
Throughout the Ages (One Shot Story)

Just one shots that i made.

HeavenlyNigel · Thành thị
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: Life

Once upon a time, in a small province in the countryside, there lived a young man named Eduardo. Eduardo was born and raised in the province, and had never left it, unlike most of his peers who moved to the city in search of a better life. Eduardo was content with his simple life in the province, where he worked as a farmer and spent his evenings with his family.

One day, as Eduardo was working on his farm, he noticed a group of people walking towards him. He recognized them as a group of city dwellers who had come to the province for a weekend getaway. Eduardo watched as they walked by, and couldn't help but feel a little envious of their carefree lifestyle.

As the group approached, Eduardo's curiosity got the best of him, and he walked over to greet them. "Hello, I'm Eduardo," he said, introducing himself. "What brings you to our little province?"

"We're just here for a weekend trip," one of the visitors said. "We wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy some peace and quiet."

Eduardo nodded in understanding. "I know what you mean," he said. "I love living here in the province. It's so peaceful and quiet, and the air is so clean."

The visitors looked around, taking in the beauty of the countryside. "It's so different from the city," one of them said. "It's like a whole different world."

Eduardo smiled. "Yes, it is," he said. "But it's a good world. A world where people look out for each other, and where everyone is connected in some way."

The visitors nodded, impressed by Eduardo's words. "You seem to really love living here," one of them said.

"I do," Eduardo replied. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be."

The visitors chatted with Eduardo for a while longer, asking him about his life in the province and what he did for fun. Eduardo told them about the annual festival that the town held every year, where everyone came together to celebrate and have fun. He also told them about the small gatherings that he and his neighbors had every weekend, where they would cook food and share stories.

The visitors listened intently, fascinated by Eduardo's tales. "It sounds like you have a great community here," one of them said.

"We do," Eduardo replied. "And that's what makes living here so special. We're not just a group of people who live in the same place. We're a family."

As the visitors left the farm, Eduardo felt a sense of pride wash over him. He loved his life in the province, and he was happy to share it with others.

Days passed, and Eduardo continued to go about his daily routine. He tended to his crops, spent time with his family, and enjoyed the simple pleasures of life in the province.

One day, as he was walking through the town, Eduardo heard a familiar voice calling out to him. He turned to see the group of visitors he had met a few days before, smiling and waving at him.

"Hey, Eduardo!" one of them called out. "We were hoping we'd run into you again!"

Eduardo smiled, happy to see the visitors again. "Hello, friends!" he said. "What brings you back to our little province?"

"We couldn't stay away!" one of them said. "We had such a great time here, and we wanted to see more of what the province has to offer."

Eduardo nodded, understanding their curiosity. "Well, you're welcome here anytime," he said. "There's always something new to discover."

Over the next few days, Eduardo showed the visitors around the province, taking

them to all the best spots and introducing them to the locals. They visited the nearby lake where Eduardo and his family often went fishing, and the visitors were amazed by the crystal clear water and the abundance of fish.

They also went to the local market, where Eduardo's mother sold her homemade jams and jellies. The visitors were impressed by the quality of the products, and Eduardo's mother was happy to share her recipes and cooking tips with them.

As they walked through the town, the visitors couldn't help but notice the strong sense of community that permeated the province. Everywhere they went, they saw people chatting with each other and helping each other out.

"It's amazing how connected everyone is here," one of the visitors said to Eduardo.

Eduardo nodded. "Yes, we're a close-knit community," he said. "We look out for each other and help each other out when we can. That's just the way things are here."

The visitors were struck by how different life in the province was from life in the city. They realized that the people here lived much simpler lives, but they were also much happier.

As the days passed, the visitors grew closer to Eduardo and his family. They spent evenings sitting around the fire, roasting marshmallows and sharing stories. They learned how to make traditional dishes like adobo and pancit, and Eduardo's mother even taught them how to weave baskets.

One day, as they were sitting around the fire, one of the visitors asked Eduardo, "Don't you ever get bored living here in the province? I mean, there's not much to do, is there?"

Eduardo thought for a moment before answering. "No, I never get bored," he said. "There's always something to do here. Whether it's tending to my crops or spending time with my family, there's always something that needs to be done."

The visitor nodded, impressed by Eduardo's contentment with his simple life. "I wish I could be as happy as you are," he said.

Eduardo smiled. "It's not about being happy all the time," he said. "It's about finding joy in the simple things in life. Like spending time with your loved ones, or watching the sunset. Those are the things that matter most."

The visitors nodded, realizing that Eduardo was right. They had been so caught up in their busy city lives that they had forgotten to appreciate the small things.

As the visitors prepared to leave the province, Eduardo felt a sense of sadness wash over him. He had grown close to them over the past few days, and he knew he would miss them.

"We'll come back soon," one of the visitors promised Eduardo. "We want to see more of this beautiful province and spend more time with you and your family."

Eduardo smiled, touched by the visitor's words. "I'll be here waiting for you," he said.

Months passed, and Eduardo went back to his daily routine. He tended to his crops and spent time with his family, content with his simple life in the province.

One day, as he was walking through the town, he heard a familiar voice calling out to him. He turned to see the group of visitors he had met a few months before, walking toward him.

"Eduardo!" one of them called out. "We're back!"

Eduardo smiled, happy to see his friends again. "Welcome back!" he said. "It's good to see you."

The visitors spent another week in the province, and Eduardo showed them even more of what the province had to offer. They visited a nearby waterfall, where they went swimming and had a picnic. They also went to a traditional dance festival, where they watched the locals perform traditional dances and enjoyed the festive atmosphere.

As they sat around the fire on their last night in the province, one of the visitors turned to Eduardo and said, "You know, Eduardo, we've been thinking a lot about what you said last time we were here. About finding joy in the simple things in life. And we realized that you were right. We've been so caught up in our busy lives that we forgot to appreciate the small things."

Another visitor added, "We've been thinking a lot about what we want in life, and we realized that we don't need all the material possessions and busy city life to be happy. We just need to find joy in the simple things like spending time with our loved ones, enjoying nature, and appreciating the beauty of life."

Eduardo smiled, feeling proud of his friends for realizing the importance of a simple life. "I'm glad to hear that," he said. "Life in the province may not be as glamorous as life in the city, but it's a good life. And it's a life full of joy and contentment."

As the visitors said their goodbyes and left the province, Eduardo felt a sense of fulfillment. He was happy to have been able to share his way of life with others and to have made a difference in their lives.

Life in the province may not be for everyone, but for Eduardo, it was the perfect life. He had everything he needed and more: a simple home, a bountiful farm, a loving family, and a strong sense of community.

As he looked out at the rolling hills and clear skies, Eduardo felt grateful for the life he had been given. And he knew that he would never want to leave the province, for it was where his heart belonged.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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