
Chapter 71 I am Wallace_1

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Wallace's public identity was that of a neuroscientist with a doctorate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). In reality, he was a spy who stole scientific and technological data for government agencies.

As a qualified spy, his doctorate was real, and he possessed the corresponding scientific knowledge and expertise.

The task Wallace received was to infiltrate the BSAA Strategic Research Institute and steal the research results of the chief scientist, Dr. Qin.

A month had passed since he entered the institute.

Regrettably, he hadn't seen Dr. Qin in person, and neither had his colleagues. Up until now, they had all been interacting with AI Xiao'ai.

The institute's technology was beyond his expectations; everything was automated – automatic doors, automatic windows, automatic coffee machines…

There were no managerial staff, only an intelligent home assistant called Xiao Ai.

The terminal they used to communicate with Xiao Ai was AR glasses.

There was no similar product in the outside world. It was created by Dr. Qin of the institute, who designed both the software and the hardware by himself.

He truly was an undeniable genius. No wonder the government had built such a valuable research institute for him.

Wallace greatly admired him. After seeing Xiao Ai and the AR glasses, he knew his trip hadn't been in vain.

The AR glasses even changed his habit of using a phone. Any interaction with his colleagues could be done through the glasses, which displayed each scientist's information, their names, their specialties.

Although the research institute was large, he quickly became familiar with it thanks to Xiao Ai's guidance. This saved him a great deal of effort and energy, allowing him to dive straight into work.

This was a level of smoothness Wallace had never experienced in other research institutes.

Based on his area of expertise, Xiao Ai assigned him to the brain science team in Scientific Research Center B Area, responsible for studying neural connections in the brain.

The brain neural connection project aimed to cooperate with engineers in Area A to develop a Mecha that integrates human and machine.

Wallace faintly felt that this project was not as simple as it seemed, but the work assigned by Xiao Ai quickly unfolded, and he had to put his confusion aside because he was so busy.

Here, there were all sorts of advanced experimental equipment, his ideal scientific research environment. Moreover, the atmosphere here was excellent. His colleagues were all very intelligent and passionate about their work, like those who would spare no effort for science.

What Wallace loved most was the institute's automatic coffee machine. They were practically everywhere, except in the key biohazard laboratories.

He and his colleagues speculated that this might be Dr. Qin's hobby.

Everyone enjoyed the coffee, too. There was a variety of flavors, and it was even tastier than the hand-ground coffee at coffee shops.

The effect was also excellent, invigorating and awakening. Whenever fatigue and weariness struck, a cup of coffee could revive him completely.

This was Dr. Qin's exclusive secret formula.

Wallace thought that if the institute's coffee were to be sold in the outside world, it could definitely create a brand even greater than Starbucks.

That afternoon, he rubbed his tired eyes, rose, and walked over to the coffee machine.

"Xiao Ai, strong flavor, no sugar."

With a few clinks, the automatic coffee machine began to operate.

The renewable disposable paper cup in the cylindrical transparent device began to move, positioning itself under the coffee spout.

Steamy, strong-flavored coffee gushed from the spout, and when the coffee level reached eight-tenths of the cup's height, the spout automatically stopped.

Smelling the tempting, rich aroma of coffee, Wallace reached out for a cup, took a sip, and savored it. He had already fallen in love with this flavor.

Wallace looked at his colleagues in the laboratory, drinking coffee and pondering over the project's issues.

He wasn't sure if it was an illusion, but ever since coming to the institute, he felt as though he had become smarter. Ideas flashed through his mind, and problems that once troubled him were being solved with ease.

After finishing the coffee, energized with countless inspirations, he excitedly continued his research.

Under his leadership, the project team made one breakthrough after another in the field of brain neuroscience.

Every breakthrough brought him a sense of joy, and at times, solving a critical issue would give him an unimaginable pleasure, even more intense than the thrill of a bullet leaving the chamber of a gun.

It was amazing how such drab scientific research could bring about such strange joy. Had he unlocked some special physical trait?

Wallace wondered and felt happy about it at the same time.

In pursuit of that intense pleasure, he threw himself entirely into scientific research.

That afternoon, Wallace returned home, dragging his body after a day of work.

After leaving work, he felt physically and mentally exhausted, akin to the feeling after a night of gaming in an Internet café.

