
Through the ages: Visitor of the apocalypse

In a world of death and life. where humanity hangs on a thread. a visitor came, would he save the remnants of humanity? and lead them back into a new peak? or, would he guide the new dominant race of this new order. who knows, but I know its a story worth writing. Arc 1 Not the worst apocalypse. Follow as Daniel Explores this new apocalyptic world. limiting himself to that of a 1st tier Astral psion. with a body strong enough to decimate 21 century armies barehanded.

MA_Writecrft · Khoa huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 2 Death city: Necropolis. Act 1 of 5.

Act 1 Am I a necromancer? or a necrologist?

Pov Daniel Cetus

It's been a few hours since I've started studying Sam. She's been a really good girl, staying so still as I examined her inside and out. During my breaks, I used her as a means to get coffee and sample the other snacks, In the vending machines.

Also I've gathered some large paper pieces, that I think is called A2s, from one of the office supply storages, and a board that I can use to pin the A2s on.

Using my psionics, and ink bottles, intended for the office printers, I made photo-like images of the biology of Ms.Sam and other research points that I've observed.

The ones I've currently pinned, is a full body anatomical view of Ms. Sam's body. Images of the infected cells. Categorized of course and the two pathogens I believe are the cause of this pandemic.

One looks like a bacteria, specifically a highly modified staphylococcus epidermidis. Its main purpose seems to be to overwhelm the body's natural defenses, and then once the body's systems break, the bacteria becomes dormant and nursery for the next pathogen.

The other pathogen was a virus, a highly mutative one at that, that looks like a bacteriophage. But similar to an HSV strand and like the other one highly modified.

From what I've seen after pathogen 1 goes dormant, this pathogen starts reproducing inside the bacterial pathogen. and then infects the body's cells, all of them, leaving the neuron and glial cells for last. Improving the functions of each cell.

The effect of these two pathogens is a zombie. . . I think the first one was designed as a bioweapon, to fully weaken a population. and use vaccinated troops to conquer the land, and treat the sickly population, with minor aid to control the populations receptiveness to conquest.

Honestly I would do this, if I had a nation capable of assassinating higher management, and taking control of superweapon points. The second pathogen was different though.

It was designed as an enhancer, a bio-engineering tool to modify people in the micro-scape. But it was altered, rather than improve people, by introducing a symbiotic virus that can become part of a human cell. This thing fully subsumed cells.

I wonder who did this. Well let's name these two pathogens. Pathogen 1 is now called BB-Rot and for the other pathogen I'll call it ZV-1 alright let's continue with testing Little Samantha.

She was still laying down on the table naked. In Front of the glass wall sunlight bathed her. I checked on her, it's been two hours since I started this test.

The sunlight isn't that strong, and I should have just used my pionics to simulate UV radiated light. This test would have been done faster. But I wanted to test it like this first.

I checked her thoughts. I replaced the hypnosis of her thinking of nothing, into thinking normally, well for a zombie. and then thinking she can't move.

This made it so I can read her thoughts while testing her; Hot, bad light, hungry, Food, Smell, sound, movement. Can't move. . . And repeatedly she was staring at me Hungrily. I fed her once a few hours ago to test what it'll do.

The result was insightful. What I fed was a mice, that I found, but I had to disinfect it first, because I'm not sure if cross pathogenic mutation might happen, when a zombie gets another viral pathogen inside them.

I want to test that in a different way later. rather than by accident by feeding my test subject with a random disease ridden rodent. The result was, her cells quickly absorbed the biomass, and then healed themselves using the new resources rather than eating themselves.

It happened both in the micro scale and in the macro scale as her scarred arms slowly healed, very little. This gave me the understanding that they don't need biomass to maintain themselves but need it to naturally repair themselves.

I checked her skin, and pressed on her chest, and it's the same, her body didn't react to the sunlight on the surface. I was actually hoping she'll get a sunburn or a tan, her muscles stiffness is the same. Atleast she's not cold anymore.

Then I looked inside her, and saw it did have an effect, her cells are damaged and saturated with vitamin D. . . Wait, don't tell me this is the cure for this?

