
Throughout the Ages (One Shot Story)

Just one shots that i made.

HeavenlyNigel · Thành thị
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5 Chs

Chapter 3: Princess

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there was a young princess named Isabella. She lived in a grand castle, surrounded by opulent gardens and sparkling fountains. Isabella was the only child of the king and queen, and she was loved by all who knew her.

Isabella was a happy and carefree girl, with a heart full of joy and laughter. She spent her days riding horses, playing with her friends, and exploring the castle's many rooms and halls. But as she grew older, her life began to change.

One day, when Isabella was sixteen years old, she was summoned to the throne room to meet with her parents. She was nervous, wondering what could be so important that they needed to speak with her.

"Isabella," her father began, his voice grave. "You are no longer a child. It is time for you to start thinking about your future."

Isabella's heart sank. She had always known that one day she would have to marry, but the thought of leaving her home and her family filled her with dread.

"We have arranged a marriage for you," her mother added, her voice gentle. "It is with Prince Alexander, from the neighboring kingdom. He is a good man, and he will make a fine husband for you."

Isabella felt her world spin out of control. She had never even met Prince Alexander, and yet she was being forced to marry him? She tried to speak, to protest, but her voice caught in her throat.

"You will leave for Prince Alexander's kingdom in two weeks' time," her father said, his voice final. "We expect you to behave like a true princess, and to represent our kingdom with grace and dignity."

Isabella nodded, her eyes downcast. She knew that she had no choice but to obey her parents' wishes, but the thought of leaving her home and her family filled her with sadness.

For the next two weeks, Isabella prepared for her journey. She was given new dresses and jewels, and she was taught how to behave like a proper princess. She felt like a doll, being dressed up and paraded around for all to see.

Finally, the day of her departure arrived. She was escorted to the stables, where a carriage awaited her. Her parents and many of the castle's inhabitants were there to say goodbye, their faces sad and solemn.

"Goodbye, Isabella," her mother said, her eyes filled with tears. "Be brave, and remember that we love you."

Isabella nodded, too choked up to speak. She climbed into the carriage, and it set off towards Prince Alexander's kingdom.

The journey was long and tiring, but Isabella tried to stay optimistic. She imagined what Prince Alexander would be like - perhaps he would be kind and handsome, and they would fall in love and live happily ever after.

But when she arrived at the palace, her dreams were shattered. Prince Alexander was old and wrinkled, with a sour expression on his face. He barely acknowledged her presence, and he seemed more interested in his books than in his new bride.

Isabella felt like a prisoner in the palace. She was not allowed to leave without an escort, and she was expected to spend most of her time with Prince Alexander. He bored her with his stories of old wars and dusty treaties, and she longed for the days of her youth, when she could run free and play with her friends.

But then, one day, everything changed. Isabella was out for a walk in the palace gardens, when she heard a voice calling her name.

"Princess Isabella," the voice said, and she turned to see a young man approaching her.

He was tall and handsome, with dark hair and piercing blue eyes.

"Who are you?" Isabella asked, taken aback by his sudden appearance.

"My name is Landon," he said, offering her a small smile. "I work in the palace stables. I couldn't help but notice you walking by, and I wanted to say hello."

Isabella felt her heart skip a beat. She had never seen a man like Landon before - he was so confident and self-assured, and his eyes seemed to look right into her soul.

"Hello, Landon," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "It's nice to meet you."

They talked for a few minutes, about nothing in particular. Isabella found herself laughing and smiling in a way she hadn't in weeks, and Landon seemed to enjoy her company just as much.

As they walked through the gardens, they passed a small pond, and Isabella noticed a pair of swans swimming in the water. She pointed them out to Landon, and he suggested they sit and watch them for a while.

They sat on a bench by the pond, and Isabella felt herself relaxing into Landon's company. They talked about their lives, about their hopes and dreams, and Isabella realized that Landon was everything she had ever wanted in a man.

As the sun began to set, they reluctantly said goodbye. Isabella knew that she shouldn't be spending time alone with a commoner, but she couldn't help but feel drawn to Landon. He made her feel alive in a way that Prince Alexander never could.

Over the next few weeks, Isabella and Landon found ways to see each other in secret. They met in the gardens, in the stables, and even in the palace library. Isabella felt like she was living a double life, but she couldn't help the way she felt about Landon.

One day, they were sitting on the bench by the pond, watching the swans, when Landon took her hand.

"Isabella," he said, his voice serious. "I know that we come from different worlds, but I can't help the way I feel about you. I love you, Isabella, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Isabella felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes. She had known for a long time that she loved Landon, but she had never dared to say it out loud.

"I love you too, Landon," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

From that moment on, they were inseparable. They would steal moments together whenever they could, and Isabella felt like she was finally living the life she was meant to live.