Strangely enough, at work he was full of energy and passion, could concentrate fully, and even gained intense pleasure during the work process.

Exhausted, Wallace casually threw his briefcase onto the sofa, sat down, and soon fell asleep.

His wife, who came home, saw Wallace sleeping on the sofa in an awkward position, snoring, and frowned. She woke him up and told him to go to bed.

Wallace, with bleary eyes, yawned, washed up, and then went to the bedroom.

On the bed in front of him, his wife was wearing seductive lingerie, striking a provocative pose.

Any normal man seeing this scene would be unable to resist diving into a ferocious session.

But there wasn't even a hint of desire in Wallace's mind. Faced with his wife's seduction, he felt no stirrings and just wanted to sleep, as he was too tired.

"Dear Rose, let's not do it tonight; I've been really tired lately," he said.

"Wallace, you're really no fun!"

His wife, taking off her carefully chosen Qinqu Lingerie, sighed as she looked at the man sleeping next to her like a log.

Days went by, and on one evening, unable to bear his wife's persistent entreaties, Wallace reluctantly began, but it ended in mere seconds,


"Let's go to sleep early."

Upon hearing this, the woman almost broke down. She looked at her indifferent husband beside the bed and poured out all of her grievances.

"Are you sick of me?"

"Or have you found someone else outside?"

"Being busy with work is just your excuse."

The wife had been neglected for a long time, and she started to sob, "Am I right, Wallace?"

"Rose, it's not like that, recently I just... haven't been feeling well."

He had no choice but to say that.

Wallace couldn't possibly say that it was because of work,

After this day, he began to think about how to balance the contradictions between family and work.

After working for a while on the next day, he felt he had figured it out, he would be a man who doesn't go home.

He still loved the feeling of going to work, as if endless energy and vigor were continuously surging through him.

What's so interesting about a woman compared to work?

I need to go to work!

I need to work!

I need to research!

Going home is not an option, it's never possible for this life!

Wallace had completely fallen for his job, becoming hopelessly addicted to his research to the point of even forgetting his original purpose for joining. He was staying in the employee apartments and hadn't been home for several days.

After another long day of work, Wallace returned to his apartment.

His wife was on the phone:

"You're still not coming home today?"

"Sorry, dear, I've been really busy with work lately. There's a lot going on with the project, but once things settle down, I will come home and spend some quality time with you."

Wallace gave a perfunctory reply and hung up the phone. Exhausted, he lay down on the bed and began to resent his frail body; how wonderful it would be if his body could withstand working 24 hours non-stop!

This damned body!

Cursing inwardly, he was about to lie down and rest when he reached to remove his AR glasses. Suddenly, the familiar Xiao Ai popped up.

"Mr. Wallace, Dr. Qin is looking for you."

"Dr. Qin is looking for me?"

His eyes widened, his face clearly showing surprise and joy.

Wallace felt a bit flattered and also remembered the purpose of his being at the institute.

This is a good opportunity!

Without a second thought, he agreed.

"Alright, let me change my clothes."

He put on a clean white coat and followed Xiao Ai's guidance to a secluded laboratory in Area B, a place he didn't even realize existed before.

The door automatically opened, and Wallace straightened his clothes and walked in with a smile.

In front of him was a young man, standing in front of a half-human-height transparent glass tank, seemingly mixing something. The exact process was obscured by the man's back, so he couldn't see clearly.

He glanced around at the many instruments he didn't understand.

What was odd was that usually Xiao Ai would label the usage and instructions next to the instruments, but this time there were none.

While he was curious, the man in front of him spoke up in the room.

"You've arrived, Wallace."

Wallace respectfully replied:

"Yes, Dr. Qin, what do you need me for?"

"During research, have you ever felt that your body is the biggest obstacle and burden?"

The body as a burden?

Wallace didn't catch on immediately,

"If humans could discard their useless bodies, couldn't they study science better?"

"Dr. Qin, what do you mean?"

Just as Wallace voiced this question, his sharp mind envisioned the direction of his own research and instantly connected it to a terrifying possibility.

Could it be?

A chill rose up his spine as he looked at the man with his back to him, his eyes filled with fear.

Just as he was about to make up an excuse to leave quickly, Wallace suddenly blacked out, losing consciousness.

It's over!

This was the last thought in his brain.