
Chapter 90 Deceiving Starts with Evans_1

Moreover, the current scientific observation methods have this limitation: perhaps existing theories are still not perfect. Some experimental results are far from theoretical predictions, and it is unclear whether the discrepancy is due to detector error or other interferences, such as in the detection results of the vacuum energy field.

The data measured by the Traveler detection satellite indicated that the upper limit of vacuum energy density is 1E23 electronvolts per cubic meter, while the zero-point energy density estimated from quantum field theory is 1E130 electronvolts per cubic meter—a difference of 107 orders of magnitude between the observed values and theoretical estimates.

If the experimental results are confirmed to be real, and they can be reproduced, then quantum field theory must be flawed in some respects.

Humanity's current quantum mechanics and the particle standard model are not perfect, and certain aspects are even mistaken. They are far from satisfying Qin Ming, who aims to break through and study physics beyond the standard model.

Only in the next world, where large-scale high-energy physics experiments can be conducted, will his hypotheses and conjectures be verified. Qin Ming hopes that the scale of telekinesis can be further enhanced. If it could reach the molecular atomic level, he would be able to more easily pry open the door to the microscopic domain and grasp the true mysteries of matter.

At that point, Qin Ming wouldn't even need knowledge of the microscopic domain; he could play with Sophons directly with telekinesis and make all sorts of clever manoeuvres with the physics knowledge he possessed.

He was also curious about what form atoms and molecules would take when observed by himself under the influence of the Telekinetic Field.

The current human method of observing atoms and molecules is essentially through Scanning Tunneling Microscopes (STM) and Atomic Force Microscopes (AFM), observing various effects produced by the interaction of electrons with other matter.

Simplistically speaking, it is about "feeling" the atoms and indirectly depicting observations based on that feeling, rather than actually seeing them. Atoms are too small, smaller than the wavelength of electromagnetic waves, preventing direct observation with the naked eye through an optical microscope.

Qin Ming spent an entire day in the library, thinking the whole day, and recalling the electromagnetic shielding room from the original story, as well as the collapse of the wave function observation, he had already formed a preliminary idea on how to shield against Sophons and sense their presence.


At eight o'clock at night, after having destroyed Pan Han's BMW in the morning, Logic did not receive a lawyer's letter. Instead, he got an invitation from across the Atlantic Ocean, accompanied by a plane ticket. He used this ticket to fly from Kyoto, arriving at London Heathrow Airport, where a young man met him. The two did not leave the terminal but went back to the tarmac.

There, the young man led him onto a helicopter, which roared into the misty skies of England.

"We're going to the Second Red Shore Base," the young man said briefly and forcefully.

The helicopter crossed the coastline, heading deep into the Atlantic Ocean. After about half an hour of flying over the sea, the helicopter descended onto a vast vessel below. The moment Logic saw the vessel, he was stunned; the organization's base was established at sea.

The vessel was a converted 60,000-ton tanker, resembling a floating steel island.

A dense crowd stood on the spacious deck, at least a hundred people, which made Logic's scalp tingle.

A large crowd was one thing, but what's with those guys holding machine guns?

And those with rocket launchers?

What are you trying to do???

I'm just an ordinary Cultivator!

Isn't this a bit much?

Facing such an enthusiastic reception, Logic wasn't quite comfortable.

He had lived his life in the peaceful and prosperous domestic setting, working as a professor at a university tower, where he had never even seen a handgun, let alone machine guns and rocket launchers.

The only few times he had ever seen firearms were when he went to the bank to deposit money and saw the security guards with revolvers on the armored vehicles.

Although Logic considered his mental fortitude quite strong compared to the average person, he was a bit frightened at that moment.

Even though he was a Cultivator, Logic did not believe his flesh and blood could withstand bullets from a machine gun or even the bombardment of a rocket launcher. After all, he was just a Cultivator who had started two days ago and hadn't even reached the Spiral Sea Realm, a weakling among Cultivators.

He must not reveal himself and must be careful. If discovered, he would surely be thrown into the sea to feed the fish by these people.

Logic shivered involuntarily, glancing at the vast ocean; the waves were tumultuous and magnificent, and he felt a chill all over.

His heart was somewhat flustered, but he remained outwardly composed.

"Host, to demonstrate the might of a Cultivator, please jump down now," the System suggested.

At that moment, the helicopter had descended from the high sky, but there was still a distance of more than twenty meters to the deck below.

Looking down at the deck, Logic was very skeptical:

"System, it's so high, are you sure I won't die from the fall?"

He actually had no sense of Cultivation; the strength came too swiftly without gradual training.

Busy with writing novels and rushing drafts, he wasn't even clear about the current state of his body, only that his strength had increased, and his body had become more resilient.

"Host, do not underestimate yourself. Please believe in the system and in yourself. As a qualified cultivator, you must have an unwavering determination to ascend to the Great Emperor Realm!"

I, Logic, am a person who will become a Great Emperor in the future. How could I be frightened by a mere few meters?

Logic thought of Ye Fan's experience in Covering the Sky, his eyes becoming resolute. He took a deep breath, stepped back two paces, and facing the howling sea breeze, he leaped from the helicopter, decisively jumping from a height of twenty meters, nearly the height of a six-story building.

The young man beside him was startled by his sudden action, his face coloring with horror.

"My Lord!!!!"

The figure plummeting from the helicopter caused a commotion among the people on the deck, with cries of alarm rising in waves.

A few seconds later,

Contrary to their expectations of the figure being seriously injured or even dead upon impact, the man landed steadily on his feet on the deck, a sight that left them in disbelief.

Damn, that was thrilling!

Logic barely stabilized himself, exhaling a long breath of relief inwardly, almost failing to show off.

He calmed his mind and looked up at the crowd. The people around him were all staring, dumbfounded.

Ha-ha, a bunch of mortals who've seen nothing!

Logic laughed heartily inside, but outwardly he maintained a nonchalant demeanor.

Yes, I am a superior being, I must remain composed!

My Lord!!!

Cultivators, do they truly exist?

Gazing at the young man standing with his hands behind his back, looking indifferent.

The leader, a middle-aged man, approached with fervent eyes and extended a hand forward, just like he had done more than a decade ago.

Logic cooperated very well, and they shook hands.

"We are comrades now!"

After the handshake, the middle-aged man spread his arms wide on the wide deck, welcoming him, "Comrade! Welcome aboard the Judgment Day Vessel!" The crowd behind him followed with the same greeting, "Welcome aboard the Judgment Day Vessel!"

Logic learned the name of this large vessel, the Judgment Day, a name with deep significance. He also learned the name of the middle-aged man, who was Evans, the leader of this massive ship and a critical breakthrough point for the mission.

Facing Evans, he became very spirited.

"Pan Han said you are a cultivator, right?" Evans struggled to articulate the term "cultivator."

As a true blue American, the term "cultivator" was both foreign and awkward for him.

"Yes, I am a cultivator. To you in the West, that would be a 'mage,' you understand? A mage?"

"Do you need me to demonstrate my power?"

"No need, you've already shown it, haven't you?" Evans shook his head and smiled, having just witnessed the power of this eastern cultivator.

Curious about these cultivators, who appeared only in fantasies, he followed up with a question, "Can you perform magic then?"

"Magic isn't quite the right term. In eastern cultivation, it should be...?"

Evans frowned, as if pondering how to phrase it.

An Asian-faced man beside him offered the answer.

"It should be an immortal technique."

"Right, an immortal technique! If possible, I would like to see it?"