
Three shooting stars

Nothing too serious, three friends get transmigrated to an anime mash up world, and their adventures navigating their world, the anime world is pretty much au, with some similar aspects to their original works, but molded how i felt would fit this story the best, (also using this as an excuse if i end up misremembering something ;;;), i do not own any of the characters besides my own oc's This is something im writing for fun to practice my writing, so if you see any blaringly obvious mistakes please do excuse them on that note, i do not have any plans of dropping this any time soon, ill be writing for this fic whenever im motivated to write and just wanna have fun, so i hope you all enjoy whatever it is i end up putting together, and if you all have any suggestions please do let me know!

ValAverescu · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
12 Chs

Ch. 1

"Man, I never expected to one day be enrolled into the Shuchi'in academy itself… Life really is funny sometimes isn't it" Said a tall young man with blonde hair and a nice face, standing at about 6'5 (195.58cm)

"You're telling me… Almost a month ago we were just about to graduate our old high school." Replied a shorter dark-haired kid, wearing glasses and standing at about 5'9 (175.3cm) 

"I can't believe we have to do this again…. My dream to be a stay at home husband has been postponed…." Said the third individual yawning a complaint towards the other two as he stretched his arms in an attempt to stay awake, standing at about 6' (182.9cm) with shoulder length hair wrapped in a pony tail.

"Hey if anything we are here because this school has one of the best sports programs in the nation!" Exclaimed the tall blonde towards his not so much shorter friend, "Plus they are also house the highest achieving students academically, so Kurayama also wants to study here." He continued as he pointed a finger towards his other friend "You wouldn't wanna have to go to school all alone now, would you?"

"Well…. You aren't exactly wrong." Said the blue haired boy "But I'm still not happy about it." Continued the young man as he huffed in annoyance

"Alright you two that's enough." Replied the shortest member of the trio, stepping between the two before their little quarrel attracted more attention, "Now let's go we are already almost late to the entrance ceremony, due to a certain someone's sleeping habits." He continued giving his blue haired friend a sharp glare before tidying his uniform and stepping onto school grounds, as the blue haired friend put his hands behind his head and turned to the side nervously whistling.

"That's the Kurayama that I know! So professional!" said the blonde in mock admiration, much to the annoyance of the shorter friend, who huffed and continued his movements towards the trios new life in this amazing yet somehow strange new world.

Seeing his two friends trek forward, the tall blue haired one couldn't help but reminisce about all that had happened in the past month.


"You idiot! I told you we shouldn't have gone into that building! I told you the foundation was on the brink of collapsing!" Replied an all to familiar black haired individual.

"How was I supposed to know you weren't just full of hot air trying to avoid touching some grass!" exclaimed another familiar face, sporting a blonde set of hair. "And YOU! Don't get me started!" He said turning around to look at the third person there, "I told you this place was sketchy, but no Mr. smart over here knows more than we do!"

"Now look at us…. Wait us? Where are we?" The blonde cut himself short as he looked around him, taking in the dark expanse the trio found themselves in, prompting the other two to do the same.

"Is this the afterlife?" questioned the third and final member after a brief moment of silence, uttering his first words towards his two friends, "I really don't wanna have to spend my entire afterlife in a dark place like this…"

"Wait you don't think we get to be reincarnated like those reincarnation novels, do you?!" Asked the blonde with a clear excitement in his voice.

"No that would be irrational… but then again this entire situation doesn't make sense, I'm sure that building collapsed in on us." Replied the dark haired guy as he tried using his brain to justify what was currently happening.

But before more time could pass a bright light engulfed the room, causing the trio to shield their eyes from the blinding radiance, after a few seconds the light subsided and a small almost ethereal form could be seen, bowing down in an apologetic stance.

"I AM SO SORRY!" replied the small feminine figure.

"Uh… sorry?" asked the blue haired kid not really understanding, and being the only one not in utter shock at what was happening, the only one able to utter a word.

"Well…. I may or may not be the reason you three are here right now…" Replied the small being, "Let me introduce myself, I am the Goddess of reincarnation, Gaia." Gaia said as she bowed in introduction towards the three.

"Um… Ok, but uh… can we get more of an explanation, please?" Replied the black haired kid hesitantly, "What do you mean you are why we are here? Did we do something wrong?"

