
Chapter 60 DNA Editing Divine Tool_1

Dịch giả: 549690339

Qin Ming arrived at the main experimental laboratory of the research institute. Under the white light, seven researchers in white lab coats stood motionless on the floor, maintaining the same posture they had five hours ago, up until now.

As he entered the building, he had used micron-level psychokinesis to damage the spinal cord nerve bundles of these people. Except for their eyes and mouths, which could still move, their limbs could be considered useless.

Qin Ming didn't need lab assistants because no assistant could outperform the multi-threaded operations of his telekinesis.

The researchers were already in fear. Seeing someone enter, they shouted:

"Who, who are you?!!"

"Where are Simmons and Carla?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen them for several days."

Qin Ming asked them a few more questions, to which the researchers were quite cooperative.

"Very good."

"If you don't want to die, then shut your mouths."

Qin Ming didn't kill them, as they could still be used as experimental subjects.

In the laboratory, there were more than a dozen professional biological experimental instruments scattered around, with chemical test tubes everywhere. In a freezer against the wall, there were containers holding ordinary C viruses. Through the transparent tubes, one could see that the C virus was blue-green in color.

Qin Ming went straight to a computer and connected to the wireless network through the Nano System to begin reading the archives stored in the laboratory.

First, he read the research archives of the C virus and began to learn the basic principles of this virus.

The C virus belongs to the same retrovirus family as the HIV virus and is based on the T-Veronica virus (created by combining the T virus with ant queen genes) and the T-02 virus manufactured with the Progenitor Virus of Sun Ladder, combined with a variant of the G virus extracted from Sherry's blood to develop a new type of RNA virus.

It possesses the function of recombining biological DNA, which can transform species and endow the host with strong regenerative abilities.

This virus is also called the "chrysalid virus" by scientists at the research institute because its infectees exhibit characteristics similar to those of complete metamorphosis insects in nature, that is, they go through a "chrysalis phase" of complete metamorphosis, transforming the infector into an entirely new species unlike before.

The retrovirus is highly mutable. After entering the host cell, it uses its own RNA as a template to transcribe into double-stranded DNA under the effect of its carried reverse transcriptase.

Then, this double-stranded DNA is directly integrated into the host cell's genome, forming the progeny virus. Thus, it can replicate alongside the replication of the host cell and change all of the host's somatic cell DNA, fundamentally altering the host's species.

Indeed, viruses are the best means of gene editing.

Qin Ming took out the C virus from the freezer and looked at the blue-colored viral liquid in front of him, contemplating.

Compared to the cutting and joining of double-stranded DNA by various enzymes, the C virus already qualified as a semi-perfect genetic editing tool, finely wrapping the host's cells and genes, undergoing a second metamorphosis within the human-shaped chrysalis.

In the storyline, Simmons used the C virus and, after hundreds of failed experiments and insect-like chrysalization, finally managed to change Carla's appearance to that of Ada Wong.

Even their physiological traits were made identical, including fingerprints, irises—though it's unknown whether their DNA was also exactly the same. The only difference between them seemed to be that Ada Wong was larger, while Carla was smaller; otherwise, they could be considered the same person.

There was also information on the enhanced C virus, although the institute's records didn't specify the exact cultivation methods. However, Qin Ming knew that it was made by Carla from ordinary C virus combined with Jack's blood genes.

The enhanced C was really what Qin Ming wanted to master. In addition to retaining all the traits of its predecessor, the ordinary C virus, its biggest improvement was allowing the host to skip the lengthy incubation stage within the cocoon and start mutating directly inside the body. In the original story, Carla made three doses of the enhanced C serum.

One was used to take revenge on Simmons, transforming him into a big boss with a triple mutation form, and by the end, he even became a Bio-Dinosaur.

Another dose was used on Carla herself, turning her into something like a Grey Cement Creature resembling slime.

And another dose was taken by Chris's partner Piers, turning into an electric man that radiated ten thousand volts, like Pikachu, and killed the "Chaos Giant Beast" big boss that stood a hundred meters tall in the underwater base. However, he too didn't survive in the end.

It could only be said that Chris truly was a "God of Death" to his teammates. Being on his team was like being marked by the reaper, unlikely to survive until the end of the battle.

It seemed that the effects of the enhanced C virus infection varied from person to person.

If Qin Ming could master the enhanced C and improve its instability, he would be able to use the C virus to edit genes, enabling humans to transform into any species and any species to transform into humans.

For example, Qin Ming could first perform gene editing on the C virus in the laboratory, inserting genes expressing female beauty and X chromosome genes into the viral gene segments. After selective control over expression processing, he could inject it into an otaku's body, allowing the otaku to alter their genes through the virus and undergo metamorphosis to become a biological woman with a uterus and female reproductive organs.

In theory, not only could a change between humans be possible, but human-animal transformation could also be achieved.