
Chapter 43 Yang Dong is Afraid of Mice_1

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Just as Yang Dong was about to take the sleeping pills and commit suicide,

suddenly she saw the white cat bring over a mouse from nowhere and placed it under herself.

Yang Dong's watery eyes widened, and she let out an involuntary scream:


She hurried off the stool and ran away, her face pale, no longer composed as before.

Most girls are afraid of mice and cockroaches, and Yang Dong was no exception, no matter how smart and beautiful she was, she was just a girl.

"Bai Tan, what are you doing?!"

Seeing the white cat and the mouse scurrying around the room, Yang Dong hid in a corner and dared not move.

A few minutes later, Bai Tan finally caught the mouse, picked it up again, and walked over to Yang Dong in the corner, looking at her with innocent, large eyes.

Yang Dong seemed to understand, Bai Tan was probably trying to repay her kindness.

The cat was one she had picked up downstairs two days ago, looking pitiful, so she brought it home to take care of and casually named it Bai Tan.

In her mind, bringing her a mouse might be the cat's way of showing gratitude.

Having successfully imagined the scenario, Yang Dong glanced at the trembling mouse and then at the white cat:

"Stop it, I don't eat mice."

Bai Tan pretended not to understand, pinning the mouse under its paw and meowing.

Having no choice, Yang Dong could only put the sleeping pills back in the drawer and hide them before calling Bai Tan to follow her out.

At this time, Ye Wenjie also returned.

Qin Ming didn't know about Bai Tan's ruckus, but he believed Bai Tan could accomplish the task.

After a simple dinner, he began to try his new abilities. While communicating with the Nanites and delaying, at the last moment, he performed a flashing operation on the nanobots inside the syringe. That was the reason he dared to inject them, a double safety measure.

The software system had been replaced by one he wrote himself. There were no issues with the software; he was just concerned there might still be hardware vulnerabilities he hadn't yet discovered. He would have to wait until the next world to conduct related research.

Once inside the human body, each of these little things equated to a microprocessor.

Billions of Nanoworms formed a programmable computing system within the body. Qin Ming was now also able to control them via electromagnetic signals to perform reprogramming operations.

With his self-developed ARM architecture and the optimized System, the computing power of the Nanite System reached a terrifying 200 Tflop, surpassing the computing power of Skynet intelligence in the 1984 movie Terminator.

This was also the reason why the Nanites could control the human body. They could control the Nanomechanical Worms inside the body through electromagnetic signals, then take over the neural network of the brain and become the new master of the body.

The basic principle involved was electromagnetism. A single Nanoworm could emit electromagnetic waves, so he created a new ability on this basis—networking.

The Nano System could perform complex calculations for him, emit or receive electromagnetic wave signals of different frequencies, and through signal processing like amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, and phasing, Qin Ming was able to receive nearby electromagnetic signals.

Therefore, he could now access the network without the need for any tools.

Qin Ming began to try receiving external electromagnetic signals. He perceived various frequency bands of electromagnetic waves through the Nano System— infrared, ultraviolet, microwaves, and radio waves. The massive influx of miscellaneous information flooded into his brain like complex astronomical data.

Qin Ming adjusted the receiving frequency to around 900MHz, which is the radio frequency band for 2G networks.

He began to monitor signals emitted from surrounding base stations and cellphones.

The current era still uses GSM technology, that is, what people refer to as 2G networks. The GSM algorithm has vulnerabilities that have been cracked by hackers, which is why even GSM protocols, now considered far more secure compared to ETACS, are not entirely safe.

The rampant telecommunications fraud of this era has a certain connection to the GSM protocol; 2G networks can be hijacked by fake base stations to capture calls, text messages, and network connections. By flashing an old moto phone with the OsmocomBB open-source project firmware, one could listen to 2G signals the base station transmits to target cellphones in the area, just like a radio.

Theoretically, only eight such modified old phones are needed to eavesdrop on all 2G phones within the coverage area of a base station.

Even in the era of 3G, 4G, or even 5G, the vulnerabilities of the GSM protocol are still exploited. The new types of telecommunication fraud can capture verification codes that target cellphones receive from the base station via the 2G network without touching the target phone. After intercepting SMS information, they log into various websites to "crash into", meaning guess, the owner's identity information to commit illegal activities such as bank card fraud and theft of personal information, etc.

Not just Qin Ming, but many people studying wireless security at this time can capture communication data from surrounding base stations without the operators' knowledge and decode text messages and voice calls from it.

Qin Ming began to decode and analyze several 2G signals being transmitted between the nearby base stations and mobile phones in real-time through the Nano System. Their conversations were eavesdropped on by Qin Ming.

"Teacher Liu, what did you say? My son got into a fight at school again?"

"Baby, how many hours did you work this morning?"

"Old Wang, my husband won't be home tonight."

The last signal was a bit risqué; after trying it out for a while, Qin Ming stopped receiving external electromagnetic signals.

In addition to eavesdropping on the surrounding electromagnetic waves, he could also invade networks through mobile signals or WIFI, but most were still old-fashioned broadband, dial-up internet, and WIFI routers had not yet become widespread; the speed of 2G networks transmitting internet data could only be described as snail-paced.

At that time, the mainstream mobile package offered only 30MB of monthly data, which was the size of a single color picture in the previous life of 2023.

The experience of surfing the internet through the base station felt like watching a laggy romance action film online, extremely uncomfortable and frustrating.

Qin Ming tried it and then gave up.

Connecting to the network was just a trivial function within the Nano System; inside Qin Ming's body, the Nano System acted as an "organ" capable of sensing external electromagnetic waves, theoretically even high-frequency, high-energy gamma rays, X-rays, and Y-rays.

Of course, Qin Ming would not try it; he had no masochistic tendencies, nor did he believe he could become the Hulk after being irradiated with gamma rays.

Human information transmission mainly relies on electromagnetic waves and mechanical waves. Visible light and radio waves are electromagnetic waves, while sound is a mechanical wave generated by the vibration of objects in the air.

Sophon, in essence, monitors human civilization by receiving all frequencies of electromagnetic waves. However, being significantly smaller than the wavelength of visible light, waves would bend around and penetrate it, rendering it incapable of reception.

Yet, two or even more Sophons could form an interrelated whole based on quantum effects, creating a sensing array. The scale of this array could be of any size, capable of receiving all frequency bands of electromagnetic waves, thus perceiving the macroscopic world.

The next morning.

The weather in June was always so clear, with the sun rising gradually at 7 a.m.

Qin Ming left the house, carrying his backpack and walking on the street with a brisk pace.

Previously, due to cancer, he had a faint sense of urgency deep in his heart; now, his mind was slightly relaxed.

The pressing crisis had been resolved; the Three-Body crisis of Earth could be planned slowly; there were still several hundred years left.

Qin Ming arrived at the bus station and habitually took bus 138 to reach the key municipal high school he attended—Peking University High School.