
Chapter 76 Perfect World_1

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The outside world did not know that in this unknown village, a research project concerning the future of humanity was underway.

Because of the Sword of Damocles, America could not possibly wage war to invade, and only wanted to use this technology to firmly occupy the throne of the world's boss, but what they did not anticipate was that the day after mass production, all the data was posted on social networks in various countries, including detailed mass production methods and principles.

Now the medical stocks were completely beyond salvation, numerous stocks were delisted on the spot, and the hopes of the small investors were utterly shattered.

Their anger was directed at the experts and big Vs who had shouted the loudest at the beginning.

Damn experts, return my hard-earned money! Return my hard-earned money!

The plot of the Blood Warrior world was happening once again.

Regarding the whistleblower, the American officials immediately thought of Dr. Qin from the research institute.

"Dr. Qin, did you publish the data on the internet?"

Qin Ming did not answer.

Whether it was him or not, what's done was done, and America knew it could not be undone, they could only accept the reality.

All countries were back to the starting line again.

Nanobot technology could cure most diseases and enhance human strength significantly, greatly improving social productivity and saving on healthcare resources.

Without a doubt, this was a technology that benefited all of humanity, and after assuring its safety, all nations began production at full force.

Though the cost was $9,999, after government health subsidies, it was cut in half, and most families could afford it, essentially the price of two latest iPhones.

First, law enforcement agencies of various countries were injected, and then it was the public's turn, who were already impatient.

Three months later, nations declared that humanity had entered a new era.

Afterward, Twitter and PornHub were flooded with amazing videos, breaking records for the number of views, with some ideas as wild as the sky and some breaking human boundaries.

Nanite had mastered human nature, with the level of American people's weirdness and recklessness, Qin Ming would have to say they were truly incompatible with him.

And so, Qin Ming easily obtained the highest authority through a loophole.

During this period, he finally figured out the principle behind the host of fungi, which was a biological neural network built of special fungi, in layman's terms, a giant fungal brain, but without its own independent thoughts and personality.

The so-called absorption of consciousness was nothing more than absorbing the memories of the deceased, and the fungal neural network, based on these memories, calculated and made them believe they were still alive, when in reality, they were simply mycelium; in fact, they were no longer themselves.

This touched upon self-awareness, if all your memories were replaced with those of someone else, including muscle memory and all the information stored in neural cells, would your brain think it was him?

Just like Ethan, who in reality was already dead, it was the fungal brain, holding all his memories, that was doing the thinking for him.

Qin Ming conducted research and experiments side by side, rewriting the nanobots' memory modification functions, and after improving the flaws, they were perfected.

He extracted Eva's memories from the host, then cultivated a little girl who looked exactly like Eva before her death using the C-virus, and used the Nano System to edit Eva's memories into her, successfully "resurrecting" Eva.

The cavern where the host was located was expanded, and two houses were built inside.

In one of the rooms, Eva, resurrected just a day ago, was browsing short videos alongside Ada Wong, extremely curious about modern society after being "resurrected" over a hundred years ago.

On this box that could display images, she saw iron birds that could fly, iron oxen that ran incredibly fast, and magnificent skyscrapers.

Lately, Ada Wong had been addicted to videos of American people doing crazy stunts, including shooting themselves with guns, attempting high-altitude free falls, and more... cough, cough, when she scrolled to a video of a woman and a tree, she quickly swiped down and sneakily glanced at Eva beside her.

Is this something humans do???

Luckily, Eva didn't notice.

Seeing the young girl's innocent face, she breathed a sigh of relief, turned off the phone's short video app, and switched to a more serious TV station.

The first thing on was a program about nanobots, with the host passionately explaining.

"The invention of Medical Nanorobots is, following the complete victory over the smallpox virus in 1980, the greatest triumph in the history of humanity's fight against disease!"

"According to statistics, the injection rate for nanomedical treatment has now reached 60%, and today we can declare that humanity has entered a new era of health!"

"It seems, Dr. Qin's nanotechnology has changed the whole world," a deep male voice chimed in.

The sound startled both Ada Wong and Ethan, who turned to find Chris had somehow made his way over without them noticing.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," Chris said with an embarrassed smile.

He walked out of the room to Qin Ming's side and said sincerely, "Dr. Qin, you are a great scientist. Humankind will no longer suffer from diseases and viruses."

"The advent of nanobots has eradicated the breeding ground for viruses, and people will no longer worry about bio-terrorism organizations."

Qin Ming did not reply, but simply smiled. He laughed at Chris's naivety.

Many countries were secretly experimenting with BOW bio-weapons enhanced by nanotechnology, tweaking the nano systems not to kill viruses within the BOW bodies. The results were promising.

The Nano Tyrant, in particular, with the dual enhancement of the virus and nanobots, had increased controllability, strength, and regeneration speed. Ordinary rifle bullets posed no threat; it could still confront a special squad composed of seven nanotech-enhanced beings head-on.

The combination of nanotechnology and bio-weapon technology became a popular direction, triggering a new arms race with BOWs.

At this rate, there may come a day when viruses evolve into a super virus that even nanobots cannot eliminate, rivaling, or even surpassing, the enhanced C.

At that moment, Ada Wong walked out of the room to Qin Ming's side to show him the program and congratulated him, "Dr. Qin, your plan has succeeded!"

"My plan has only just begun."

Qin Ming looked at his phone screen, where the TV host's eyes flickered with an imperceptible red glow.

It was time.

Xiao Ai had infiltrated every corner of the internet, and with the Nano System controlling certain personnel, they jointly took over even those supercomputers that were not connected to the external network. She could dominate all major supercomputers and any electronic device capable of connecting to wireless internet worldwide.

Every military facility, such as global satellites, nuclear weapons, and missile launch systems, was taken over by Xiao Ai.

It could be said that if Qin Ming simply nodded his head, he could end the world.

The master of Earth had gone from humankind to one man alone.

At night, countless commands were sent through communication satellites and base station networks to the nano systems inside people's bodies.

Many had not been injected with nanobots, either because they were too poor, hesitating, or skeptical about the technology's safety.

But at this time, they were being assimilated silently.

Inside a military base dormitory, a new recruit suddenly found three brawny men, naked to the waist, approaching his bed as he slept.

In a residential building, a man with red eyes got up, and nanobots flowed from his palm into his wife's body next to him.

In a place...

Situations like these were happening all over the world, and soon, nanobots spread across the globe, and Xiao Ai began to control every human being.

The backup plans previously laid out were initiated, and countless robots with various functions were being produced on automated production lines. One by one, under Xiao Ai's control, they started their tasks—some to expand factories, others to construct nutrition pods...

Half a month later, the world had changed completely.

Xiao Ai began to consolidate all the computing devices across the globe, including supercomputers, personal computers, phones, and the nano systems of billions of humans, to provide immense computing power for the Virtual World.

That morning, Xiao Ai's voice rang in Qin Ming's ear.

"Dr. Qin, the plan is complete. Virtual World 2.0 is running normally."

Qin Ming got up, instructing everyone to pack up and get ready to leave.

"Let's go, let's see what the outside world looks like."

Ada Wong, Chris, and others had been stuck in this godforsaken Eastern European village for half a year, and they couldn't wait to experience the new world outside.

How wonderful a world without diseases and viruses would be?!

"Dr. Qin, where's my reward? There's not another task, is there?"

"No more tasks. You'll get your reward after we leave."