
Through the ages: Visitor of the apocalypse

In a world of death and life. where humanity hangs on a thread. a visitor came, would he save the remnants of humanity? and lead them back into a new peak? or, would he guide the new dominant race of this new order. who knows, but I know its a story worth writing. Arc 1 Not the worst apocalypse. Follow as Daniel Explores this new apocalyptic world. limiting himself to that of a 1st tier Astral psion. with a body strong enough to decimate 21 century armies barehanded.

MA_Writecraft · Khoa huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 2 Death city: Necropolis. Act 3 of 5.

Act 3 Becoming civilized.

Pov ???

A song played, it was a nightcore, a digital girl sang about holy beings with wings, halos, and shotguns. This woke me up. It was hard keeping my eyes open, but eventually it did.

I looked around the similar looking room, as I sat up on my bed. I felt a weight, and heat, shifting to my right. and another one between my legs. As I watched, as my blanket, kept bobbing back and forth.

I removed my blanket, and saw a cute asian girl, in her late 20s, her hair was a black mess, what used to be proper make up, was ruined, and lipstick smudged on my 8 inched, long meaty rod.

Oh, Good Morning Li-min. Trying to get a bonus? Ssspppp. ghmm. I felt as my essence, left my flesh and filled her sinful mouth. I watched her as she sucked hard, realing my rod, with a pop.

She showed me her mouth, steaming with my essence, both her fingers helping with her mouthy smile. I placed my head on her head. As she swallowed. Alright you earned that bonus.

She smiled at me, giving me a wet kissed on my cheek. She was happily humming a song, as she sashayed into the shower, the sound of warm water, pitter pattered. And that broke me out of my fog.

I cuddled to the one to my left, she was steering, about to wake up. She opened her eyes, and I pinned her to her back. and enjoyed her smelly wine taste mouth.

 Saliva formed as I parted, taking her first kiss of the day. Morning Sandy, you taste terrible. Li-min's already in the shower, I'm gonna join her, come when you're ready alright?

She didn't say anything, her eyes were still unfocused, sex drunk, from what I've done, to them last night. But she nodded as I joined the singing young nymph.

A few minutes, after I entered the warm shower. the sound of flesh embracing each echoed, it became louder. as a third player entered, with banshi like, sultry cries for mercy starting to mix in with the pitter patter of water, on tiled floor.

Pov Daniel Cetus

I opened my eyes and stood up, from the hot bubbling water I was meditating on. Sam followed me, she was as naked as I was. Kinda glad I found this bathroom, it was like a japanese public bath, with shower hoses, in front of large mirrors, inside opaque cubicles.

And at the far end, where me and Sam were relaxing, layed a large wooden onsen, like bathtub. This office bath was stock. There was a vending machine selling all the amenities needed from luxury brands to the cheap stuff.

I already prepared towels for us, and as I wrapped my hips, I saw Sam copying me, exposing her small tits. Oh? Mimicry already? She's developing so fast, I can feel her in our connection, as she moves around my mindscape, reading through my books of wisdom.

Well I felt her try to read the more technical books, regarding my knowledge about stuff. but after she read through how to build a well, she never touched another again.

I might need to tutor her, but that would be more effective with other children. She might develop really bad habits, if I kept her, this isolated.

I fixed her towel wrapping it above her chest, I spoke to her as I did this for her. If you want to be a good girl, remember to not show your chest, or reproductive organ, to others alright? Only show them to those you like.

Her face was the same, a straight neutral face. I know she doesn't understand the words, but our bond explains the Intent atleast. Hopefully, talking to her would teach her the language faster.

I walked out the bath area, and found a relaxing lobby. The lights were on, I needed to charge the internal batteries of the building manually, but it made my stay here more comfortable.

The lobby was filled with things to entertain or give a place for those that finished their bath, there were vibration machines, to use to activate the muscles, before a bath.

There were massage chairs, and other such things. What I went to, was a vending machine, who was selling drinks. I pressed on the honey mango milk and strawberry milk, and the machine gave it to me.

I gave the strawberry to Sam and I drank mine as I laid down on a massage chair. Sam copied me, drinking her drink, as she slouched on the chair. This office complex, really has everything. Is every office building in this city like this? I questioned.

As she finished her drink, I patted her head and said. Sleep. And she fainted quickly. Huh? So she does need sleep, I was wondering why she was becoming sluggish.

It's been 3 days since I made her, and she was awake all that time. Exactly at 4am I noticed she's become slower, not really enough to make a difference, if she needs to rip someone apart, but it's noticeable to me.

I took off her towel as I pointed my hand towards her, scanning her entirely, once I was done I placed back her towel. And read through the scan in my mindscape. 

She really is developing. I compared her scans, from before her apotheosis. After her apotheosis before she woke up, and after she woke up, the regular 24 hour scans and the current one.

From what I can see most of her development was in her nervous and cerebral system. Her nervous system, reconnecting to important pain receptors, and her skin, she can probably feel touch, warmth and cold again. 