"Well…. So, this Is what happened." Said Gaia as she says on the 'ground' of the wide expanse, prompting the trio to do the same, she then narrated her situation. She was to reincarnate a high karma soul into what ever place he wanted, but it turned out this particular soul wasn't exactly all to family friendly, as he immediately asked to grope the goddesses' plump figure, which in turn lead to the goddess to slap the guy into another realm… which so happened to be the trio's realm and right on top of the sketchy building they were exploring, which caused it to cave in and taking their lives.

After Gaia finished her story, she was back on the ground apologizing.

"Well… I guess I can't be too upset, if she was defending herself from some creep." Said the blue haired kid, "Though… dying is still a bummer no matter what."

"So, what happens now?" Asked one of them

"Do we get to reincarnate too?!" Asked the other, blonde haired one. A sparkle in his eyes as he looked towards the goddess with an expectant gaze. The blue haired boy just stood in silence staring at Gaia, waiting for her reply. But a small almost unnoticeable twinkle was also present in his eyes.

"Well considering that creep has been black listed from reincarnation I shall allow you three to take his place, take this as me also repaying… you know… the whole killing you on accident thing…" She said, her voice turning in to an almost whisper. "But since creep over there was only one trip you three are going to have to reincarnate into the same world, at the same time and place. I am sorry, but this is the only thing I can do to reincarnate any of you." Gaia said, once more bowing her head.

"Meh don't sweat it, if I have to reincarnate with anyone…. I'd rather it be these two idiots."

"Yeah, what Tatsuya said!" Replied the blonde in excitement, gesturing towards the blue haired boy.

"Akira and Tatsuya may be annoying, but they are like brothers to me. If it has to be anyone, I'm ok with it being them."

Both Akira and Tatsuya couldn't help but hold a shocked expression, mirroring that of a certain yellow rat mascot. Before they rushed towards their friend enveloping him in a jovial grasp.

"Aww Kurayama… who knew you could ever say such things." Said Akira as he wrapped his shoulder around the boy, rubbing his head. Prompting the young man to smack his hand away.

Gaia just silently stood by watching, smiling at the tender moment the childhood best friends were having, "Well!" She said after a few moments, clapping her small hands to attract the attention of the young trio, "Since you guys are okay with it, how about we move on and talk business, shall we? is there anywhere you three would like to go specifically?"

Knowing their blonde friend Akira had more knowledge over other worlds and stories alike, the duo pushed him forward, trusting in their friend to send them somewhere decent.

After what seemed like a really long time of the blonde and the small goddess bickering back and forth, it seemed the two had finally come to a conclusion, with a smile Akira turned towards his two friends and gave them a thumbs up.

"Now since that is out of the way, the final order of business is this." Said Gaia with a professional tone, nothing to be compared to the once sniveling and apologetic god that graced their presence at the beginning. "You three can either choose to reincarnate at birth, change how you look and choose your circumstances, or you can reincarnate as you are now and choose one ability to be granted." She said as she urged the three to talk amongst themselves, to see which choice was better for them.

After another while of deliberation, and a few odd questions the goddess had to shut down, 'no you can't be granted immortality' and 'NO you cannot have laser beam eyes', the trio finally came to a conclusion.

"We choose to be sent just as we are and choose one wish." Said Kurayama

"Make me good enough to rival the nations top sports player!" Said Akira

"Make me good enough to rival Einstein with enough time and studying." Said Kurayama

Noting down what the two had said, she finally turned to the last member, who seemed lost in thought, allowing him to take his time

Finally breaking out of his daze, Tatsuya turned to look at the goddess and uttered his wish, which caused the duo to break out into shocked faces before they quickly turned into admiring ones and made them break out into a laugh.

"Man, that really is just what you'd wish for, you try hard!" exclaimed Akira.

"Well for as last as he is…. He has always been smarter than us…" Replied Kurayama as he fixed his glasses with a small smile on his face.

Smiling towards the trio the goddess nodded, "Alrighty, well that's all the important stuff out of the way." Gaia said with a happy clap of her hands, "And again I really am sorry to cut your lives so short."

"Meh don't sweat it." Said Tatsuya, "Gotta do what you gotta do to some of these creeps." Which earned a small sincere smile from the Goddess

With one final look the goddess began her reincarnation ritual, engulfing the trio in a bright light, "Well this is good bye! And I hope not to see you three back here any time soon!" Gaia bid farewell to the trio, who were able to bring her a bit of entertainment to her dull life as the goddess of reincarnation. And with a brighter pulse of light, the three disappeared from view, "Now to deal with you! You creep! How dare you think you have the right to my body!" Gaia stared daggers into a small white orb that appeared in her hand, before flicking her wrist and sending it away, to where? May we never find out.