
Chapter 31 Nanobots_1

In a bustling district of California, there lies a luxury villa spanning over a thousand square meters, a villa of Gothic style, extravagantly opulent.

This is the home of Buck, a dealer of California RST Company.

At this moment, Buck seemed to have encountered some great fortune. He rose from the luxurious wooden chair in his study and, with a big laugh, said to a man in a suit, "Haha, Mr. Smith, I dare say RST Corporation is the greatest company in history!"

While he was ecstatic, a strange red glint flashed in the eyes of Smith, who had come from headquarters:

"Yes, Mr. Buck, we have the power to change the future of human civilization."

A bodyguard walked in, "Boss, someone tried to sneak in."

"Who is it? Bring him up here."

"Let me go!"

A young man was dragged in, struggling to break free but held fast by the mechanical arm of a burly man beside him.

He looked at Buck and Smith and shouted, "Where did you take my sister?!"

"Your sister?" Buck paused for a moment, then, with a smirk, turned to the burly man: "Then take him to see his sister."

The young man was taken by the burly man to a small room, then thrown inside, stumbling and falling to the ground.


Upon hearing the familiar voice, the young man was overjoyed. He got up and looked, only to see a sight that made his blood boil.

His sister lay on the floor, only her upper body remaining; her lower half was completely gone from the thighs down, as if she had been sliced in the middle, her once healthy body now mutilated and incomplete.

He noticed two other slightly older young women nearby, one with both arms severed, the other even worse, both hands and feet hacked off.

Though disheveled and weak, the young man could still see their original beauty.

In the room, three women lay on the ground, their faces a ghastly white of utter despair.

He stood still, taking a while to comprehend the situation.

"What happened? How could this be?!"

The young man grabbed his head with both hands, his body trembling uncontrollably:

"Sister, was it them who did this to you?!"

The girl weakly nodded her head and, looking at him with feeble eyes, said, "There were several other sisters they kidnapped."

His sister and others had been bound and brought here and tortured mercilessly. He had to find help, to call the police!

The young man came to his senses, but he knew he couldn't do anything alone. He tried to rush out, only to find the door was locked from the outside, and no matter how hard he kicked, he couldn't force it open.

Just then, someone opened the door.

He wanted to take the opportunity to dash out but was sent flying five or six meters by a powerful punch from the newcomer. His body curled up like a shrimp as he clutched his stomach in pain.

Seeing the young man spitting out blood, Buck retracted his fist with satisfaction, then glanced at the three women and asked the bodyguard beside him:

"Did you tell the kid about the custom bionic prosthetics?"

"We sent the message yesterday, but he hasn't responded."

Hearing this, Buck called over his private doctor:

"Keep an eye on them; don't let them die just yet."

"Don't worry, boss," the doctor in the white coat nodded.

After that, Smith and Buck walked down the corridor, with Buck preparing to see him off.

Smith didn't ask any additional questions about the recent incident. The two walked along, chatting and laughing. As soon as they stepped out of the villa, they heard a loud crash at the iron gate ahead. They looked and to their surprise, saw a two-meter-tall Steel Mecha smash through the iron gate, charging at them with an intense aura of oppression,

"What is that?"

Buck and Smith hadn't even reacted when the steel giant was already upon them. A pair of iron fists, accompanied by a fierce gale, struck, and in the next second, both men were smashed from above straight into the floor.

Their flesh was a blur, and the ground beneath them caved in, showing spiderweb-like cracks.

Qin Ming didn't believe Buck and the suited man could survive after that. He piloted Assault No. 1, rushing into the villa, leaping five or six meters at a stride like a heavy tank charging through the lobby, shattering all the doors in its way with unstoppable force.

Faced with the oncoming mysterious mecha, the bodyguards inside raised their guns and fired back. All the bullets aimed at the mecha's weak spots missed as Qin Ming dodged them, thanks to the artificial intelligence Xiao Ai, who analyzed the trajectory of their bullets through the direction of their gun muzzles.

The few bullets that couldn't be avoided struck the titanium alloy armor of the mecha's outer layer, sparking violently, but unable to penetrate the strongest part of the mecha's defense.

The bodyguards, seeing their guns were useless against this mechanical monster, were incredulous.

"Oh shit! What is this!"

"Could this be a combat robot developed by the military?!!"

The terrified bodyguards frantically pulled the triggers, showering the mechanical monster in front of them with a dense rain of bullets.

Qin Ming wouldn't just stand there and let them shoot him. He moved left and right within the lobby, and in the moments the gunfire ceased, he activated his shoulder cannon and fired a grenade towards the second floor.

The dozen or so bodyguards on the second floor tried to dodge, but it was already too late.


The grenade exploded violently amidst the crowd. Feeble bodies were torn to pieces by the blast wave and flying shrapnel. The second floor's corridor collapsed, the smoke rose, countless stones flew and fell, killing several unlucky fellows on the first floor.

Following that, Qin Ming took a quick step and charged into the crowd. Powered by the hydraulic system and the torque motors, Assault No. 1 unleashed tremendous strength.

He exploded several people in front of him with a punch, and a rain of blood blossomed among the crowd.

Seeing this scene, the other dozen or so bodyguards turned deathly pale with fear and tried to scatter and flee, but Qin Ming didn't give them the chance to run and began a ruthless massacre.

Facing the powerful mecha, a scrape would injure, and a hit would kill. The first floor burst into a blood rain that dyed the ground red. The mecha, which previously glowed with a dark luster, was now black and red, looking like a terrifying demon.

For a time, the sound of gunfire and screams rose and fell.

A few people saw the danger and tried to sneak away when Qin Ming wasn't looking, but their figures could not hide from Assault No. 1's infrared visual detection.

The mecha's hydraulic system in the legs burst forth with tremendous power, instantly crossing a distance of ten meters. The half-ton Steel Mecha, carrying massive kinetic energy, crashed through a door, instantly killing several people hiding behind it.

The entire villa was in shambles, littered with corpses and wounds everywhere.

What's happening outside? Is someone coming to rescue us?

A few women in the room heard the commotion outside and kindled a glimmer of hope.

Compared to the silent killing of telekinesis, Qin Ming felt that occasionally pushing through with brute force was also very satisfying.

Every man has a dream of piloting a mecha and going on a killing spree, and Qin Ming was no exception.

The reality of Sophon held him back, but today he finally released the repression in his heart.

"Sir, the mecha's energy reserves are at 30%," Xiao Ai suddenly reminded Qin Ming.

"How much longer can we fight?"

"We can sustain high-intensity combat for ten more minutes," Xiao Ai replied.

Qin Ming also came to test Assault No. 1, and now it seemed that the mecha's biggest weakness lay in its energy source. At high power, the current battery could only support Assault No. 1 in combat for thirty minutes.

He also discovered another weakness, the joints needed strengthening. Had it not been for his telekinesis to block, the metal knees of the mecha might have malfunctioned and been paralyzed by now.

Just as Qin Ming was ready to pilot the mecha to rescue the women, his Telekinetic Field detected that Buck and the suited man whom he had killed first were unexpectedly standing up again, and besides their clothes being torn, they seemed to have not suffered any harm at all!

Hmm, how are they not dead?

Could it be...

Qin Ming frowned as a possibility came to mind.