
Chapter 7 This Man is so Gentle_1

So tender, he really, I'm dying of tears!

Of course, Anna, sitting in the chair, didn't think so at all. Toward this man who made her lose face in public, she only wanted to march up and punch him twice in the face.

This incident was just a minor episode. Half a minute later, Qin Ming continued to speak.

"Honestly, I have great respect for this Ms. Anna. Ordinary people can't do what she has done."

His words made Anna lose face again. She felt awkward and ashamed, wishing she could dig out a three-room flat with her toes and hide in it right there.

At this moment, an elderly man with white hair leading the crowd stood up and stepped forward, saying, "I want to see your leader."

"I am the person in charge of this base and also the chief scientist in charge of the NZT-48 project, Professor Calvin. I was previously a doctoral advisor at the Harvard School of Biomedical Sciences," Calvin said, straightening his bent spine with pride as he mentioned his academic credentials.

After speaking, his wise gaze briefly passed over Qin Ming, deeming the excessively young-looking man certainly not the person in charge.

Qin Ming smiled, scanned the crowd, then looked at Calvin and said, "I am the leader, you can call me Dr. Qin." The scientists below were all surprised; they hadn't expected that this seemingly fragile and handsome young man was, in fact, the leader of this group of burly men.

"Professor Calvin, I know what you want to ask. Please be patient; what I am about to say will answer your questions."

Having said that, Qin Ming clapped his hands and continued, "Ladies and gentlemen, hello, what I'm about to say is very important, so listen carefully."

Calvin, Anna, and the others immediately perked up, as this concerned their fate from here on.

"It's actually quite simple. I just need you to follow my arrangements."

"As long as you are obedient and research what I want within the deadline, I won't harm any of you. Furthermore, in one month you will gain your freedom, and each of you will receive a large sum of money. The amount will depend on your own abilities. Understand?"

"Once I get what I want, I will naturally leave. During this period, my men will be watching you. If anyone tries to escape or even resist, their end will be the same as this security guard's."

As soon as Qin Ming's voice fell, Ross cooperatively dragged the body of the security guard in front of everyone, then turned him into swiss cheese with an M249 machine gun.

Seeing the unrecognizable debris on the ground, everyone fell deathly silent, some even vomited on the spot.

"Ok, I believe everyone here is smart and won't do anything I dislike."

Seeing their reactions, Qin Ming knew he had achieved his goal, and he stood up, his piercing gaze scanning every person present.

"I hope you don't disappoint me."

"Why should we believe you?"

"You'll come to believe me later on; besides, you have no other choice."

Leaving them with that, Qin Ming stepped off the platform.

Ross and the others were not fools. What just happened made them distinctly uncomfortable. Did they really need to use the tactics of bribery and intimidation to subdue their own research base's staff?

All signs indicated that they seemed to have been hoodwinked by Qin Ming!

Ross followed behind Qin Ming, blurting out, "Dr. Qin, is this really your lab?"

"Is there a problem? Now, this is my lab."

Qin Ming spread his hands in front of the tall figure, a faint smile playing on his face.

Ross was taken aback at first, and then gradually it dawned on him, rendering him speechless for a moment.

"...Alright, I understand, Doctor."

"OK, Ross, I'm afraid I'm going to be very busy soon. I need you to..."

After instructing Ross with a few words, Qin Ming also learned about the general situation of the staff at the base through Calvin.

He then divided the thirty researchers into Group One and Group Two according to his own idea.

Group One, headed by Professor Calvin, aimed to improve NZT-48 to eliminate side effects and even develop stronger drugs.

Group Two, led by Dr. Osborne, a scholar in cellular biology, focused on researching late-stage liver cancer treatment.


The research slowly unfolded, with experiments carried out in an orderly manner.

Qin Ming immersed himself in the lab, studying alongside the researchers and learning the vast sea of biomedical knowledge.

These researchers, with credentials of either doctorates or master's degrees—whose brains had been enhanced by NZT-48—harbored their own pride.

They believed this young man, who claimed to be Dr. Qin, probably hadn't even completed high school. Although they didn't show it on their faces, they inwardly scorned him, convinced that he was only there to cause trouble.

Indeed, in the beginning, Qin Ming understood nothing about biology, still a layman to the related knowledge, and was even unskilled at using the microscope.

Because of this, Anna in the lab didn't miss an opportunity to mock him indirectly.

While operating the microscope.

"Dr. Qin, are you really a doctor? How come you can't even do such a simple experiment?"

Anna shook her head, her seemingly innocent and radiant face filled with doubt.

In the middle of synthesizing a drug.

"You need to stop this chemical reaction at the precise moment, or it will explode. Even college students know this, surely a doctor wouldn't be less knowledgeable than a college student."

Anna pointed at the test tube Qin Ming was handling, which was actively bubbling with white vapor and liquid, looking like it was about to burst forth.

At that point, someone couldn't stand it any longer and told Anna to shut up.

"I'm just worried about the doctor. What if he gets injured by an explosion?" After saying this, she sighed and an innocent expression appeared on her face as she blinked her eyes, "Ah, they are all too cold-hearted, not like me, always feeling sorry for our dear doctor."

Anna's moist lips were like those smeared with honey, speaking words that were quite unfitting yet impossible to refute.

For some reason, Qin Ming suddenly remembered a creature known as "Green Tea" from his previous life, and then he made an association.

Could this be the legendary lab vixen?

Qin Ming ignored the girl who acted like a young child with a doctoral title and just silently continued to read books and communicate, learning from the knowledge and inspirations of various scientists.

Gleaning ten lines at a glance, a photographic memory, understanding with a single point, learning on first sight.

The feeling of having an edge was truly different, plus there was a countdown timer, very convenient, no need to watch the clock during experiments.

He quickly mastered a variety of experimental and theoretical knowledge and could even propose his own unique ideas and insights.

Gradually, as nearly a week had elapsed, Anna's initially incessant snide remarks turned into shock and silence.

The reason was none other than this man's incredibly fast learning speed!

In front of Professor Calvin, Qin Ming shared his thoughts about NZT-48 that had come to him over the past few days.

Upon hearing this, Calvin was greatly amazed, "You're a genius, this is an entirely new approach!"