
Chapter 97: Grand Convergence! World Transformation! (6000 Big Chapter)_1

"Looks a bit like some kind of magnetic field confinement device."

While Ding Yi observed, the people on the boat delivered the black box into the cabin, and the yacht seemed to have completed its mission, quickly departing.

The great vessel slowly started up, slowly approaching the harbor at a leisurely pace.

Logic arrived at the bottom of the cabin, where the ship's diesel engine room was located. The 16-cylinder diesel engine that propelled the tens of thousands of tons of the ship was as big as a small building, weighing in at over a thousand tons. The gigantic-cylinder pistons and connecting rods moved up and down, bringing surging power to the great ship.

"Want an orange, comrades?"

"Get some vitamin C."

He waved a bag of oranges, smiling and greeting the duty engineers.

"Thank you."

The two duty engineers smiled back and came over to him, at a spot that happened to be a blind spot for surveillance. Logic punched each of them unconscious with a single blow, then peeled an orange and waited as he ate. Two minutes later, a dull explosion sounded, blasting a hole in the inner wall of the cabin large enough for an adult to crawl through, with seawater gushing in. More than twenty fully armed special forces soldiers climbed in through the hole.

"Are you Logic? The Eastern Cultivator?"

The leader lifted his face mask, which Logic did not recognize, but that did not prevent him from completing the mission as directed by the System.

"Yes, that's me."

"Where's the computation server?"

"I'll take you there."

With Logic as the inside man, the special forces quickly took over the computation server. As the vessel docked, a large number of elite soldiers revealed themselves from beneath their disguises, pouring out of shipping containers and catching the ship's crew by surprise. They fought and retreated, pulling out guns and firing back as they withdrew toward the Judgment Day Vessel.

Instantly, gunfire erupted.

Many of the Adventist members on board were not professional combatants. Some thought of destroying the server with their guns at the first sign of trouble, but Logic, having cultivated and gained from dynamic vision and neural reflex speed on top of physical control, was quicker off the mark. He took them down with a single shot, making every shot count.

The Adventists, who were thoroughly anti-human, fought back fearlessly, causing significant trouble for the attacking soldiers. They used the cramped and twisting maze-like interior to spar with the soldiers, managing to hold their ground for a while.

Only Da Shi and Ding Yi were left standing not far from the great ship, watching when they saw a young girl, at some unknown time, move to the bottom of the great ship. She leaped up, nimbly like a nimble cat, onto the deck of the giant ship eight stories high, then her ponytail swung as she turned into a blur barely visible to the naked eye, disappearing on the deck.

Da Shi's eyes nearly popped out. Just as he came back to his senses, he saw Ding Yi also charging up, jumping onto the great ship with a similar motion, but not as effortlessly as the girl; it seemed quite forced.

He was completely dumbfounded. The world was too crazy; the things he had experienced lately could shock a normal person for an entire year. Even with the hardened heart of a veteran and detective like Da Shi, he was somewhat overwhelmed at this moment.

Inside the cabin, where the soldiers were in a standoff with the enemy, all they saw was a figure flashing with electricity dart into the enemies' corridor.

The figure didn't even need to strike; as he passed by the enemies, each of them convulsed and collapsed, as if struck by a high-voltage electric shock.

The situation instantly turned one-sided. The soldiers in the corridor looked at each other in confusion, wondering who among them was the force in league with the extraterrestrials.

Twenty minutes later, the troops finally took control of the great ship.

Strangely, the soldiers had yet to find the key figure, Evans, and the interrogated crew members all said they didn't know.

In the depths of the cabin, soldiers pushing open a steel cabin door found it would not budge, as it was locked from the inside. They tried to blast it open with C4 explosives to no avail; behind that door was likely Evans's hiding place, or at the very least it probably concealed some vital secret.

Ding Yi and Logic, along with a few others, gathered in front of the steel door.

"Damn, this shell is really tough!"

Da Shi cursed and kicked the steel door a few times, which didn't budge at all.

"Who knows what material this door is made of; even bombs can't blast it open," Colonel Stanton remarked.

"Let me try." Logic's gaze was sharp as he took a couple of steps back. The soldiers on either side showed the Cultivator their full respect, making way.

He delivered a flying kick at the steel door. The immense force came through his entire leg, but other than causing the door to tremble briefly, it was useless.

"Let me handle this."

A transcendent voice sounded, and the girl stepped forward, lifting her fingertip. To the astonishment of everyone present, sparks danced at her fingertips. Then a burst of electricity thicker than a person's waist discharged; blinding arcs of light filled the corridor, causing them to instinctively close their eyes. When they opened them again, they found the heavy alloy steel door that they couldn't budge melted into a big hole. The steel around the hole had turned into molten iron, glowing with torrid red light.

"Holy shit!!!"


Staring at this spectacle, Colonel Stanton and Logic let out two consecutive curses, while only Ding Yi and Da Shi, who had just witnessed the girl's extraordinary abilities, managed to suppress their shock.

The soldiers at the scene were dumbstruck. Colonel Stanton was the first to snap out of it, quickly throwing a stun grenade through the hole before rushing inside. Ding Yi followed, and the soldiers entered in single file, cautious and curious as they glanced at the girl.

The last to enter, Logic swallowed hard:

"May I ask, are you the Thunderclap Master?"