"... Yes." After a moment of hesitancy, she worked up the courage to look Eren in the eye.

"Wait, so you lied to us all?" Connie asked the question, only to be ignored.

"Who is your father?" Eren asked

"I don't see how that has anything to do with this current situation." Historia spoke plainly and evenly.

"Your father." Eren lost his cool as he grabbed her by the shirt collar. "You can't comprehend it, just answer the questions and we will work from there. Who is your father?"

Eren seethed as he glared directly into Historia's eyes. Not giving an inch as he continued to hold her close to him.

"Eren!" It was Jean that broke them apart, holding them both at arms length. "Chill out. Do you even realize what we've just done for you?! Give us a moment, okay!"

"Tch," Eren snared. "Do you really think we have time after that display?" Eren motioned his hand out to the land that was infested with Titans.

"We just saved you! In case you forgot!"

"I didn't ask for that!"

"Excuse me?! So you rather we left you?"

"I could have worked something out myself."

Their bickering continued for a few seconds until Commander Smith came up.

"Would you please cease this." Erwin mentioned in his stoic manner. "We have more pressing matters."

"Commander," Eren directed his gaze to the tall man. "What of… Rommel."

Walking closer, Erwin stood but mere centimeters from the boy as he bent down to talk to him.

"They retreated back to one of their many bases, I suppose." Erwin whispered to Eren.

"We can't move yet. We're not ready to take the First Interior Squad." Eren whispered back.

It had been so long ago, or so it seemed, but Eren remembered that meeting that he and Erwin had a month before the expedition. They had discussed many things. From Erwin's theories to Eren's facts. The plans they laid forth were numerous.

Eren had mentioned the fake king and a plan to reinstate a new king. They had agreed that was the best course of action they were to take unless either one came up with a better plan.

"You aren't ready." Erwin leaned back. "But the Scouts are."

It seemed that Erwin had a better plan.

The sound of a bird chirping was what originally arouse Eren from his deep slumber. Sitting up in the bed, he rubbed his eyes to rid the sleep from them. Glancing to his left, he gazed out the window. Taking into account the sun's position, it was most likely a bit after noon.

Stretching slightly, Eren placed his feet on the floor. The experiments that had been undergoing with his Titan had been strenuous, for lack of better words. Eren had trained with his Titan before, with Rommel and the others, but that was when he was younger.

Now, Hange had desired to continue past experiments. Hand-eye coordination, listening abilities, speech, and even hardening.

It was figured that if they could harden like Annie's Crystal, then they would be able to seal the wall. Originally, Eren would have liked to ask Annie all about it, but they were unfortunately unable to. The current situation was not ideal.

After coming back from the rescue mission that resulted in over half of their forces being eliminated, the Scouts had been unofficially declared unbanned. The bases of this claim were the fact that they had achieved nothing with Eren in their custody.

It was said that Eren would be handed over to the Military Police where they would get their chance to handle him. However, before any of that, Eren and those of the other 104th had gone into hiding with Levi.

The newly christen Levi Squad had two tasks at the current moment. One was to protect Eren from the Military Police. The other was to ensure that Historia was well.

She hadn't opened up much, but with the prompting of Levi, Historia had laid bare her past. Describing her mother had given a form of nostalgia to Eren. Although it was his own father, he had still abandoned them.

Eren would selfishly say that what he had gone through in his past life was worse compared to Historia, but he could still sympathize with her.

It's not easy having a parent disregard you.

However, whereas Eren had nothing but revenge motivating him, Historia simply had the idea that it would be better off if she had simply died. It's understandable, her own mother proclaimed she wished to have never birthed Historia as she was getting her throat slit.

As Eren stood, he walked over to the door. Opening it, he began to head downstairs. All the while, he wondered just how long they would have to hide out here.

Erwin had stated that Eren's plan would be no good. No longer were they following his agenda, but the Commander's. As the Scouts were going through political tape, it was up to Levi Squad who was currently in hiding to rely on Erwin that he completed their original goals.