I say that, but looking at the degradation of the cells. It's pretty extensive. If I forced UV radiation and vitamin D to a zombie it might kill the ZV-1 and BB-rot but it'll also cause a cascading collapse of every system still functioning, and would cause rapid deterioration. . . which means zombie sludge.

Well atleast now I know zombies don't like sunlight. So does that mean they hunt at night? Or away from the sun? Hmm. . . as I was thinking, I picked up Sam, and then moved her to the sofa in a sitting position.

And wrap her with another table cloth that I've found. Then I thought of another experiment. I went to the vending machines. Hello guest Daniel, Thank you for your patronage.

I bought some jerky, protein bars, chocolate bars, grain bars and two cups of coffee. And then I stripped Sam again, as I scanned her, while force feeding her one at a time the foods I bought.

First the coffee, but before I forced it into her gulet, I checked its content. Which was 1/3 milk, 1/3 caffeine, and 1/6 sugar. And everything else was water.

Ehh that's fine. I just want to see what caffeine or sugar does to a zombie's digestive system. Down the hole. Gulp! gulp, gulp. . . the sounds of gulping echoed in the room. Huh no gag reflex, I wonder if that's a zombie thing or this woman was just experienced.

I pushed down the thoughts, and observed closely what was happening to the liquid, flowing through her throat. And I saw some of it turn into a sap like substance, but most of it became biomass to feed the undeads cells.

Interesting what is that sap? I looked deeper and saw the sap was made out of pure caffeine and sugar. . . is it storage? So that the body can use it when needed? Let's test that later.

I fed her everything, the protein base food was immediately absorbed and healed her scars further. The chocolate bars became sap and the fats turned into biomass. The grain bars were turned into sludge first, and then sugar, and then sap. 

Her thoughts were the same through this process, which is making the idea of naturally uplifting these undead monsters, into a sapient necrophage species. like those of the vampires and skeletons I've encountered in other realms. a blurred prospect.

I took notes of the process of her converting food into biomass, that stays in her enlarged stomach, and then after a few minutes it becomes nutrients and energy that her cells absorb, making them more active, multiplying and then slowing down again.

Hmm. . . So it really isn't corpses being puppeted by a virus, but a new type of nascent necrophagic species. That reanimates humans. I haven't seen any animals, but I shouldn't dismiss the idea of other animals being susceptible to this virus.

I nodded to myself. And then looked at Sam's scarred arms, which was almost scarless now. I should try this last test and then move on and start exploring this city.

I fully removed Sam's tablecloth coverings, and folded and then placed them to the side as I carried her to the glass table. And gently placed her, laying down face up. 

Once she's laid, I placed a hand on her chest where her unbeating heart weakly pulses. Alright Samantha, either I make a breakthrough on my research on you and your race or I completely atomize your body.

I smiled at her. And then psionic energy circulated, pulsed inside me, I led it. making a psionic engine on my chest, an infinitely circulating ring of psionic energy.

My eyes started glowing blue, my muscles rippled, small arcs of lightning played on my hand and forearm. And then with a thought I sent my energy inside her.

I watched as my energy broke down slowly rotting organs, turning them into more biomass and sap. And then my energy fully enveloped her body from the neck down. Super charging her cells, converting biomass into protein, into cells, into tissue, into muscles.

Her arms scarring fully gone, her strained muscles healed, her disgusting shoulder wound closing, scarring, and fully replaced with new healthy, blue pale skin, within seconds.

I was limiting my output, as I saw the first cells bursting with energy, failing to stop itself from multiplying too fast. And then the cells with the highest charge went towards her head, without my influence.

They bursted inside the brain, and the cells inside the brain greedily started consuming the nutrient, and energy, and because of it the brain started to heal. Slowly at first, but after a minute of more and more cells giving themselves to the brain.

I felt her psionic essence grow and grow until her thoughts started to change; not hungry, can't move. . . I released the energy I was feeding her. Ha ha ha hahahaha! I laughed like an insane scientist who had gotten a eureka moment.

