
Chapter 11. 50 years later. End of first memory.

Act 1 (Daniel Fyrebird - Abyss) Earth 0.

In a mega city on fire and chaos. On top a tower of steel and glass with monstrosities of all kinds, Fighting, running, climbing atop it too only fall dead or bleeding from the skyscraper.

(Rebecca- Lady Mercenary) Daniel! 

I saw Rebecca was pulled from our group, by a monstrosity of tentacles and fangs. I felt the others were busy protecting Raven, as she was finished casting her spell.

With a thought I sent the giant centipede trying to eat my face backwards, forcing it to collide with the other Infested monsters. I then threw a spear of force at the monster Rebecca who was trying and failing to blow up it's clawed tentacled hands from grabbing more of her.

It stopped moving as my psionic spear reached it, its hold loosening enough for Rebecca to jump away from it with her reinforced tendons augments.

She gave me a nod and smile and I returned it. But then I felt pain in my upper stomach.

(All) No! Daniel! Bother! Behin. . . Love! Boy!

Many words were yelled out of my companions' voices. As I finally felt the enemy behind me, a giant mantis with spike claws, one of it piercing all the way through me.

(Daniel Fyrebird - Abyss) Hahaha!

Laughter came from me as a thought came in. I knew they'll eventually adapt to me. I was too complacent damn doctor, you really did made them into horrors.

With that last thought I gave a breath that I was holding, as all the psionic energy I was holding the entire fight came surging out of me creating a bubble of influence around the tower.

Everything that wasn't a companion or human dropped with all the psionic energy controlling their flesh ripped apart and turned into pure essence.

I lost all feeling around me, as I felt my knees hit the crystalline roof. And hear the voices of my companion. I heard Raven with a tearing shuddering voice yelling she's ready.

That's good, I don't think I can keep the barrier for more than a few moments. I felt hands holding my back and then I felt myself being carried.

(Daniel Fyrebird - Abyss) Lea. . ve Me. woul. . dn't hold.

I felt fur, smelled earthy nuts with the mix of blood that was steaming into nothing.

(Miyoung Kitsune) Fool! I am not leaving you! Now, shut up!

I smiled still at the hard headed spitfire Daniel had fallen for. But I felt my body failing my soul becoming untethered as the seconds passed.

With the final wisps of what I can gather of my psionic essence I gave everyone I knew around me a message tailored to them.

Miyu I love you, please don't blame yourself alright? And take care of little Angelyne, I gave her something just in case this happens. . . She'll grow up with a father, even without me.

Rebecca you know I would always love you, and don't blame yourself this was inevitable you know I rely on my psionic sense more than everything else. Please don't wallow to much.

Raven. . . Leah. . . Jake. . .Doctor. . . Teacher. . . my mental notes went on as I forced Raven to activate her spell, I was facing my friends and lovers as they blinked away, disappearing.

As I did one last show and Ignited all the essence near me all of those monsters killing themselves on my domain, fuel as I said goodnight to this world.

Act 2 (Miyoung Kitsune) Earth 0.

(Raven - Mistress Night) No! 

I stared confused as I didn't feel my love's weight anymore and then saw I was in the Air castle, I looked down and saw and felt my lover's furry.

The entire city was consumed rapidly by a blue flame that I always saw as a sign of safety and love. . . it has never harmed nor burned anyone it touched.

But now like the flames of the divine, it purified everything within its path, the roads turned into branches of flame, the buildings and flesh of the largest monsters it's kindling.

I shuddered in fear, I looked around and saw the same fear within the eyes of all those who saw the one who did this as their closest friend or most loving lover.

(Jake Parolta) ha ha ha! He won the bet. . . to burn the whole of Independence. . . I guess. . . I owe him my gun.

I laughed like the others who were there when we were far into the night finally getting a Drunk Daniel to make a bet he can never do. . . but like always he did.

His voice linger in me as I remember his last words, giving one last look at the inferno I took off to look for my baby. I would be damned if I couldn't atleast take care of our treasure!

Act 3 (Star of the Abyss) Immaterial Sea.

I opened my eyes and saw I was floating within a realm of colors, thoughts, dreams, memories and other such immaterial things. And Gigantic turtles circled around me. Or rather swam and I was floating with them.

Huh. . . is that my Ancestral descent? I . . . Daniel. . . he gave me his memories, his lessons, his wisdom. . . it was broken, remnants what it truly was. . . but it was enough of a beacon to lead me to that memory of one of his lives.

