
Give nothing back

Heading toward the slave market I walk into the tent and it smells of Shit and desperation as I sit there and ponder "Hello there what can we help you with?" I look over at a fat slimy middle-aged man "Hello" I say trying to keep a smile on my face. "So what can I help you with" Looking him in the eyes 'Impero' "Is there a way to remove the slave marks "No it can only be transferred, "Go and get all of the slaves, bring them here and transfer them to me." He shambles away towards the back.

After a few minutes, he came back with potions and s long line of slaves "Transfer them to me" After that, I send them all but Raphtalia the raccoon girl into my incoming stadium. I want to research getting rid of the slave bond. Looking back at the slaver "Write down all of your contacts, and everyone who has ever bought a slave from you." He complies I turn to Raphtalia "Hello, how are you doing?" She looks shocked at everything going on in front of her." I am ok, Master." "Don't Call me that call me Charles." she relaxes some. Looking back to the slaver "Hand over all of your monster eggs and anything of value you have left, after this wait until we leave kill yourself." He nods.

As I am pondering what to do next Raphtalia is just fidgeting next to me "So what now?" She asks I look at her "now we grab all of the demi-humans and head towards Silvelt kingdom Northeast of here a few countries away. But before that let's meet my boys." She looks confused(according to the wiki I tried to find a functional map but could not find one Silvelt is the demi-human kingdom Northeast of Melromarc).

Making my way to an abandoned warehouse and calling out the last four squads, and the Igors. When they arrive and get settled down. "Alright before I begin searching the area for people in the shadows." After the search, I hear a commotion in the rafters, looking up I see a couple of my men holding two shadows. They start to fight soon after the shadows are knocked out just to be sure I stun them a couple of times.

Looking over everyone "Alright I have separate missions for you guys. I want three squads to separate and go castle to castle town to town and grab all of the demi-humans, some of them will be slaves, do what you have to do to acquire them. When you have finished this head northeast towards the Siltvelt kingdom. You have my permission to go wild, but don't turn anyone. One last thing to cut loose" They grin and disappear in a burst of movement.

Turning to the last squad "We will wait for the first three squads to return with the loot and demi-humans then get out of this bitch." Looking over the shadows "toss them out. and some of you go to all the magic shops in town and armories and buy anything that catches your eyes." handing out bars of gold. "Why not steal boss?" "well, we maybe ass holes but we are not dicks. Nah I'm kidding there are a few shops that are cool from what I heard, anyone else takes what you want," I turn to Igor's "How have you been doing?" "We are alright, just bored." The other two nod "Well you guys are going to be with us we are going on an adventure!" Is that a smile I see?

As we wait I take all of the eggs and put them in a room in my castle and have Mia and Lucy watching them for when they start to hatch. Waiting inside the warehouse Raphtalia starts to tell us about her life up until we procured her she tells us about the destruction of her village, watching a two-headed monster kill her parents, and how she was sold into slavery. She seems to be sick so I send her to the healers in my world. I grab some plants and metals I have laying around and start to absorb them into my shield. As I am finishing up with the materials from the worlds I have visited and the monsters I have caught like wyverns, basilisks, and some dragon bones and blood from Bane.

The troops start coming in after they have taken everything as the demi-humans see me an older dog man walks forward "They spoke true, you are the shield hero." Near the end, he just seems happy. "Why are you not in Silvelt, they always summon the Shield Hero?" I smile warily "Well the Melromarc kingdom summoned me to humiliate me and steal Silvelt hero so they will be less defended against the waves. They also plan on framing me for crimes I didn't commit to humiliate me like theft." I think 'But as we speak I a stealing everything from them including their treasure and slaves. They are happy about this "We shall follow you" I nod "Well follow these gentle men they will get you guys home and food. I will bring you back out when we reach the Silvelt Kingdom." After the last squad comes in and we load up our loot "Alright guys Start heading North East." I say and we separate.


Siltlet kingdom

You can see several Priests sitting in a semi-circle trying to summon the Shield Hero, but the spell keeps sputtering out. Behind the priest, you can see the four most influential people in the kingdom. "Priest why has the summoning failed?" asked the concerned Hakuko, Genmum, Shaku, and the Aotatsu political party leaders. "It seems someone has summoned the Shield hero...." The four may be at odds with each other for power in the kingdom but they never go overboard and now someone has the balls to take their hero. "WAR" the instinct was screaming in their head. "Find them, Find them now..."

After a few hours someone bursts inside the summoning room "SIR we found Him!!" "Quick gather the others." In moments everyone is there "Speak now." "Sir it turns out that the Shield hero was spotted in Melromarc capital." Growls spread through the crowd "First they try to enslave us now they steal our Hero. What other news do you bring." ....."Well, it is unclear but it seems the shield hero tortured the spear hero and a guard when they tried to attack him...." *Silence* "They tried to attack the shield hero when he was first summoned....only for him to turn around and torture the spear hero.....*Snot* I like him" "Another report is that someone stole everything of value in the Capital even the princesses virginity.....they claim it was the Shield hero but there is no proof. the last report is that he was spotted heading our way" everyone is either clapping, cheering, or laughing. "Sir it says that he is also freeing all the demi-humans in the kingdom" "He is our hero." "Yeah" "We shall greet him accordingly." after further discussion they agreed to send out scouts to find him.

A/N: Not much information is available on the Siltvelt kingdom so I am working with little information so I a my be wrong on a few things sorry but I am trying

Hope you enjoyed the novel so far.