As for Rommel and his Industries, they themselves had to go quiet. He didn't know what would become of them, but he highly doubted that the Military Police would know of anything suspicious. If they hadn't been found out for the past few years, they wouldn't be found out now.

His only concern was Annie.

The story had circulated successfully. Many had read the daring tale of forbidden lovers, coming together in the end being the end of such a story.

It was easy to forget the slaughter of the Scouts that Annie invoked when the vast majority never bore witness to it. Within a day, most of the people of the walls were accepted of the traitor. If there were any animosity towards her, it would be a Scout.

But they could do little about the situation. He trusted that Rommel was successful in handling the contingencies he put in place for Annie. No doubt, the Military Police would come looking for the Female Titan. With Eren's precautious planning, they would hopefully never get the chance to meet her.

As Eren descended the stairs into the kitchen, he immediately made contact with the blond that sat at the table.

"Historia." Eren used her real name with ease. "Where is everyone?"

"Mikasa and Shasa are cutting wood." Historia answered the boy without looking at him, content with keeping her eyes on the table. "Jean and Connie are on lookout duty and Armin and Levi are speaking to each other about our current situation."

Eren simply gave a nod as the girl finished answering him. Pulling out a chair, he decided to sit at the table, awaiting when everyone would return and they would begin dinner preparations.

Casting a glance at Historia, he noticed that she was tense. Giving a sigh, Eren spoke to her.

"Is there something on your mind?"

"Why do you care?" She seemed to bite back unnaturally.

"Is this about Ymir?" Eren tried to guess. They had been close. It came as a shock to even Eren that Ymir went with Reiner and Bert in the end. He had never suspected, or rather, he had but never acted on it. To be completely honest, Ymir never crossed his mind after the incident on that snowy day…

Suddenly, Eren's eyes gained a light as soon as he recalled exactly what he had done.

"Do you detest me?" Eren prompted. "For what I've done to you."

"And what have you exactly done to me?" She asked defensively.

"Make you question your purpose." Eren stated nonchalantly, causing Historia to balk.

She had asked that question sarcastically. Expecting him to mention how he nearly killed her by slamming her on that icy lake. Now, he had the audacity to claim that she was questioning her very purpose?

"What are you even talking about?" Was all she gave him.

"On that day, I told you to prove them wrong." Eren summarized the overall conversation they had. "I told you to continue to live, becoming someone in this world that proves that it would be better with you."

Historia gave a slight scoff at that. Her recollection of the events had gone completely different. The brute force Eren had used to handle the situation was uncalled for. The fact that he stated what she already knew irritated him to no extent. She found it disgusting how he tried to lecture her when he had virtually no clue as to what she's been through.

She stated her past, how it had traumatized her to watch as her mother said what would forever be etched into her memory as the older woman's throat was slit right in front of her.

Yet, the thing that irritated her the most about that encounter with Eren so long ago was…

"Even so, all you can do is preach about situations you don't understand." Historia began, causing Eren to raise an eyebrow at her prompting. "You never once cared to even check up on me after that situation. You go on and start something like that and you don't even finish it! Do you honestly think I would enjoy the company of someone that tears you open and never bothers to close it?!"

Historia was panting at this rate, letting out her past frustrations on the boy in front of her. Eren allowed her to regain her breathing before he himself began to speak.

"I thought I made my voice on the matter loud and clear." Eren leaned back in his chair as he directed his gaze towards the wall. "I recalled that I stated if you ever wanted to die, I would kill you myself."

Eren looked back at her with a stare of determination.

"You, in your petty move to become some sort of martyr, would have caused the death of someone else. I explicitly stated that if that was your path, I would have killed you myself. Other than that, I thought it was clear as to how you should approach the problem.

"You had to overcome your own insecurities by yourself."

Eren left off as he looked out the nearest window.

All Historia gave was a huff as she crossed her arms.

"It seems that you're improving on that, breaking your facade, I will mention."

"That's rich, coming from you."

"Oh?" Eren asked in genuine confusion. "Whatever do you mean?"

"You hide behind your own mask." Historia stated, honestly surprising Eren.

