
A surprising request

- hello, young gentlemen. Welcome to my place, the black market!

- Hmm hmm! replied Atlas, seeming lost in thought, before adding: "a question is bothering me, how do you know our names? Have we met before?"

- Unfortunately, we have not crossed paths, young sirs. But you happen to be rather well-known around here.

- Well-known? Alpheus raised his left eyebrow in surprise.

- See for yourselves. The merchant simply gestured towards a parchment displayed to the two travelers.

On the parchment, the faces of the two companions were depicted, sent by the king himself. Beneath it was written: wanted, dead or alive, reward of 1000 gold coins.

The companions didn't seem overly surprised, but they nevertheless found the speed with which the king and the elders of the great council had acted remarkable.

- The Grand Council and the king have not wasted any time. It is the least we can say. Alpheus pointed out, looking at the wanted poster.

- Indeed. But... all things considered, we're rather highly valued, aren't we?

- It's true that 1000 gold coins is nothing to scoff at. Alpheus replied.

- Nothing to scoff at?! It's excellent. Not only does it prove they acknowledge our strength, but it's also a means for us to forge a solid reputation and achieve our goal without having to deal with small fry. And that's just one of the benefits.

- Benefits accompanied, of course, by a slew of misdeeds.

- Look at the bright side, Alpheus, what would be the thrill of a journey without danger and twists of fate?

- Okay... okay. That is all well and good, but I would like to know why you have invited us here? Alpheus asked the merchant.

Atlas too had started to look at the merchant, obviously wanting to know the reason for their presence in this place. The merchant surely must want to ask them for a favor, otherwise why would he summon travelers wanted by a king and the greatest authority in Aspell, the Grand Council.

- Yes, I'll get straight to the point. To tell you the truth, I need a favor.

- We already knew this part, let's move on to the one that interests us. Atlas impatiently urged the merchant, as if he too were expecting something from him.

- A little patience, my friend. The reason I need your services is... to carry out an assassination!

These words didn't fail to surprise Atlas and Alpheus. Nevertheless, they managed to keep their composure and continue the conversation.

- That's a peculiar request, considering you've just met us, especially since you don't know us as assassins. Atlas remarked, crossing his arms.

- Guys wanted dead or alive by these two great authorities are certainly powerful, dangerous beings, and perhaps even the worst kind of people. And besides, I'll do what I can to offer you the reward of your choice.

- If we can choose the reward, then I know exactly what would please us for carrying out an assassination. Atlas replied, surprising Alpheus who had expected Atlas to categorically refuse the offer.

He remained silent, however, wanting to observe how events would unfold first.

- Tell me, young gentlemen. What would you like?

- The merchant in the Gateway City spoke of a certain map located in the black market, capable of revealing any destination to whoever wields it. I'd like to first verify the authenticity of this information and obtain the said map.

- I do indeed possess the item you desire. I can show it to you first, and once the assassination has been carried out, you can take it.

- Very well, I accept the deal. Who do we need to eliminate?

- An old elven scientist by the name of Owen Lian. replied the merchant.

Upon hearing these words, the young lady still present near the gentlemen jumped slightly. She, who until now had remained completely calm and silent.

Atlas seemed to be the only one who noticed the girl's reaction. And despite the numerous questions swirling in his mind, he preferred to remain silent, giving the situation time to evolve.

- Hmmm... an old scientist. I wouldn't want to appear indiscreet, but may I inquire about the reasons for such a request. Alpheus asked the merchant.

- These reasons are none of your concern, just focus on completing your task and claiming your reward.

- Could we at least have some information about the target, it would greatly assist us. Atlas added.

The merchant was about to respond to Atlas when he was interrupted by Asha.

- Excuse me, master, but may I leave? I'm not really needed here anymore.

- Yeah... sure, you can go if you want. the man vaguely replied, gesturing for Asha to leave.

She left without wasting a second, as if she had been waiting for this moment for eternity.

The merchant didn't pay much attention to it and continued his dialogue with the young men.

- Where were we? Ah yes... the old man is a well-known scientist in this city, but his fame doesn't prevent him from being a madman, a homeless person, and a dangerous man. He's always in a dilapidated alley in the center of the city, sitting on the ground in a corner not too far from the large fountain, writing down heaps of incomprehensible things and muttering that he will uncover the secret of the world's magic. You'll recognize him at first glance.

- It seems like an easy mission, my companion and I will set out immediately after seeing this famous map.

- Oh yes, the map, I almost forgot. the merchant exclaimed, then hurriedly went into the large house behind him without saying another word, only to come out a few minutes later with a box made of wood eaten away by time and covered in dust. "Here it is. This extraordinary object is called, the Map... um... the Mysterious Map."

