
Chapter 67 Grandiose-1


Finding himself at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, Qin Ming's Nano System couldn't receive Ada Wong's electromagnetic signals, and he had no idea where this woman had gone off to.

He had lived for so many years, yet this was his first time on an airplane.

Qin Ming's telekinetic field also detected the two mechas he had created in the cargo hold beneath the plane.

Their shells were battered and power completely drained, ammunition boxes empty – they had been through a fierce battle.

"I didn't expect that Simmons, the man behind it all, would turn into a monster, but luckily we had the mechas prepared by Uncle!"

Sherry was vividly describing the battle scene, while Jack hummed in agreement, and Chris Leone and several others gathered around to listen intently.

"He turned into a dinosaur, then into a giant fly, as big as a house."

"Jack and I fired all the Gatling gun bullets but we couldn't kill him; in the end, it was Jack who electrocuted him with high voltage."

Even without having experienced it themselves, they could still sense the terrifying dangers involved.

Mechas, serum, nanotechnology, the things left in Ada Wong's body by the man.

Chris surmised that what was left in Ada Wong's body must be nanobots, and he also learned the truth – the Ada who died was the real mastermind.

He developed a strong interest in this man called Dr. Qin, mainly because of the technology he mastered, which could play a significant role in BSAA's fight against bio-weapons.

After Sherry had finished speaking, she was about to call out 'Uncle' but stopped when she saw Qin Ming in a corner, eyes closed as if he was sleeping, and she immediately closed her mouth.

Five hours into the flight, the Hercules Transport Aircraft arrived in Maryland, the nearest air force base to Washington D.C., and also where Air Force One used for the President of America is stationed.

The cabin door opened, and under the escort of soldiers, Qin Ming and people like Chris descended the plane's stairs.

At the plane, a suavely dressed, hale and hearty old man stood waiting, flanked by two beautiful female diplomats, seemingly having waited there for quite some time.

"Dr. Qin, America welcomes you!"

Qin Ming, already recognizing him through the Nano System, feigned ignorance.

"And you are?"

"Let me introduce myself, I am the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United States,"

"Nice to meet you, Minister."

"I believe"

"You're right, Dr. Qin!"

Unspoken words, but the display was certainly grand.

Here in the United States, fresh off the plane.

Greeted by the Minister, escorted by the military.

This is far more impressive than any million-dollar salary.

Qin Ming felt that if he took a couple of photos now and posted them on Baidu's Tieba or Xiao Hong Shu to boast, he would surely be bombarded with lemons by netizens.

Invited by the host, Qin Ming got into a specialized bullet-proof black sedan and set out from the air force base, led by military vehicles, and smoothly made his way to the American Washington D.C.

Following Minister Anthony, they entered a building with classic American architecture, guarded with sentries every three steps and surveillance every five; security was extremely tight.

After passing through a long corridor, Qin Ming was led into a lavishly spacious conference hall.

The hall was bustling with people, and around the conference table sat over thirty individuals, all awaiting his arrival to commence the meeting.

Military generals, high-ranking government officials, and leading experts from various fields were present; normally prominent and powerful, but at this moment they all awaited the same man.

Chris was there as well, as a co-founder of BSAA and head of the North American Branch, he was entitled to attend this meeting.

Qin Ming was invited to the most prominent seat.

An American representative approached to converse with him:

"Dr. Qin, have you successfully developed nanobot technology?"


"Could you give us a demonstration?"

"Could you provide me with a knife?"

As if they had been prepared, a knife was handed to Qin Ming.

Before all eyes, he took the knife and made a cut on his arm; a wound appeared on his forearm, yet within two seconds it was sealed by a surge of black fluid.


They were riveted to the sight unfolding before them, and simultaneously, their eyes showed astonishment.

They had only heard about it before, but now witnessing it with their own eyes, everyone present was getting restless.

The representative exclaimed:

"It is truly incredible technology!"

The others looked at Qin Ming with fervent gazes, as if they were beholding a treasure of inestimable value.

Qin Ming tapped the conference table with his finger, "What do you think this technology is worth?"

"Please be patient."

They whispered among themselves, exchanging thoughts.

After a dozen minutes, the representative carefully stated:


All eyes in the room turned to him, waiting for him to make his demands.

They were not afraid of Qin Ming's demands, but rather of having no demands at all. If push came to shove, they would resort to coercion. Scientists must not be treated like prisoners; they demanded ample respect, with courtesy before force.

"Yes, a priceless treasure, this is true for all of humanity,"

"So, I choose,"

Everyone's hearts raced,

"to make this technology public!"


A stir went through the crowd.

Qin Ming stood up, "The original intent of developing this technology was to rid humanity of the torment of viruses."

"Now that I have succeeded, the nanobots can eliminate any invading pathogens, more efficiently and even possess the ability to accelerate the body's healing process."

What is called vision?

Such a pure and noble-minded scientist had not been seen by them in a very long time.

A stir of admiration arose in the hearts of everyone present.

Qin Ming continued to speak:

"This technology has not yet been mass-produced, and including the power mecha, the perfection of this technology is still incomplete. I need a large research institute and more outstanding scientists to assist in perfecting this technology."

"Additionally, I want to become the chief scientist of the BSAA logistics team, providing their combat squads with even more advanced weaponry. We cannot let these soldiers, who struggle against bio-organic monsters on the frontlines, be sacrificed in vain!"

Having finished, he looked towards the man sitting in a corner, BSAA's Chris.

As Chris, who had fought against bio-terrorism organizations on the front lines, could personally relate. Although BSAA's combat members come from special police forces and military units around the world, they are truly elite warriors and they also had a considerable number of logistics personnel responsible for technological, medical, physical, and mental support.

The Blue Umbrella Corporation and various national militaries provided them with equipment and weapons to counter bio-organic monsters, but still, they were often outmatched by various horrific and bizarre monsters.

The casualty and death rates remained high during combat department missions and had even risen in recent years. They needed more powerful weapons and even technology to enhance themselves.

The recent operation in Tokyo had resulted in significant losses of elite soldiers.

Having witnessed Ada Wong being shot and then acting as if nothing had happened, Chris had a deeper understanding of nanotechnology than anyone else present.

Chris felt a surge of excitement, the person who most desired this was him. If such technology had existed before, perhaps his teammates might have survived.

These words struck a chord in his heart.

Chris looked towards Qin Ming, who then said:

"My creations should be shared by all of humanity."

"Science knows no borders."

"These are my demands."

What is called vision? This is vision! As a representative and a negotiation expert, used to seeing scientists who fight over fame and fortune, he had never encountered someone like Qin Ming.

"Dr. Qin, you are truly a great scientist! On behalf of America, no, on behalf of all humanity, I salute you!"

In the hall, thunderous applause erupted.