"How did you…"

"You let it slip on top of the wall. But I noticed before. How could someone like you so cold hearted lecture me on anything?"

"You don't know a thing." Eren hissed back.

"Neither do you." Historia responded back with as much as intensity.

They would have continued in their heated argument, if not for the door that suddenly swung forward. In the entrance way was Levi, shortly followed by Armin as they entered the room.

"You runts doing okay?" Levi asked out of consideration. All they gave was nods.

"All right, we have a new course of action."

"What do we plan on doing?" Eren, deciding to ignore the recent conversation, asked.

"We're taking the fight to them." Levi stated, causing Eren and Historia to raise their eyebrows. "Armin, gather everyone up. I'll explain it then. After that, we move out."

Levi sat at the head of the table. A teacup in hand, he sipped it elegantly as he waited for the others to take their seat. As the sun began to set, everyone finally arrived. Pulling out a chair to take their seat, Levi could finally begin.

"Good," Levi gave a nod as he saw everyone was accounted for. "Now we can begin."

Drinking the rest of his tea, he sat down the cup gently. Carefully thinking of crafting the words he was about to say, he began.

"We plan to bring the fight to our enemies." Levi stated. "The Military Police most likely know of this location due to our experiments with Eren. We're leaving immediately and relocating in town."

"The town?" Shasa spoke up.

"Yes." Was all Levi said.

"We plan to ascertain our enemies." Armin decided to fill in the blanks. "We, ah, have a plan that well… The problem is trying to know who exactly our enemies are and in order to do that…"

"They have to find us." Eren concluded.

It was his original plan. Or at least, the concept was. In order to find the FIrst Interior Squad, the First Interior Squad had to find them. Through constant surveillance, Rommel's spying network had found evidence of such a squad existence, but never where their whereabouts or headquarters where. Some members where found, tortured for information, but never revealed anything.

Fanatics, Hugo had called them. Believed that the king was above all and the Walls were some type of goddesses.

So, it seems like Eren's intentions for the future were still unfolding in some way. It was, however, completely Erwin's plan in the form of execution. Eren had no say over that. It was unfortunate, but that was just reality.

Rommel's industry could do nothing.

"Hm," Levi gave a hum of acknowledgment towards Eren. "Pack up. We're moving out in ten."

It seemed like it was precisely a good call to leave. As they were on the windy mountain road leading out, they saw torch lights at the cabin they had been staying at. It seems the Military Police had found the location, just as Levi had said. Not a minute too soon had the Military police come busting down the door.

Regardless, it was only a matter of time that they were found out, which, oddly enough, was exactly what they wanted. Soon, the group that consisted of Levi's squad moved out to the nearest city.

Eren sat down at the small round table Historia was currently occupying.

"We obviously need to talk about this."

"What is there that needs to be talked about?" Historia gave Eren the cold shoulder. "I am more concerned with everyone else."

The concern was warranted, but not necessary in Eren's eyes. Levi and everyone else had gone out to "shop". It was there that Armin and Jean who were disgusted as Historia and Eren respectively would be kidnapped. Hopefully the disguise would fool them, as Eren believed that Jean didn't really look like him. However, this may just very lead them to their enemies, if anything.

But that was of little concern with Eren. He had faith in them to pull through. What he didn't have faith in was his relationship with Historia. He had a suspicion that she would play a pivotal role in the future.

The reason for such thinking was that the First Interior Squad moved only for the king, the real king. If they were after some nobody like Historia, then it wouldn't be too far out to surmise that this nobody was, in fact, a somebody.

And the manipulative part of Eren, or rather, The Führer, knew it would be best to be in her best grace.

"Listen, Historia, you've been through a lot. But don't think that you've been the only one to suffer the most out of all of us. Both of our mothers died right in front of our eyes." Eren took a voice unbefitting of him. A softness that he rarely used.

"Did your mother love you?"

Eren didn't say anything.

"Did your father allow her to die as you both watched on?"

Once again, Eren said nothing.

