
Chapter 97 Macro Fusion!_1

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"It seems like some kind of magnetic field containment device."

While Ding Yi observed, the people on the ship put the black box inside the cabin, and the yacht seemed to have completed its mission, quickly leaving the scene.

The huge ship slowly started up, approaching the harbor at a leisurely sailing speed.

Logic went down to the bottom of the ship, where the diesel engine room was located. The 16-cylinder diesel engine that powered the tens of thousands of tons of the giant ship was as large as a small building, weighing thousands of tons. Each of its massive cylinders housed even larger crankshaft connecting rods that pumped up and down, bringing surging power to the massive ship.

"Want some oranges, comrades?"

"Get some Vitamin C."

He waved his hand, holding a bag of oranges, and greeted the duty engineers with a smile.

"Thank you."

The two duty engineers smiled and came over to him, right in a blind spot of the surveillance. With a punch each, Logic knocked them out cold, then peeled an orange and waited while eating. Two minutes later, a muffled explosion sounded, blasting a big enough hole in the inner wall of the cabin for an adult to crawl through, and seawater gushed in. More than twenty fully armed special forces soldiers came in through the hole.

"Are you Logic? The Eastern Cultivator?"

The man in the lead lifted his face shield. Logic didn't recognize him, but that didn't prevent him from completing the mission as directed by the System.

"Yes, that's me."

"Where's the computation server?"

"I'll take you there."

With Logic as their inside man, the special forces quickly took over the computation server. As the ship docked, a large number of elite soldiers, disguised as container cargo, burst out, catching the people on the ship off guard. They fought while retreating, drawing their guns to return fire as they fell back towards the Judgment Day Vessel.

Gunfire erupted everywhere for a moment.

Many of the Adventist members on board were not professional fighters. Some thought to destroy the server with their guns but were preemptively taken down by Logic with a shot. Thanks to his increased dynamic vision and nerve reflex speeds, along with the control of his body from cultivation, he could now make every shot hit its mark.

The Adventists, who were utterly anti-human, fought as if they were not afraid of death, causing considerable trouble for the attacking soldiers. They used the confined, twisty maze-like honeycomb interior to skirmish with the soldiers, and for a time actually managed to hold their own.

Only Da Shi and Ding Yi were now standing not far from the giant ship, observing when they saw the young girl, not knowing when, appear below the giant ship. She leaped up, as light as a cat, onto the eight-story-high deck of the giant ship. Then her ponytail flickered, and she vanished onto the deck like a blurred shadow.

Da Shi's eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets. Just as he regained his senses, he saw Ding Yi also rushing up, jumping onto the giant ship using the same move, but clearly not as effortlessly as the girl.

He was completely dumbfounded—the world was too crazy. The things he had experienced recently could astonish a normal person for an entire year; even with the big heart of a veteran and a criminal detective like Da Shi, he was feeling overwhelmed at the moment.

Inside the cabin, during a standoff with the enemy, the soldiers only saw a figure flashing with electric light rush into the passageway where the enemy was located.

The figure did not even strike; just passing by the enemy, each one convulsed and collapsed to the ground as if struck by a high-voltage shock.

The situation turned lopsided in an instant. The soldiers in the corridor exchanged looks, questioning who exactly was the force allied with the aliens.

Twenty minutes later, the troops finally took over the giant ship.

Strangely, the soldiers still had not found the key figure Evans, and when they interrogated the people on the ship, they all claimed they didn't know.

In the depths of the ship, soldiers who tried to open a steel door in the cabin found it impossible to do so, as the door was locked from the inside. They attempted to use C4 explosive charges, but they failed to blast it open. Behind that door might very well be where Evans was hiding, or if not, it likely concealed some significant secret.

Ding Yi and Logic, along with a few others, gathered in front of the steel door.

"Damn, this shell is really tough!"

Dashing Shi cursed as he kicked the steel door a few times, but it didn't budge an inch.

"No idea what material this door is made of; even bombs can't blow it open," Colonel Stanton followed up.

"Let me try." Logic's eyes sharpened as he took two steps back, and the soldiers on both sides, out of respect for the Cultivator, stepped aside.

He aimed a kick at the steel door, and a tremendous force traveled through his leg. Aside from making the door tremble slightly, it was no good.

"I'll take a shot at it."

The ethereal voice sounded, and the girl stepped forward, raising her fingertips. To the astonishment of everyone watching, her fingertips sparked with electricity, followed by a burst of current thicker than a man's waist. The white electric glare filled the corridor, making them instinctively shut their eyes. When they opened them again, they saw the thick alloy steel door that had resisted their efforts melt away, creating a large hole. The steel around the hole had turned into flowing molten metal, radiating intense red heat.

