
Chapter 56 High-Frequency (Sanjiang Recommendation PK, please follow!! please follow!!)_1

Japan, Tokyo.

Eight o'clock at night.

Qin Ming had flown from Los Angeles in the United States and finally arrived in Tokyo a day later.

As the capital of Japan, the neon lights at night illuminated the contours of the city, with its busy streets and throngs of pedestrians painting a picture of tranquility and prosperity.

No one would have imagined that in two days, this city would suffer a biochemical virus attack, turning it into a hell on earth.

Qin Ming strolled on the street, observing the cars and pedestrians coming and going.

In his past life, he had never been to Japan; it was his first time visiting the country of islands as a person of two lives.

Qin Ming's impression of the country still revolved around their advanced film and anime industries, with the most familiar phrases being "A Met Die," "Dame!" and "Teamoji" and the like.

The streets of the country at night were filled with vendors selling local specialties.

Groups of JK schoolgirls in short skirts stood on the street corners, their long, bare legs exposed, looking around in all directions.

When they saw Qin Ming, their eyes lit up with anticipation.

Qin Ming suddenly thought of a friend who had returned from a trip to Japan and wept at the dinner table.

According to him, shortly after landing, he encountered a high school JK girl who was working for the first time. Her tragic backstory of a drunk father, a mother who had run off with another man, and a younger brother who needed to attend school had gained his sympathy. Without a second thought, he took the girl to a hotel, comforting the unfortunate girl with money and physical affection.

In less than a week, he had spent his entire budget. Drained, he eventually realized he'd been deceived when he saw the girl using the same tactics to lead another Chinese man to a hotel. The stories about her being a first-timer, her father, and her brother were all lies, merely ways to make money.

Qin Ming had no interest in these Japanese women. He entered a Chinese restaurant and, while eating, came across a middle-aged couple from China with their daughter, who had just finished her college entrance exams, on a trip to Japan.


Thinking he was Japanese, the couple greeted him in Japanese.

Qin Ming took a bite of the fish-flavored pork and looked up at them: "I'm also from China."

Out of kindness, he added, "By the way, you'd better leave tomorrow."

"Why?" The man was puzzled.

"There's no reason, you just have to trust me," Qin Ming replied.

"Chinese don't cheat Chinese."

After dropping this line, Qin Ming left the restaurant. The fish-flavored pork there wasn't authentic, and after a few bites, he found it tasteless.

Qin Ming continued walking on the streets. With the memories of the original game plot and the scan of the telekinetic field, he quickly found the New Umbrella Organization's bio-research facility. It was located in a skyscraper in the Tokyo city area, only three kilometers away from the airport, guarded by many mutants. He also saw Sherry and Jack detained in a room, but he did not see Simmons or Carla.

Qin Ming didn't act rashly, even with his upgraded telekinetic field. Silently killing these mutants wasn't going to be easy.

He checked into a hotel next to the skyscraper.

By coincidence, he ran into the same family again, and their rooms were next to each other.

"What a coincidence," said the daughter of the couple as she greeted Qin Ming.

"It is quite the coincidence."

After responding, Qin Ming closed his door, leaving the girl who had tried to strike up a conversation feeling snubbed.

The time was still safe, but he didn't let his guard down completely. After entrusting his body to the care of the nano system, he fell into a deep sleep.

It had been over twenty hours since he crossed over, and he hadn't had a good sleep.

Nothing unexpected happened that night.

At five o'clock the next morning, the equipment Qin Ming had purchased on the Japanese dark web arrived. It was the molecular probe and silicon-based materials for making Nanoblades.

He retrieved his package from the front desk and returned to his room. Upon opening the delivery, he placed the silicon-based materials and several thousands of molecular probes into the specialized vacuum chamber. Through micron-level psychokinesis, he manipulated the molecular probes to stack the special silicon-based molecules like bricks, forming the structure of nanotubes.

Such precision work was extremely delicate, and Qin Ming's micron-level psychokinesis was not sufficient to sustain it. It was only with the assistance of the Nano System's electromagnetic wave perception that he could barely manage to accomplish it.