As they opened the box, their eyes widened in wonder, and Atlas's impatience, as well as Alpheus's, was palpable. At the sight of this object, their eagerness to test it and embark on the adventure was even more pronounced. Their marvel was interrupted by the merchant who abruptly closed the box before saying:

- Quite the reward, isn't it? But you'll have to do me a flawless service if you want to have it.

- No worries, everything's under control.

- Oh! One last thing, I want no trace of this assassination and no suspicions, so it would be preferable if you acted at a time when people's attention will be much less focused on that senile old man. In the dead of night or perhaps during the day of the dragon.

- Day of the dragon?! A perplexed Alpheus asked, echoing his companion, Atlas.

- Yeah, it's a big festival celebrated by all the inhabitants of Santa-Rosa. In exactly two days, if you pay attention, you'll see a mighty tornado approaching from the south of the city. Every year, for a very long time, it's been like this. But each time, a group of dragons arrives from the north, flies over the city, and with their wings, they push away this tornado that threatens to annihilate the city.

- An interesting tale. Alpheus remarked.

- But do you know why they do it? Atlas shrugged.

- It must be related to the distant history of the city, but I don't know more than that.

- Okay. Well, let's go, Alpheus, we need to start our investigation right away.

Alpheus simply responded with a nod before immediately setting off with Atlas.


Upon arrival outside the hideout where the black market was located, a certain tension lingered among the two companions, but none dared to break the silence until Atlas decided to ask Alpheus a question:

"Why didn't you say anything?"

The question didn't surprise him, as he already saw where Atlas was going with it.

- Hmmm! He simply replied.

- I'd like to know why you didn't say anything, or preferably, why you didn't object when I accepted the merchant's offer. Atlas asked again.

Following the question, Alpheus looked at Atlas and then stopped walking, inviting him to do the same. He then asked him:

- Are you going to do it, Atlas?

- ...

No response from the latter. So Alpheus continued:

"I don't know the history of this city, I don't know who this scientist is, and I know even less about the one who sent us to eliminate him. But one thing is certain, that merchant has nothing good about him. Otherwise, he wouldn't have made such a request of us. I categorically refuse to render such a heinous service as he asks. And this, no matter the reward that comes with it.

If it doesn't bother you, it's proof that we think far too differently to continue traveling together. And perhaps I might even have to kill you in the future."

After a long gaze, Atlas posed a sharp question:

- Do you even think you're capable of it? He also touched his sword.

- Anyone who stands in the way of my goal will never see the light of day, so I'll use whatever means necessary to defeat anyone who has fallen into madness.

A long, but very long silence followed. Afterwards, Atlas, sporting a satisfied smile, added:

- You know what, you're exactly the kind of guy I'd like to have as a companion. From today onwards, I name you: "my best bud."

- Huh!!! Alpheus was surprised.

- Seriously though, did you really think I was going to off that guy, especially for a map that might be a scam? My values wouldn't have allowed it.

- Then why? Why did you accept the merchant's offer?

- Because I'm still interested in his map.

- Hmmm... I guess it wouldn't have been easy to take it from him by force.

- Indeed, Alpheus. He seemed tough, plus I'd like to investigate this matter a bit. And for now, it's better that he doesn't know that we're potentially opposed to him.

- I see. Well, if all you're saying is true, then maybe I didn't make a bad choice in following you on your quest.

- Of course not. Atlas added, laughing and patting the back of the one he now wanted to consider a friend.

- Before you end up breaking my spine, could you tell me what we're going to do now? Alpheus asked, stopping Atlas's hand.

- Well, we're going to investigate. I think we should first go to the center of the city, near that big fountain. Just to see who this old man is and other things.

- Okay.

- Let's go!


Meanwhile, in the center of the city of Santa-Rosa.

A young girl was running at full speed, she had just passed by a fountain.

This fountain was a statue representing two women. One was an angel of immense splendor, standing in a proud manner. This 4-meter-high angel held a scepter in her left hand and extended her right hand towards the second statue, which was a kneeling child holding both hands above her lowered head. Drops of water emerged from the eyes of the young girl and from the right hand of the angel, fully watering the two hands of the child. This fountain was a work of art, of inestimable value in the eyes of the city's inhabitants, reminding them of their past.

Unlike almost everyone who seemed to be focused on this fountain, the young girl's gaze was fixed on an alley not far away, where an old man was sitting on the ground in a corner of a building, scratching a stone resembling charcoal on the ground, writing tons of things.

In a breathless tone, the young Asha cried out:

"Father! You're in danger!"



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