"Holy shit!!!"


Watching this scene, Stanton and Logic let out a string of profanities while only Ding Yi and Da Shi, having just witnessed the girl's extraordinary feat, managed to maintain their composure.

The soldiers present were all dumbstruck, but Stanton was the first to react, throwing a stun grenade through the big hole, then charging in. Ding Yi followed suit, and the soldiers filed in cautiously but curiously looked back at the girl.

Logic, the last one before entering, swallowed hard:

"May I ask, are you the Thunderclap Master?"

Just as he uttered this question, he saw the young girl step into the large cave, ignoring him. He was about to reach out to question her when he suddenly got an electric shock at the touch, causing him to convulse, his hair to stand on end, and his hair to turn into an exploded mess.

While being shocked, Logic's brain raced.

There is electricity on the body!

And it's high voltage!

If not the Thunderclap Master, could it be the Female Eel Spirit?!!

Fortunately, his physical quality was no longer what it used to be, and since the contact lasted only briefly, he recovered in a few seconds. Trembling all over, he followed the girl into the room behind the door.

Inside the room,

a middle-aged man faced everyone with a composed expression.

"You have come after all."

"Evans, surrender!" Colonel Stanton shouted sternly.

Evans paid no attention to them, and he didn't care about Logic's betrayal either, instead, he looked at the girl, "I am very curious who you are? Why do you have superhuman physical quality and peculiar abilities?"

Just recently, Sophon, who had been disconnected from him for five days, reappeared in his retina, informing him that there was a human girl outside that she couldn't get close to.

"She's like me, a Cultivator, a Thunder Cultivator!" Logic answered for her.

Xiao Ai could tell he was buying time, and pointed to the large black disc behind him, "What is this?"

"A piece of art."

Evans said calmly, though a hint of panic flashed in his eyes.

Approaching the black disk, Ding Yi tapped it with his finger and found it to be hollow inside.

Xiao Ai also noticed the issue. A thick current of electricity shot from her fingertip, melting and opening the black case, revealing a set of circular electromagnetic coils. Two transparent microstrings, over one meter long, and barely visible, accelerated in circles along the coil track, getting faster and closer together.

Ding Yi's pupils contracted, stunned as if struck by lightning.

He finally understood what Evans was trying to do, and what the black box that had been sent aboard was; it was a magnetic field device to bind macroatoms, containing macroatoms captured from nature!

Ding Yi's breathing quickened, he gasped in horror and screamed:


"Quick, destroy the power source!"

Colonel Stanton drew his gun towards the black device and fired, but faster was an electric arc. The power device was hit, emitting a crackling noise and black smoke, losing power; the electromagnetic field collapsed instantaneously, the strings broke free from the track, and as they were about to penetrate the cabin through the disk casing, Xiao Ai bound them with a magnetic field.

The crowd was still amazed by the girl's miraculous ability, but not as shocked as they were moments before. After all, if Cultivators had appeared, what couldn't happen?

"What the hell is this thing that scared you like that?"

Colonel Stanton grinned, unaware that he had just had a brush with death.

"Macroatoms and macrofusion, my main research area."

Ding Yi took a long breath and remembered a female major he once loved,

"If macroatoms collide and explode, we would all become quantum probability clouds, ultimately no different from being dead."

"The energy released by macroatoms is targeted, and although it's only equivalent to tens of millions of tons of TNT, if this targets chip string macrofusion, then most of the chips on Earth will be destroyed; if it targets biological string macrofusion, all life within a thousand kilometers will perish."

Logic was shocked, "If several more biological string macroatoms are used for fusion, wouldn't that spell doom for everyone on Earth?"

"In theory, yes, but macronuclei targeting biological strings are very hard to find in nature."

Ding Yi's words caused continuous shock among those present, and Colonel Stanton yelled into the walkie-talkie, "All units, be alert! If you find any similar black disk-like devices, report them immediately!"

"You've discovered it, and I still wanted to address the Master's doubts, but it seems there's no chance now." Evans hung his head in the posture of a defeated man.

A few seconds later, however, he threw back his head and burst into insane laughter.


His smile was wildly maniacal, and an ominous premonition enveloped everyone. Xiao Ai's body erupted with dazzling electricity, as she lunged forward, wings shining with lightning unfurled, her figure engulfed in a blinding storm of electricity.