Even so, he failed many times, as cross-scale manipulation remained too arduous.

After three hours of relentless effort, dozens of ultra-thin nanotubes, each a meter long, were manufactured. Inside the vacuum chamber, Qin Ming coiled them up one by one using his telekinesis, finally obtaining a super high-strength nanoblade with a thickness one-tenth that of a human hair and a length of one meter.

Qin Ming had only made a dozen or so for now, which would be more than enough for any potential battles that might arise. He suspended these nanofilaments above his head. They were so fine they exceeded the resolution of the human eye; no one would notice anything unusual overhead.

Time to test their power.

One nanofilament drilled out from the top of the door frame and flew into the adjacent room. Qin Ming began to attempt to cut through the concrete walls. A force of 10kg of telekinesis burst forth. While cutting through the steel rebars, the exceptionally sharp nanofilament still met resistance, not cutting as smoothly as desired.

He quickly found a solution to this problem. Under the control of his telekinesis, the nanofilament began to vibrate at a rate of tens of thousands of times per second, resembling a continuously trembling guitar string.

This time, the cutting was very smooth—the concrete wall was cut into dozens of pieces as easily as slicing through tofu.

With high-frequency vibrations of the nanofilament, Qin Ming developed a new form of nanocutting filament!

Without external forces coming into play, the wall still maintained its original appearance and did not collapse.

The family next door had stayed out late on the streets of Tokyo the previous night and had only woken up after eight o'clock this morning.

After freshening up, they were ready to head out. The man was the first to push the door open with his hand.

In an instant, a loud rumbling sound erupted, and the wall along the corridor side, with its wooden door, collapsed like building blocks in a flash. Neatly cut blocks of concrete fell to the ground, piling up between the hallway and the room, forming a wall of stones with surfaces as smooth as if naturally occurring.

What was going on???

The family of three was instantly stunned.

The loud noise caught the attention of the hotel staff, who were also dumbfounded when they saw the scene.

Faced with this supernatural occurrence, the hotel could only accept its bad luck and asked the family who had witnessed it not to spread the word, so as not to affect its business.

The hotel manager discussed with them the possibility of changing rooms, but the woman flat out refused; she could no longer stay in this hotel.

The family stood on the street outside the hotel.

"Mommy, I'm so scared…"

The woman, thinking back to the strange event and Qin Ming's warning from the day before, hugged her frightened daughter.

The woman looked to the head of the family and said, "Lao Hu, shouldn't we just go back?"

"Did we come all the way to a foreign country just to return now?"

Lao Hu hesitated. He thought Japan should be safe. Back home in China, he had only heard of terrorists using biological weapons in small countries in Eastern Europe or Africa, but never about bio-attacks against Huaxia or Japan. His days had always been safe in his homeland.

Lao Hu was unaware that it was not the so-called peace of prosperous times he had been enjoying but instead an organization known as A Met Die in his home country that had been bearing the burden for them all along.

That was all Qin Ming could do. Had it not been for the fact that they were all fellow Chinese, he would not have involved himself in these matters.

After a simple lunch at noon, he was ready to take action.

Local Japanese thought this building was a biopharmaceutical company. In reality, it was the New Umbrella Organization's C virus research institute, manned mostly by mutants injected with the C virus, aside from a few seemingly normal researchers.

Qin Ming stood outside the building on the street, controlling the nanofilaments with his telekinesis to infiltrate the building and commence a silent slaughter.

The mutants did not appear different in their attire, donning black suits and wearing masks.

After being injected with the C virus, although their intelligence was preserved, insect-like compound eyes sprouted on their faces, making them look incredibly intimidating, hence the need for masks to conceal them.

The mutants patrolling throughout the building were cut down one by one by the nanofilaments without realizing it, their bodies sliced into dozens of pieces by the sharp nanoblades, the severed parts twitching helplessly on the ground.

At this very moment, Sherry, held captive in a room, was eating the lunch brought by the mutants. While eating, she covertly observed the suited mutants who were guarding her, pondering how she could escape.