Well I did learn a lot from it. . . I think that's enough for now let's see how long I kept Sister and Master. I truly miss them, it has been 5 decades since I saw them, but time might not have even moved for them.

Then with a breath, I pulled in the raw psionic essence around me. Becoming like that of a middle, of a whirlpool, the giants reacted in interest as they watched me, but said nothing as I took in as much as I could and with a burst of power descended back to my human form.

Act 4 (Priestess Maria) Origin Galaxy.

I was with my fellow acolytes as we helped the Elder and the Vibranty Envoy stabilize the Keepers Vault. It was designed to protect Abyss from anything outside that would harm him! Not to protect us from this storm he became!

But then as I looked on in panic into the Psionic storm that was becoming stronger and stronger as the seconds tick by it suddenly stopped.

The pressure I and everyone else was feeling just vanished into nothing. As we all looked in positive shock as the storm Imploded, molding into a solid shape of. . . Abyss!

The Vault turned into dust as a powerful pulse of a familiar but staggeringly strong psionic wave went through me and all others. I knew the ritual was to give wisdom to those that did it but this!? How did he become . . .

I felt the Elder moved closer to Abyss, as his form was finally clear as the fog of dust rescinded. I saw not the prepubescent older boy who entered the ritual but a young man in his 20s. He wore a robe, more ornate, greater in quality than the one they give to the highest ranked Acolytes. . . and he had become even more easy on the eyes.

Act 5 (Star of the Abyss) Origin Galaxy.

Log date 126 Year of harmony. Season of Contemplation. By Human apprentice, Star of the Abyss. Apprentice of the golden jade sanctuary, of the Marigold star cluster.

Huh. . . It wasn't even a year?

(Abyss) Please tell me again Sister? How long was my descent!

I infront of sister Priestess Maria, and two more acolytes and the two envoys, enjoying a morning meal.

(Priestess Maria) Like I said it has only been 3 months. the storm started weakly 3 days ago, but a few hours ago became strong enough for the Elder stepped or it would have broken your artificial shell.

I took in what she told me I was in that memory for 50 years. . . I could have stayed longer, gone through the other memories. . . but I. . . this is a good thing. I don't what Daniel was so afraid of but being able to become filled with decades of wisdom while only 3 months passing is a small price.

A friend of the Envoy Vivian spoke next and she looked curious. And small but cute with her brown braided hair and uniform protective spacewalker suit.

(Abigail Rose) I'm Abigail Rose, and I want to ask how was it! How, how long, what.

She was like an automatic firing of one question and then the next. her friend stepped up a taller one with calmer and collected feel about her. Pinching her friend's shoulder, stopping her barrage of questions and making her limb.

And laid her down sprawled on the table.

(Rianna Cloudwalker) I'm sorry about her; she gets excited easily. I'm Rianna Cloudwalker.

I took her hand as she offered it.

(Abyss) And I'm Star of the Abyss but please call me Abyss.

I felt her cold hands warm as I acted casually with her. I felt reluctance as I separated my hand, but it could have been my imagination.

I felt that even though her body was. . . puddy, Rose was still listening so I answered some of her questions.

(Abyss) I was in a memory for 50 years. Now it feels like a dream I had a long time ago yet I can remember each lesson I was taught, each thing I've learned. . . but while I was in my descent it felt truly real even though my body wasn't my own.

I paused and let my words sink. I got their attention even the younger Oogwaian's listened into my recollection of my first descent and memory walk. They were attentive. The acolytes because they have yet experience 

(Abyss) it was a realm of heroes and villains much like the old shows I watched with you sister.

I nodded to sister Maria. Everyone looked at her. She didn't show her embarrassment but I could feel it from her.

(Abyss) I was a hero, they call those like me a paragon . . . Powers ranked with letters. . . made friends and lovers. . . mutated beasts turned into monstrous abominations. . . an earth in the alternate 30st century. . . a walk in the Immaterial sea.

As I spoke they listened and then I ended as I stood up and demonstrated the greatest projection I created during my time in that memory.

(Abyss) And this is my greatest thing I learned.

With a thought, my form became that of a flaming avatar of a blue sun god. With ornately decorated flaming wings and a crown of crystals and flames.

My hands outstretched as my projection created a rip in reality showing a mirror like view of the memories made in a slideshow like fashion. . . all watched bought it and me as my eyes cried and enjoyed my memories.