
Throughout the Ages (One Shot Story)

Just one shots that i made.

HeavenlyNigel · Thành thị
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5 Chs

Chapter 4.5: The Great Coffee Caper

Once upon a time, in a small town called Beanville, there was a famous coffee shop named The Jittery Bean. The Jittery Bean was known for its delicious coffee, friendly staff, and cozy atmosphere. People came from all over to taste their signature brews and enjoy a cup of coffee with friends.

One day, a group of mischievous teenagers decided to play a prank on The Jittery Bean. They snuck in late at night and swapped all the regular coffee beans with decaf. The teenagers thought it would be hilarious to see the sleepy and confused faces of the customers the next day.

The next morning, The Jittery Bean opened for business as usual. But as the customers began to take their first sips of coffee, something seemed off. They didn't feel the usual jolt of energy that came from The Jittery Bean's coffee. Instead, they felt drowsy and confused.

The Jittery Bean's staff was baffled. They had no idea what had gone wrong with their coffee. The owner, Mr. Bean, was beside himself with worry. His reputation was on the line, and he couldn't afford to lose customers.

Meanwhile, the mischievous teenagers watched from afar, giggling at their prank. But little did they know that they had unwittingly created a monster.

As the day went on, the sleepy customers became more and more irritable. They complained about the coffee's taste, saying it was bland and flavorless. They yawned and dozed off in their chairs, unable to concentrate on their work.

As news of The Jittery Bean's "bad" coffee spread, people began to avoid the shop. Soon, The Jittery Bean was empty, and Mr. Bean was facing financial ruin.

Desperate to save his business, Mr. Bean began to investigate what had gone wrong with his coffee. It wasn't until he took a closer look at the coffee beans that he realized what had happened. The mischievous teenagers had switched the regular beans with decaf!

Mr. Bean was furious. He knew he had to take action to get his revenge. He called the police and gave them a description of the teenagers.

The next day, the police caught the teenagers red-handed as they were attempting to switch the coffee beans back. They were arrested and charged with vandalism and criminal mischief.

In the end, justice was served, and The Jittery Bean was able to bounce back. They installed security cameras, and Mr. Bean made sure to keep a close eye on his coffee beans.

And as for the mischievous teenagers? They learned a valuable lesson that day: that pranks can have unintended consequences. They never attempted to pull another prank again, especially not on Mr. Bean and his famous coffee shop.