I looked at my creation. Perfect bluish pale skin, with rosy cheeks. beautiful eyes that sparkled like a pulsar star. healthy raven black, long hair, that reached the floor. The bad thing is that she became younger and smaller. . . I was now looking at a 16 maybe 13 years old girl.

She's skinny, her shapely form gone, but potential was there, as her breast and hips seems to only need nutrients to form into something usable for fertility.

I'm not sure what happened, But I think her body still self digested to continue her apotheosis. Even though, during this whole experiment, I was creating biomass for her body to use, so that she doesn't starve from having her cells rapidly multiply, without anything to use as building blocks.

For the first time, since I found her. her eyes were closed as I released my hypnosis. I subtly entered her mind and saw it in a chaotic mess. So I left it alone.

I moved closer to her, and pressed my ear on her small chest. I listened for her heart, it was beating, but oh so slow. I nodded to myself and smiled happily. I leaned back straight, and stood up.

And grabbed my clipboard and noted my experiment both the failure and success. Then I left it on the table. As a thought came over me. . . I just made a new necrophagic lifeform. . . Do I leave her, and observe from afar, and see what her new race's natural development would look like or. . .

No, I've read what happened to Frankenstein, and I'm immortal. I wouldn't want one of my children to hate me for eternity. . . I highly doubt this will be the last race, I'll accidentally help create.

I sat on the sofa, petting my new creation on her head. Her mind calmed a bit from my action, so I moved the sofa closer and then sat in a comfortable position and meditated.

In my meditation, I kept sending a calming aura, into Sam. And with this, she calmed even further, until her mind was like that of a flowing river, organizing its path down a mountain.

0 0 0 0 0 

I didn't notice, that I've dozed off. but as I woke up, I felt a weight on my thighs, and that weight was a cute girl. with knee length raven hair, and blue eyes that shine like the stars. She was looking at my face, her expression placid, unemotional.

Good. . . I looked beyond the window, at the skies, they were light scarlet, sunset. I was asleep for atleast a few hours. Evening Sam, how was your nap?

She didn't answer me, as she kept staring at my now open eyes. I connected my mind with her, her thoughts now less instinct yet similar to it. Not food, Father. . . Protect. . . Patriarch. Her thoughts repeated, and I did not sever our connection.

Yet let her subconsciously read my own thoughts, hopefully learning from it. I stood up, as she followed me. I looked down at her, she was bare. her small, shaven pussy exposed, moist by her fluid. Her small breast, with nipples turned stiff.

I better dress her, she might get cold. . . wait would she feel cold? Or pain, now? As I lost myself to my thoughts, as she grabbed the table cloth I used to cover her up.

This broke me out of my thoughts, as I kneeled down and dressed her as best as I could using the table cloth. She kinda looked like a cute little nun, after I dressed her up. This made me smile. As I patted her head. You're cute.

I stood back up and went towards the vending machine and then ordered coffee. After the 2nd coffee the vending machine said something. Sorry sir Guest Daniel, but that's the last of my coffee stock, please, inform the maintenance crew. Then an out of service sign. replaced the touch screen buttons.

Huh. . . guess that was inevitable. I said to myself as I sat on the table. And then spoke to the cute little thing following me. Want to drink this Sam? I said to her, At first, she kept looking at me, and then the cup. but she seems to have understood I want her to drink it.

Her thoughts followed her action. I gave it to her, and she held it with both smol hands. she licked the coffee, like a puppy tasting it. and then with understanding in her eyes, started chugging the liquid like she was a frat boy, impressing his friends and a couple of girls.

Huh. . . no gagging reflex, and she isn't being burned by the hot drink. Her thoughts keep repeating; drink. I took notes of this as she drank her coffee, and as I was sipping mine.

I looked at myself in the full body mirror. and what looked back was a barbarian, wearing rags, in a mockery of clothes. delicate skin, yet rippled with muscles. Vibrant beautiful long hair, yet unkept and ungroomed.

It's been only a month right? I shouldn't go full post-apocalyptic barbarian warrior. . . yet. alright I need clothes. I looked at Sam wearing a tablecloth, like it was a nun gown. Alright we both need clothes. I said as I placed my hand on the emotionless girl's hooded head.