
Throughout the Ages (One Shot Story)

Just one shots that i made.

HeavenlyNigel · Thành thị
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: Mafia

Maria had always known that she was different from the other girls in her small town. Her father was a powerful mafia boss, and her family's wealth and influence set her apart from everyone else. Despite her privileged life, Maria felt trapped by her father's expectations and longed for something more.

One day, while on a shopping trip in the nearby city, Maria met a young man named Marco. Marco was a commoner who worked at a local cafe, and he was immediately struck by Maria's beauty and grace. Maria was intrigued by Marco's humble demeanor and quick wit, and the two struck up a conversation.

Over the next few weeks, Maria and Marco would meet secretly in the city, where they would talk for hours and exchange passionate kisses. They knew that their love was forbidden, but they could not resist their feelings for each other.

Maria's father soon found out about her secret meetings with Marco and was furious. He forbade Maria from seeing Marco ever again, citing his lower social status as the reason why they could never be together. Maria was heartbroken when she heard the news and vowed to find a way to be with Marco, no matter what.

Weeks passed, and Maria grew increasingly desperate to be reunited with Marco. She knew that her father would never approve of their relationship, so she came up with a plan. She would leave her privileged life behind and run away with Marco, starting a new life together far away from her family's influence.

One night, Maria sneaked out of her family's mansion and met Marco at the cafe where he worked. Together, they drove out of the city and headed towards a new life together.

Maria and Marco settled in a small town on the coast, where they built a life together. They rented a small apartment and worked hard to make ends meet, but they were happy. Maria loved Marco with all her heart, and he made her feel like a normal person, free from the pressures of her family's expectations.

However, Maria's happiness was short-lived. Her father soon discovered where she was living and sent his men to bring her back home. Maria was terrified and knew that her father would never allow her to be with Marco. She decided that she had to leave Marco to protect him.

That night, Maria packed her bags and left without saying goodbye. Marco was heartbroken when he woke up to an empty apartment and realized that Maria had left him.

Years passed, and Marco never forgot about Maria. He had heard rumors about her family's activities and knew that it was unlikely that he would ever see her again. However, fate had other plans.

One day, while walking through the city, Marco saw a familiar face. It was Maria, dressed in expensive clothing and surrounded by bodyguards. Marco was shocked and didn't know what to do.

Maria saw Marco and ran towards him, tears streaming down her face. She explained that her father had forced her to return home and marry a wealthy man from another mafia family. She had been miserable ever since and had never stopped thinking about Marco.

Marco and Maria embraced each other tightly, both filled with happiness and relief that they had found each other again. They decided to run away together and start a new life far away from their past.

They settled in a small town in the mountains, where they lived a simple life together. They started a family and grew old together, their love for each other never fading. They knew that their past would always haunt them, but they were content in the knowledge that they had each other.

The moral of this story is that true love knows no bounds, not even social status or family expectations. Maria and Marco's story is proof that love can overcome any obstacle, and that happy endings are possible, even in the face of adversity.