
Chapter 92 Ding Yi holding a nuclear bomb with one hand

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"Commander, the Lord has merely used us to display His insignificant power to humankind,"

"This has always been our Adventist creed. Human society is incapable of solving its own problems with its own strength, nor can it suppress its own madness; therefore, we should invite the Lord to descend upon the world, use His power to compulsorily supervise and transform human society, and create a brand-new, perfect human civilization,"

"Yet, the Redemptionists seek to prevent the Lord's arrival, and we should eliminate them!"

After Pan Han finished speaking, a European stood up at the next moment and exposed the true agenda of the Adventists in front of everyone. They were a group of extreme environmentalists and human-hating anti-humanists. Their real intention was to invite the Trisolarans to come and annihilate all of humanity.

"I only learned of Evans's true thoughts later on," Ye Wenjie said. "Despite that, I still tried to bridge the divide, to make the Earth Three-body Organization whole, but the other things the Adventists did made this impossible."

"Pan Han, your thoughts have deviated from the original creed and taken a wrong path, including Evans,"

Pan Han's face turned so dark it looked like it might drip water.

Ye Wenjie glanced at the crowd around her:

"Most of those present here are comrades of the Redemptionist, with only a few members of the Adventist. I believe they will stand with the organization, but people like Evans and you are beyond redemption. To uphold the Earth Three-body Organization's creed and ideals, we will completely resolve the problem with the Adventist."

The atmosphere dropped to freezing point; almost everyone silently watched him.

Pan Han looked around for a few seconds, then, as if tearing off a mask, he laughed fiercely several times.


"So, it has finally happened. Bravo, you've really outdone yourselves."

As he spoke, his voice suddenly stopped, and he looked at the crowd with a cold expression, speaking again, "Evans was not wrong, I still held foolish fantasies about you, especially you, Commander!"

He pointed a finger at Ye Wenjie.

The kindly old lady squinted her eyes as her escorts became restless.

Pan Han continued taunting:

"Do you think you have a winning card in hand?"

"Evans anticipated this day long ago!"

"The air is full of prions; all of you have been infected! They will silently eat away at your brains."

A biologist present cried out:

"That's impossible, there's never been an instance of prions being transmitted through the air."

"You're lying!"

"With the Lord's support, nothing is impossible!" Pan Han retorted loudly. "A special virus suspension has already been disseminated through the air conditioning into every corner here; all of you have been hit!"

Those closest to the air conditioning, enjoying the cool breeze, felt a chill like falling from the dog days of summer into the ice cellar of the Arctic.

They scrambled to flee, and an open space quickly appeared around the two air conditioners.

Some reflexively covered their mouths and noses with their hands, but then, realizing the futility, they lowered their hands. They were all smart people; it was too late to close the stable door after the horse had bolted.

A few who were skeptical dismantled the two air conditioners, and inside they found a device that was clearly installed afterward. The liquid inside was a murky white, colorless and odorless.

The device was currently operating, making very little sound, continuously spraying white mist.

Someone unplugged the air conditioner; the mist stopped coming out.

"This is an ultrasonic humidifier!"

The same ultrasonic humidifiers used in hospitals for respiratory tract nebulization therapy emit high-frequency vibrations at 1.7MHz, generating ultrafine particles of 1-5 micrometers from liquid containing antiviral and antibacterial drugs, to be better absorbed by the lungs. For spreading prions, it was indeed a good method.

"The patients at the Nanocenter are the best example; I believe you have already witnessed the power of the prions."

Pan Han had specially invited victims of the prions, who were, however, nowhere to be seen now.

"A little accident happened, the patients I specifically looked for don't seem to be here right now."

The relevant departments have already traced the cause to the prion virus, but to avoid causing panic, they have temporarily sealed off this information. Only a small number of people know about it, and incidentally, members of the Redemptionist faction are among them.

Ye Wenjie's face changed slightly, and the wrinkles on her face trembled:

"What other technologies has the Lord passed on to you?"

Pan Han didn't answer directly but instead revealed a mysterious smile:

"Hehe, who knows, there might still be many goodies over at Evans's."

"Comrades, joining the Adventists is your only chance. The power of the Lord is beyond your imagination!"

He then looked at Ye Wenjie:

"Commander, which side will you choose?"

Pan Han's tone was clearly threatening.

The Escort standing beside Ye Wenjie, a slender and beautiful young girl, suddenly drew a pistol and aimed it at him.

Facing the dark muzzle, he remained unafraid and did not show a trace of fear. Instead, he let out a ghastly laugh:

"If I die, Evans will know I have failed, and the Redemptionist faction will have no chance of change."

"Once I am dead, none of you will live either."

"Only Evans has the medicine to treat the prion virus; even Earth's finest doctors cannot save you without him."

"This is the Lord's final mercy and opportunity for you."

Some began to ponder, while others shouted angrily:

"You cannot replace the Lord; this is blasphemy!"

"The Lord's eyes have been blinded by the Adventists!"

"You will go to hell!!"

Pan Han ignored the curses. He jumped onto a broken dining table and, assuming a superior stance, raised his hand. His cold gaze swept around him as he issued the final ultimatum:

"Join, or die!"

The initiative returned to Pan Han's hands, and silence once again descended on the venue.

The atmosphere was at a stalemate. Seeing that nobody dared to move, Pan Han glanced at the crowd and exchanged a look with an infiltrator planted within the Redemptionist faction.

"I'll join the Adventists!" The infiltrator raised his hand amidst the crowd.

A few people raised their hands hesitantly, and then more and more followed suit.

That's just how people are, showing herd behavior; once one person makes a move, it prompts others to follow.

Of course, many were forced by the situation, and except for a few individuals, most had raised their hands after a few minutes, siding with Pan Han. Only Ye Wenjie hadn't moved at all.


Pan Han drew his pistol and aimed it at Ye Wenjie.

The Escort by her side tensed up, ready to save the Commander at any moment, but someone acted faster than her. In the blink of an eye, a silver spherical object hit Pan Han like a cannonball.

A scream erupted at the scene.

Everyone turned to see Pan Han's face turn pale, the gun dropped to the ground, and his arm twisted into a 90-degree angle, clearly fractured.

Wang Miao, who had witnessed the entire process, was shocked: "You can do that too?"

This sudden turn of events left many people stunned. They looked over to see a man standing at the back of the crowd, empty-handed, holding a silver spherical object the size of a bowling ball in his other hand.

The female Escort beside Ye Wenjie tensed inwardly; the others might not know, but they were aware that among the three spheres, one was a nuclear bomb.