

Momo woke up first, she found herself in the arms of her fiancé. Rather than freaking out, she simply leaned further into his arms. They remained in that position for about an hour, Momo didn't want to wake him up and Diluc was stuck in Dark Souls.

His time there was well spent, he explored most of the high wall of lothric. He scavenged where he could, he died to fall damage once or twice. He even evaded a dragon's fire breath attack and avoided a mimic.

Unfortunately, all he did this night was explore, he didn't do much of any fighting, and any fighting he did was with grunts that couldn't threaten him in any way. Before he was sucked back into the real world, he got another bonfire and an estus shard and some other miscellaneous items. He was also ready to fight Vordt at any time.

He regained consciousness and noticed that Momo had a leg and arm over his torso and was currently pretending to be asleep judging by her breathing pattern being much faster than when she is asleep.

Diluc begins patting her head while he waits for her to have her fill.

(A.N. That sounded better in my head...)

Soon afterwards, Momo 'wakes up' and continues to get her head pats, this time being allowed to express how much she loves them.

However, not all good things last forever, a maid silently enters the room and tells the both of them that breakfast is ready. Momo instantly becomes torn between food and hugs but in the meantime is still attached to Diluc completely while she weighs her options.

Diluc sighs and simply princess carry's her like last night, Momo instantly begins cheering and latching to him even more.

'What will this do to canon?' Diluc begins to question himself.

They then have a very pleasant meal. The food was befitting of a rich family with a private chef and it would be perfect if not for the very angry father staring daggers at him. Even throughout the breakfast, Momo never released Diluc and was currently holding his arm with one hand and eating food with the other, it was obvious she hadn't started the rich girl etiquette training yet.

Thankfully, as soon as breakfast was finished, Father Yaoyorozu had permission to kick him out and called a private driver to take him home.

He arrived home within 20mins and was greeted with his mother's hug. Izuku was still asleep so he wasn't here to greet his brother. Inko had told him that Diluc was sleeping over at a friend's place which Izuku found suspicious as he didn't remember his brother getting friendly with anyone but being a kid instantly ignored it and started to watch All Might videos until he fell asleep.

The next few days passed without issue. He killed Vordt on his first attempt and kept stockpiling souls. Fortunately, this became easier as he climbed the side of firelink shire and was able to obtain a ring that allowed him to gain more souls with each kill and some titanite shards to upgrade some weapons.

Finally, he gained some undead bone shards and some other miscellaneous items.

(A.N. It's been a while since I played DS3 so forgive me if I got some of this wrong, also, I'll only talk about the important items, things like swords that he won't use and soul deposits will be labelled under 'miscellaneous')

And now he was face to face with the Curse-Rotted Greatwood, a massive tree monster thing with egg sacks on its lower body.

After only one attack on an egg sack, Diluc knew this would be a difficult boss. In the game, this boss had wide-sweeping attacks, many minions and many egg sacks. He could only hit one egg sack at a time while in the game, you destroy a whole cluster. Doubled with no I-frames to avoid the wide-sweeping attacks of the boss, Diluc stood little to no chance.

That night ended with his body being repeatedly splattered all over the walls. He knew that he'd have to use his souls in order to progress, but that wouldn't come until tomorrow night.

He woke up and began napping around the house like he has since he discovered he could. Today would be like any other, or would it?

At noon exactly, a knock came from the door. Diluc took notice that Inko was cooking at Izuku was upstairs watching some more hero clips, therefore, it would be his responsibility to check the front door.

He answered the door to see his fiancé with some bodyguards. Diluc quickly checked his phone to see that exactly 22 seconds ago, Momo had texted him informing him that she'd be over soon to play.

This wouldn't be a problem if Izuku had already been told of his fiancé, but he hadn't. He'd have to find out the hard way, which might hurt him even more. Diluc was now experiencing regret.

Nevertheless, regret wouldn't fix the situation. He texted Izuku and told him to come downstairs, saying he wanted to introduce him to someone. This way, he had successfully made it seem like this was his plan all along.

Izuku came downstairs with a dumbfounded expression. Seeing a girl surrounded by men in black suits was quite confusion for the young boy.

"Izuku, this is Momo, my fiancé and Momo, this is my brother." Diluc introduced the two.

"Hey!" Momo said with bliss as she latched back onto Diluc.

"…" Izuku's brain couldn't comprehend this at the current moment, so he just froze in response.

"Sorry for bringing this up out of nowhere, it just kind of happened." Diluc apologized to his brother for the suddenness of the situation.

He sighed and dragged his brother back into his room and back to watch All Might so he could regain his mind. He then went back downstairs to entertain Momo.

When he got back down, Inko and Momo were entertaining each other, Diluc was surprised to see that Inko was very proficient with dealing with little girls. It makes you wonder why she is so much worse and dealing with boys.

As soon as he came downstairs, Momo latched back onto him like a leech. The rest of the day was spent with the both of them watching cartoons on the T.V. and Inko feeding them with all the snacks they could want.

Momo successfully ate 6 times her body weight and was sleepy, she once again fell asleep latched onto Diluc.

One of the men in black spoke into his earphone and a call came to Diluc's phone, it was Father Yaoyorozu.

"If you can't unlatch her just let her sleep with you. I'll pick her up tomorrow." He said.

"I'm surprised you aren't too busy to do it yourself." Diluc replied in genuine intrigue.

"I'm never too busy for my daughter." He responded with a huff.

They ended the call and Momo slept next to Diluc for the night.

He woke up back in his adult body and back in the firelink shrine. The firekeeper saw him appear in the middle of the shrine lying down, the position he was in when he went to sleep. She was used to him appearing in the middle of the shrine without the use of the bonfires and didn't question him about it.

"Hey firekeeper, anything new happen?" Diluc inquired.

"If it did, I didn't see it." She said with a grin.

"I'm surprised that you make puns out of your disability so often." He responded.

"It helps me deal with it." The firekeeper spoke bluntly.

"Can I ask if you were always blind?" This was an honest question, he wasn't sure if it was in the lore, and if it was, he didn't know about it.

"Every firekeeper is disabled in some way, I just so happen to be blind." The firekeeper informed.

"Hmm, ok, last question; Were you chosen to be a firekeeper because you were blind or did you become blind to become a firekeeper?" This also wasn't something he was aware of yet, there are the 'firekeeper's eyes' that he can find, but those were the eyes of the very first firekeeper, not the current firekeeper.

"That's a secret I would only tell my partner." She replied with a teasing smile.

"Just out of pure curiosity, how does one become the firekeeper's partner?" Diluc said as a not too subtle flirt.

"The firekeeper simply chooses." She replied with a grin. He was glad he didn't have to kill the Nameless King or anything in order to 'become her partner' but being chosen might be even more difficult. He could only sigh and suck it up.