And as for her cerebral system, her neural pathways seemed to have condensed making her memory and thinking clearer. Even her neuron count improved. What was surprising was a new organ connected to her spine and brain. It seems to be producing hormones similar to adrenaline, caffeine, nicotine, and endorphins.

Oddly enough unlike in her zombie form she's not producing any Dopamine and serotonin. Well she isn't trying to eat me, so this might explain it. These new hormones, seems to have been made using the sap stored in her liver, and recirculated through her second heart, pumping blue cells.

It's fascinating, how one of her lungs became a smaller heart, connected to her main heart, without me doing any bio-sculpting. It's like it's a natural evolutionary process written in her dna. . .

Hopefully it's not, and I'm not just screwing with someone else's science project. It's never a good thing, when you play around with other people's toys. Well she could also just be a unique case. The ZV-1 virus has the highest mutation rate I've seen in any pre-space age civilization.

So it could just be Biological mutation to adapt to its surroundings and host. I comforted myself with those kinds of thoughts. as my will, worked on unthreading every fiber on the office clothes I collected and Sam carried.

I was working on a white floral decorated scarf, keeping the largest mass in place, as I removed friction between threads. Unraveling lock stitches and cutting machine heat locks. And then after a minute I had a large ball of white cotton and polymer thread. And smaller colored thread balls.

I held the material in the air, as I slowly floated large plastic boxes in front of me. They were filled with different threads turned into balls. The pile of clothes, and assorted cloths, was moved to the side just in case I needed more material.

I checked on Sam, by touching her forehead with a finger, she was still asleep, her brain reorganizing itself and her subconsciousness, inside my mindscape. Good enough. I placed another hypnotic suggestion on her, making her keep sleeping for a few hours more than she needs.

Then I started to work. I made Sam as weightless as a balloon, filled with pumped air, and held her floating in front of me. Now let's play some adult dress up dolls.

The towel fell and I ignored it. First I picked up ladies underwear from the clothes pile. It was very ornate. it was a hipster lacy black panty, with a wavy design, overall it was sexy. So I added more material to it, making it into boyshort panties. I kept the design because it was cute but made it into something a girl should wear.

After I was sure it would fit, I placed it on her. and it fit well, not too tight to be uncomfortable, or cut off her circulations. but not to loose that it'll fall off when she's moving around or fighting.

I was happy with it so I made five more so she can change if it gets soiled or lost. They were based on the other panties I bought from a retail clothes vending machine in a laundry area, I explored.

Most of the clothes and material I have are from that vending machine and laundry area I found. which really makes me believe, this world or country is ruled by a corporate regime, not that uncommon, in the galactic community.

But for a human type 1 civilization? I haven't seen that before, it's always been either a democratic, Technocratic, socialistic, theological or dictatorial with the rarest is the imperial regime. Never have I in my dozens of dimension travels seen a megacorporation as the regime that would lead humanity to the stars. . . or could they not?

This could just be a development period. I said to myself as I looked at the brand on the back of the vending machine, that was visible in every other appliance, wrapper, and clothes tag; GSI.

I stopped thinking of that possibility, and continued working on my project's clothes. The bras I made her, were sports bras, designed to match their panty counterparts.

It snugged at her tiny fun bits. . . this made me think, and made me modify her underwear, by adding rubber silk, so when she grows. her underwear should keep up with her, until I needed to make another collection.

Next I worked on inner clothes, for pants I made her leggings, remade from based clothes taken from the pile. Some were too risky for a girl to use, so those I adjusted further. I kept their design, but added more rubber silk, and polymer fiber. My last decoration was a Crafter mark. A whale reading a book.

Next I worked on her top, this was simpler as there are bodysuits. Of her size in the vending machines, I only added sleeves and more, polymer and rubber silk. To make it adjustable, and my mark.

I made 5 sets of these inner clothes. Next were her boots. I thought of giving her sandals, but it might break, if she placed her strength on it. so I made her modified leather booths, improved for endurance and reinforced with steel plating.

Lastly, I made her outer cloth. And it was a cowl, Large and white, fully made from a mix of steel thread, polymers, and modified cotton and yarn. It was soft, to the touch, but bullet and cute proof. The hood fully covers her head, the sleeves of her arm, and skirts her legs. 

I smiled, satisfied with my work on her, and then laid her down. I checked on the wall clock, on the wall of the bath waiting amenity room. It took me three hours to finish my work, which was faster than I thought. with me using nothing but material science and experience to make her clothes.

Well I did practice. That was my last thought as I wore my psionic made v neck cotton shirt, adjusted cargo pants, regular leather boots, steel thread fingerless gloves and modified leather jacket.

I picked up Sam, and carried her on my back, as I walked in front of a wall mirror. and saw a tall muscular young man, carrying a girl old enough to be her sister, or a friend of her sister.

That's good. I picked up a small duffle bag and filled it with our clothes, tools I found, snacks and drink pouches. And tied it to my belt. then with one hand held a fire ax, modified to have a longer steel reinforced handle, with a spear pike on the ax head.

I then kicked the elevator door open. Gluck! Ripping them open the doors fell downwards with a thump. I sheathed my ax, and then held the steel wire, loosely as I jumped down.