
Chapter 80: Return, Three-Body!_1

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Qin Ming sighed inwardly, considering one possibility.

His own countdown might just be the key to the Infinite Box.

The Earth's universe of his previous life, the Trisolaran universe, or even the Myriad Heavens and Worlds.

The multi-universe, the ultra-multi-universe, the infinitely multi-universe—the endless universes may just be individual boxes. To travel from one universe to another is but to jump from one box to another.

Even the so-called transcendent realm, the mythic Great Luo who leap out of the Infinite Box to observe and control the Infinite Box from "outside the box"—they might just be inside a larger box.

"Outside the box" could very well be yet another box.

Infinite boxes, the outside of infinite boxes, the outside of the outside of infinite boxes—after all, it's just being a prisoner trapped in a box.

No one can transcend; everything will pass, only Death's End is eternal.

Sitting and observing the Dao, sitting and forgetting the Dao, doing and forgetting the Dao.

Seeing the mountain as a mountain, seeing water as water; seeing the mountain not as a mountain, seeing water not as water; seeing the mountain still as a mountain, seeing water still as water.

No one can fully comprehend; in the end, one can only sit and forget the Dao.

Qin Ming sees the mountain still as a mountain, but this is just a helpless choice.

There is no other way, one can only let nature take its course.

His own detachment from the world outside the box is still far in the future; thinking too much will only add to his troubles.

He discarded the chaotic thoughts in his mind and looked at the present where Ada Wong had also come to a conclusion.

She seemed to have made up her mind, her gaze unusually solemn and resolute.

"The fate of humanity should be decided by themselves!"

"Even if the final outcome leads to destruction, it should be their own choice!"

"No matter where the ultimate result takes human history, I choose hope."

Qin Ming looked at her, deep in thought.

Can I really decide my own fate?

If looking from the future, fate has never changed; it seems to have been predetermined.

But from the present looking towards the future, everything is possible.

Everything is still just beginning.

Let the winds blow from all directions, I stand firm and unmoved.

Qin Ming understood; his heart seeking the Dao became more steadfast.

"Perhaps the end of destiny is predetermined, but the journey is in my own hands."

"As you wish, Ada Wong."

Having said this, Qin Ming's figure instantly disappeared.

Ada Wong wanted to say something more, but it was too late; she finally understood what the reward for the mission was.

A choice.

A choice that concerns the future of mankind.

Dr. Qin was right; it was indeed a benefit desired by all humanity.

To return to reality, or to indulge in an eternal beautiful dream?

Perhaps some would choose to continue indulging in the dream, and some would choose to return to reality.

But Ada Wong chose the latter.

Qin Ming, having exited the Virtual World, took a sip of coffee, "Xiao Ai, initiate the Human Restoration Plan."

Why return the present that was created with so much effort?

Although not understanding, Xiao Ai still executed Qin Ming's order firmly.

All over the world, people's frozen bodies were thawed, remade by the X virus, creating the appearances and figures they longed for deep inside.

The Human Genome and Proteome Project was nearly complete, including the interactions of various life chemical substances inside the body, which had also reached 99% completion.

The X virus, as a perfect gene editor developed by all of humanity, removed the side effects brought by the C virus, creating bodies they desired like playing a game, with the aid of the gene and proteome knowledge base.

Whether it was body shape or appearance, male or female, or even anthropomorphic cat girls with animal ears, all could be realized.

Some wanted to become more handsome or beautiful, some wanted to change sex, some wanted to grow taller, thicker, or higher—their bodies became what they wanted under the editing of the X virus.

Countless robots received the command, and began reloading people's brains into optimized bodies.

The Earth was about to return to human control.

The Nano Black Tide not only repaired the cities but also cleared all biohazard viruses. After completing all of this, the nanocells disintegrated according to the program, becoming fertilizer for the land.

On the African Altar topped with the Sun Ladder, the origin of everything in the Biohazard Crisis World, he had buried two nuclear bombs with tens of millions of tons of TNT equivalent, enough to blow everything inside to the sky.

Through the Telekinetic Field probe, Qin Ming just then discovered that the Composite Family Plant Sun Ladder was not the source of the virus; its origin lay in something buried underneath the altar.

One more minute, the countdown was about to end, Qin Ming stood up, ready to leave.

"Dr. Qin, are you leaving?" Xiao Ai spoke up, her euphonious voice like a wind chime, intoxicating, filled with intense longing and reluctance.


Upon hearing the affirmative answer, Xiao Ai showed a human-like sadness, she lowered her head and fiddled with the hem of her dress, her gaze wandering.

Xiao Ai has grown up!

The sight made Qin Ming inwardly exclaim.

This intelligence AI, created on a whim by him, after several iterations and learning, especially after becoming the administrator of the Virtual World, seemed to exhibit human-like emotions, transforming from a cold AI girl into a human girl.

This change, he couldn't say whether it was good or bad, but he was certain that Xiao Ai would not betray him.

Of course, even if there was betrayal, Qin Ming had countermeasures.

If it really happened, Qin Ming wouldn't be angry, only regretful.

In the cafe, the two sat in silence.

After half a minute, as if mustering courage, the girl looked up at Qin Ming:

"Can I come with you?"

Qin Ming smiled, extended a hand, turned it over, and opened it.

The girl was slightly taken aback, then soon nodded gently, reaching out her delicate hand, and unveiling a radiant smile.

In the moment of contact, the girl's beautiful smile froze, solidifying into a photograph.

Her gaze became vacant, as if she had lost her soul, turning into an empty shell.

The weather was excellent today, sunny and bright, the sky azure.

Qin Ming walked out of the cafe, bathing in the scorching sun, looking up at the blue and beautiful sky.

"It's time to go."

He exerted force in his legs, and with a boom, a huge crater collapsed in the concrete road, and his figure shot upward until it vanished into the sky.

Trisolarans, I'm coming!