But their happiness was short-lived. One day, as Isabella was walking through the palace, she heard shouting and commotion coming from Prince Alexander's chambers. She hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should investigate, but something inside her compelled her to keep walking.

She regretted that decision for the rest of her life.

When she reached her chambers, she found the door locked. She called out for her guards, but no one answered. Finally, after what felt like hours, the door was opened by one of Prince Alexander's servants.

Isabella stepped into the room, and her heart stopped. There, lying on the bed, was Prince Alexander, dead.

Isabella was accused of his murder, and she was thrown into the palace dungeon. She knew that she was innocent, but no one would believe her. She was a princess, after all, and the murder of her husband was a scandal that couldn't be ignored.

For months, Isabella languished in her cell, alone and terrified. She missed Landon desperately, and she wondered if she would ever be able to see him again

Months turned into years, and Isabella's life in the dungeon became a blur of darkness and despair. She clung to the memory of Landon and the love they shared, but it was a small flicker of light in the midst of an endless night.

One day, however, Isabella was awakened from her slumber by a sound she hadn't heard in a long time - the sound of footsteps outside her cell. She sat up, heart pounding, and peered through the bars.

To her surprise, it was Landon.

"Isabella," he whispered, his voice rough with emotion. "I've come to free you."

He produced a set of keys, and with shaking hands, Isabella unlocked the door of her cell. She stepped out into the dimly lit hallway, and Landon wrapped his arms around her.

"I never gave up on you," he said, tears streaming down his face. "I knew you were innocent, and I've spent every day trying to find a way to get you out of here."

Isabella felt a rush of emotion, and she clung to Landon as if her life depended on it. They made their way through the palace, avoiding the guards and slipping through hidden passageways.

Finally, they emerged into the night air, and Isabella felt a sense of freedom she hadn't experienced in years. Landon led her through the gardens, and they ran together, laughing and crying with joy.

They found a small cottage in the woods, where they could hide out until they figured out their next move. Isabella was overwhelmed with gratitude for Landon's love and devotion, and she knew that she could never repay him for everything he had done for her.

Over the next few weeks, they worked to clear Isabella's name. Landon had found evidence that Prince Alexander's death had been a result of a political plot, orchestrated by one of his advisors. With Landon's help, Isabella was able to present the evidence to the king and queen, and she was finally exonerated.

But even after she was cleared of all charges, Isabella knew that her life would never be the same. She had been locked away in a dungeon for years, and she had lost everything she had ever known. But she also knew that she had Landon by her side, and she was determined to start a new life with him.

They left the kingdom together, heading towards a new land where they could build a life together. They settled in a small village, where they could live as commoners and start over.

They were happy for a while, living a simple life and enjoying each other's company. But Isabella couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for the life she had once known. She missed the palace, and the luxury and privilege that came with being a princess.

One day, as they were walking through the village, they stumbled upon a group of travelers. They were a ragtag group of performers, traveling from town to town, entertaining people with their acrobatics and music.

Isabella was fascinated by them, and she felt a sense of longing to be a part of their world. She approached them, and they welcomed her with open arms. They invited her to travel with them, and she couldn't resist the call of adventure.

For the next few years, Isabella traveled with the performers, learning new skills and exploring the world. She performed in front of crowds, and she felt a sense of freedom that she had never known before.

But as she traveled, she realized that she was missing something - she was missing Landon. He had stayed behind in the village, taking care of their home and waiting for her to return.

Isabella knew that she couldn't keep traveling forever. She knew that she needed to find a way to bring the two worlds together - the world of adventure and the world of love.

Finally, she came up with an idea. She would create a performance that would tell the story of her life, of her love for Landon and her journey from princess to performer. She would use her skills as a dancer and acrobat to create a breathtaking show, one that would captivate audiences all over the world.

She spent months creating the performance, and when it was finally ready, she set out on a tour with the performers. The show was a massive success, and Isabella felt a sense of pride and accomplishment that she had never known before.

But the most important part of the show was the finale - a tribute to Landon. Isabella performed a breathtaking routine, soaring through the air and twisting and turning in a way that left the audience breathless.

As the final notes of the music played, Isabella descended to the stage, and Landon stepped out from the wings. He walked towards her, and they embraced in a hug that was filled with love and longing.

Isabella knew that she had found her true calling - not as a princess, or even as a performer, but as a woman in love. She had found a way to bring the two worlds together, and she knew that she and Landon would spend the rest of their lives together, exploring the world and sharing their love with each other.

And so they did. They continued to travel together, visiting new places and experiencing new things. They performed together, sharing their love with audiences all over the world. And they lived happily ever after, knowing that they had found each other and that nothing could ever tear them apart