
Chapter 39: Acquiring Nanotechnology_1

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In their astonished gazes, Luna entered the fray like a tiger among sheep, flipping and dodging, knocking down one Nanotech-Enhanced Being after another.

Her AR electronic glasses constantly switched displays, showing the force, the angle of each punch, and the weaknesses of her enemies with absolute clarity. Despite Luna never having trained in Muay Thai, in that moment, she became a seasoned Muay Thai fighter!

Her blows, primarily with her knees and elbows, along with her titanium alloy mechanical limbs rebuilt by Qin Ming, combined skill with immense strength, dealing devastating damage to the Nanotech-Enhanced Beings who felt a terror dominated by titanium alloy knees and elbows.

The course of the battle was single-handedly shifted by her.

With Luna joining the fray, the pressure on the other agents significantly lightened, and some tried to reopen the alloy doors.


As the battle inside the building raged on, the outside agents realized something was amiss—their communication with the team inside had been cut off.

Without a doubt, something unexpected had occurred.

They wanted to rush in to investigate, but they were quietly swallowed by the building.

The agents entering were controlled and assimilated by the Nanotech-Enhanced Beings hidden in the darkness, which triggered a chain reaction.

One after another, agents were taken over and assimilated, and one specially controlled agent lied to his superiors: "There was just a small problem; our people have secured the nanotechnology data."

After hanging up the phone, the agent sensed someone behind him, turned with a smile—an actual head turn, his neck rotating 180 degrees, his pupils flashing red.


The FBI agent who had just snuck in witnessed this scene and cursed aloud, shocked beyond measure. Trained professionally, he rarely lost composure, but this was too outrageous.

He pulled out his pistol and fired several shots only to find his gun utterly useless. Then, deciding that discretion was the better part of valor, he turned and ran, but before he could take two steps, more enemies materialized in front of him.

Trapped front and back in the corridor's corner, just as he was about to be subdued and injected with Nanomechanical Worms, a gust of wind blew past, and the enemies in front of him disappeared in an instant.

Looking up, he saw that these people were blown away by a mysterious and powerful Steel Mecha.

"Iron Man?"

The agent scrambled to his feet, still in shock.

The Mecha ignored him, dashing forward with such force that it sent several Nanotech-Enhanced Beings flying ten meters away.

Behind, a dozen more Nanotech-Enhanced Beings were chasing after Jiani, who turned and took aim with her shoulder grenade launcher. A grenade fired, detonating violently in the narrow corridor.

Not using the Electromagnetic Pulse Bomb since its blast radius was too large and could paralyze the Mecha at close range, she had temporarily refrained from employing the electromagnetic pulse weapons.

The grenade explosion sent them flying and crashing down the corridor, laying sprawled on the floor; yet, even so, they were not instantly killed, merely incapacitated for the moment.

Having dealt with the Nanotech-Enhanced Beings behind her, Jiani decisively maneuvered the Mecha at high speed towards the building's top floor.

By this point, the battle at the top had reached its zenith. After more than ten minutes of intense fighting, the batteries in Luna's mechanical limbs were in critical condition, and her strength had dramatically decreased compared to earlier; additionally, her own physical stamina was nearly depleted, fatigue emanating wave after wave from her muscles.

Her vision darkened suddenly as the towering figure of the Bald guy blocked her sight. Luna looked up at him, then launched a high kick with her foot, but her strength was now incomparable to what it had been in the beginning.

The Bald guy casually caught her kick with a simple raise of his hand, his upper body not even swaying.

Before Luna could react, the Bald guy's arm swung violently to the right, tipping her balance sideways. Before she could steady herself, the Bald guy's fist came crashing down, forcing her to protect her face and endure the powerful blow.

As she steadied herself, her crossed arms caught another solid punch, sending her stumbling backward.

Then she faced a barrage from the Bald guy, fists with massive force raining down mercilessly. Luna's arms, used to block, began to tremble, and her tight defense started to falter.

The bald brute's level of difficulty was clearly not comparable to the ordinary office worker nanotech-enhanced beings they just dealt with.

Born with impressive strength and further boosted by nanomechanical worms, the bald brute's terrifying power could even smash concrete walls.

Seeing Luna falling behind, the department head picked up a fire extinguisher to sneak an attack from the side.

Seizing the moment for a breather, Luna dove to the computer, saw the transfer was complete, and jerked the phone free.

But when she looked back, she saw the department head had been knocked to the ground by the bald guy with a single punch.

But misfortune didn't come alone; the nanotech-enhanced beings Luna had taken down were getting up one after another, surrounding them all.

An anxious voice asked,

"How much longer do we need!"

"Just half a minute more!"

The hacker agent answered hurriedly. Right after he had spoken, the door burst open.

Everyone's vision darkened, and as they looked up, they realized a Steel Mecha stood at the door, blocking it completely like a wall.

They took a sharp intake of breath, momentarily accelerating the warming of the planet.

The two people closest to the mecha at the door swallowed hard, unconsciously stepping back.

The Steel Mecha stepped heavily through the doorway.

Even when facing the over two-meter-tall Steel Mecha, the bald guy showed no fear and charged forward to clash with it, throwing a punch.

Jiani, controlling the mecha, responded with a punch as well.

At the moment their fists collided, his arm bent instantly, and he was flung backward like a cannonball, crashing heavily into the wall with a thud.

Yet the Steel Mecha remained in its punching stance, utterly unmoved.

Even bodies enhanced with nanotechnology couldn't resist the force of steel machinery.

The remaining dozen or so nanotech-enhanced beings were no match for the mecha; a minute later, they lay on the ground again—this time, it seemed they were overexerting the nanobots' energy and were slow to recover, unable to stand up for quite a while.

The situation was completely under control.

At that moment, the agents regained their composure and quickly sent out a distress signal through their professional communication tools.

The FBI and CIA received the message simultaneously, and their professional combat units were dispatched urgently.

Qin Ming also reestablished contact with Luna.

[Did you get the data?]

[Got it, but...]

[That's enough, can't stay here long, retreat now, we'll talk later.]

Qin Ming knew that after such a significant incident, the location would soon become a hotspot under the scrutiny of all parties, and the Steel Mecha's presence was too conspicuous. It was almost certain that some would investigate and trace it back to him.

Upon receiving the order, Jiani broke through with Luna and made it back downstairs, then they sped away in a truck.