"Did you have to abandon your entire life just because people claimed you would have been better off dead?!" Tears now loomed on the edge of her eyes. Her mouth was quiver into a slight pout as she sniffed once or twice.

"You don't know anything."

"Your father." Eren suddenly spoke up. "If it were true, that you believe he wanted you dead, then why did he try to spare you?"

Historia remained silent as she thought over those words.

"I can't say much, but I know what it's like to feel abandon." Eren recalled his time before reincarnation. Alone, nothing but his sister, his entire family left them both for dead. Their father, claiming it was for the best, didn't deny the irrefutable fact that he had abandon them.

But that was long ago, in a distant world, a different universe.

"Masks." Eren suddenly stated, breaking Historia from her thoughts. "You mentioned I wore one. I realized I made it slip a tad bit on the wall, but how did you figure out I was so cold blooded?"

Eren gazed into Historia's eyes. Long gone was the shine that indicated intelligent. Instead, his eyes were blank, almost glazed over as he narrowed them in at Historia. Lifeless, was the only way to describe them.

"You just gave off that vibe whenever I was with you." She gave a melodramatic chuckle. "I wear a mask myself, you don't think I wouldn't notice?"

"An armature at it, I might add."

"And yet I figured out your true nature."

"And what exactly is that?"

"Someone that always places their needs first, for their own goals, above any others."

Eren sat there in silence as he thought about what she had said.

"And what if that was false? What if those goals were for the betterment of the world?"

"The destination may hold true to that statement, but does the means in which achieving that end do?"

Eren gave a flinch as she struck the nature of his methods on the head. It was exactly what he did. Justifying the means for the end.

"What if I was trying to change?" Eren breathed out in barely a whisper. "What if I was trying to shed who I was in the past for someone more worthy."

"I suppose that's only for you to decide." Historia let out as she turned her gaze to look out the window. "A snake can shed their skin, but it's still a snake, right?"

Silence past between the two as the minutes turned into hours. Finally, Eren decided to break the tranquility the silence had been emitting.

"Do you want to hear a story?"

Shocking Historia at what Eren had just said, all she could do was nod.

"Is this related to you?"

"It could be deciphered that way." Eren spoke, never lifting his gaze from the table he observed. "But it is a tale I am most familiar with."

Historia nodded again, allowing him to continue.

"There was once a prince. He was the upcoming heir to a kingdom that spread across the entire world. He lived a pompous life, enclosed and sheltered. The only people he knew were the servants and his family.

"His family was large. His father, the king, had taken in many wives. He was the son of one such woman. However, a falling out of sorts happened. The mother was assassinated by those who craved the throne, for she was one of the king's favorite. The prince, now only having his father, turned towards him in his time of need.

"He requested an audience with his majesty, claiming that his mother was dead. The king stated in a bored manner 'what of it'. The king hadn't cared about the death of his own favorite wife. Spouting nonsense about not needing the presence of such weaklings, the man disregarded the question of the boy asking why he had not protected his mother.

"The king exiled him to a foreign nation. To be used as a bartering tool in order to secure that peace prospered between them. It only lasted a month. The king still declared war. Forgetting his exiled son, he rained war upon the nation. The boy could have died, but the king cared not."

"That seems sad," Historia spoke up, interrupting the tale as Eren took a pause. "I don't understand much of the politics, but I do understand the feeling that the prince must be going through. Abandonment, not being wanted by his own parent…"

"I'm not finished yet." Eren spoke. "The boy, surviving the invasion, took the remaining fighting forces that were left of the defeated nation and formed a resistance group. Soon, that resistance group became a rebellion.

"The boy defeated his own father's armies. Soon he came face to face with the man himself. The once child now stood against his father as a young adult. There was only one question the boy asked. Why.

"Why had the father abandon the boy, why had he allowed his mother to die, why had he allowed the nation to invade the land the boy was still in, putting himself at risk.

"Do you know what the father so ignorantly claimed?"

