
Thunderstorm Ninja

C_317 · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

I hate Food Poisoning.

Anyway my Naruto knowledge is very little and I haven't watched or read a Naruto anime and/or Manga in 5 or so years so please be patient with my writing.

Now on to the story


Two weeks after leaving his village Saito was traveling across different environments while also trying to unlock his Chakra. Sitting on a rock Saito was trying to meditate before sighing.

"No matter how much I try I can't stay focus on meditating." He said before getting up from the rock. After traveling the country side for weeks Saito learned he was in the Land of Tea. Knowing that he was a ways way to the Land of Fire Saito traveled as much as he could avoiding villages and outposts so the he couldn't get robbed.

While traveling he spent time trying to unlock his Chakra so that if a ninja from the hidden leaf sensed him then he could get a faster way to their village. This of course is if they don't suspect him or if he could unlock his Chakra.

Right now Saito was cooking some wild rabbits he managed to capture and kill with some traps he prepared while meditating. Slowly turning one he was about to tear a peace of when he felt a breeze. Turning he saw some ninjas' with metal headbands approaching him.

Looking closely he saw that the headbands had the leaf symbol on them. Smiling he greeted the ninjas.

"Hello!" He said in childhood bliss. Seeing how the person they approached was a child the ninjas relaxed slightly buy still guarded themselves incase Saito was a disguised enemy.

"Hello kid my names Kenta and this is my team." Kenta said gesturing to his team who nodded as he questioned Saito "What's a kid like you doing out on your own?" He asked curious about why a kid was in a grass patch all alone.

"..." Not saying anything Saito looked down with a look of saddness. Knowing that look Kenta sighed and made a gesture to his team.




"My village was raided and destroyed by some rogue ninjas." Saito said in a small voice before telling how he was hidden under a tree by his mother and told not to leave until everything was resolved.

Listening to Saito's story the ninjas gave him a sympathetic look before asking what happened next.

"After everything stopped I looked around and gathered everything I could and left before they could return." He said taking out a scroll from his backpack.

"I planned on selling the weapons in this scroll to afford a new life." He said before putting it back.

Looking at him for a few seconds one of the silent ninjas asked him a question that suprised the other members of their team.

"Do you wish to return to our village with us?" The person said. Noticing the lack of concern from the tone Saito nodded while the other ninjas decided to group up to speak with one another.