"No." Historia shook her head

"It was all for the boy's protection. His mother had been killed by those envious of the thrown. They didn't like how the woman was the king's favorite. In order to protect his son from the smoke and mirrors of the royal court, the king had sent him away." Eren grit his teeth as he clenched his fist below the table. "But it was all a lie. If the man had truly cared, he would have stopped the invasion. If he had cared, he would have found some way not to abandon his son to the whims of the world. Had he… Had he cared..."

Eren trailed off on his tail. It had been his story, an abridged one. It didn't tell everything, much of what Eren had cut out was for his and Historia's benefit. He had simply wanted to portray the tale of his own abandonment. He left out the parts of his sister, his best friend, and the end of the tragic story itself. The end that resulted in his own death.

"What did you want to accomplish by telling me this story?" Historia questioned. "Did you want me to sympathize with it."

"No," Eren stood up from his chair, heading to a random corner of the room. "Perhaps I wanted to simply state the tale to someone."

Eren sat down upon the only bed in the room, leaning his arms on his knees. Silence once again occupied the room.

"Historia." Eren spoke one last time.

"Yes?" She responded in a soft tone.

"I am trying to change."

Levi spoke with Dimo Reeves on top of the wall. The mission had been a success in the fact that the decoys had been kidnapped. Leading them to a warehouse that was used for the Reeves Company. It was there they beat down the guards and figured out who the boss was.

Dimo Reeves. A man who led his own company. Apparently, the First Interior Squad had come to them, requesting they do the dirty work of finding and capturing Historia and Eren.

"So," Levi began. "The First Interior Squad requested that you capture Eren and Historia? Why would you accept a job like that?"

"Accept?" Dimo scoffed. "That isn't a word they used. You either obey orders or you don't and die."

"Well, you do know who Eren is, right?" Levi narrowed his eyes. "Trost District. Through him and the sacrifice of many soldiers, we were able to seal up the hole. Saving your city right?"

"Tsk, you don't need to lecture me."

"You know what," Levi said as he sat down with Dimo on top of the wall. "You're right. I don't need to lecture a full grown man. However, you didn't refute an obvious half-truth."

All Dimo did was raise an eyebrow.

"While it is true that the soldiers saved this city, we did nothing to rebuild it. Sure, we brought in engineers and the like to ensure that the breach would never be broken again. But it was the Reeves company that brought in jobs and people to this town, ensuring it wouldn't become some dumpster with homeless and hungry people littered everywhere."

"What are you trying to get at?" Dimo asked, crossing his arms."

"I am saying to fight against the First Interior Squad."

"And what, cause more pain and suffering? If I did that, more people would just die."

"Is that true?" Levi said. "If the Reeves company falls, won't everyone here in Trost die as well? Without you, who built this community, what would there be left?"

"So what your saying it to either fight and die rather than fail and die? Will not more of my men just get killed? I have to hand over Historia and Eren to them, would you give them to me if I joined your side?"

"Yes." Levi shocked everyone around by answering the question. "However, we have some conditions."

"Name them." Dimo spoke as he brought out a cigarette to smoke.

"Number one, the Reeves company must fully support the efforts of the Scouts."

"So even though you hand them over to us, it's all part of your plan?"

"Yes." Levi continued. "Number two, you have to wholeheartedly trust the Scouts."

"Trust is a strong word amongst us merchants."

"I am not asking a merchant, I am asking you, Dimo Reeves. Do you trust the Scouts, the people who go out and risk their lives for humanity on a daily basis?"

"Heh," Dimo gave a chuckle that turned into laughter. "Alright, but I'd be a fool not to hear all the conditions!"

"Finally, the third condition is to allow the Scouts access to luxury goods. Meat, materials, tea, for example."

Dimo remailed silent for a moment. After a few seconds, he finally spoke.

"Heh, you're pretty greedy, aren't you? Fine, you have yourself a deal. I guess if we are going down, best to do it fighting."

With that done, the Reeves company would be on the side of the Scouts. With their help, they were able to capture a few members of the First Interior Squad. Interrogating the men resulting in the truth to come to light. What had been theory and suspicion among the Scouts had become fact.

The current King was fake.