
Chapter 30 Assault Mecha_1

Qin Ming entered the police station and immediately saw a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes who stuck out among the surrounding officers.

"You're the one who reported me?"

Adjusting his tie, the middle-aged man admitted outright, "That's right, it was me. Don't you know that selling bionic limbs on your own is illegal?"

"Illegal? May I ask which law I have violated?"

The middle-aged man was momentarily choked up, as he had just been spouting nonsense.

Just then, a police officer suddenly walked over, interrupting their conversation.

"You're suspected of illegal medical practices," the approaching officer said as he presented him with a fabricated charge and attempted to take Qin Ming away.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man seemed to have anticipated it and said with contempt, "If I say you're breaking the law, then you are. Listen, kid, I can let you go, just as long as you shut down that damned little workshop of yours. Trying to take money from my hands, Buck, is impossible. See my fist?"

With that, he revealed his mechanical arm and forcefully shook it in front of Qin Ming.

"You're a dealer for this region?"

"No, I am the dealer for the entire California RST Company."

Having gotten the information he wanted, Qin Ming immediately looked at the officer, "Where's your chief?"

After employing a little trick, Qin Ming was brought into the chief's office.

Soon after, he walked out, with the chief following him from the office. Upon exiting, the chief ordered his subordinates to release Qin Ming.

Buck was dumbfounded; the man had clearly taken his money, promising to lock the kid up for a few months, and now suddenly he was backtracking.

The police officers were also confused. Could it be that this Asian man had some connection with their chief?

Qin Ming, looking at the bewildered Buck, spread his hands and said, "When I say I haven't broken the law, it means I haven't."


The matter had temporarily come to a close, and the dealer seemed to have ceased his activities, allowing Qin Ming a few days of brief tranquility.

In the meantime, he had completely mastered the technology of bionic power limbs and had taken many requests for bionic limb repairs and lithium-ion battery replacements.

Although RST Corporation had direct stores in major regions that also provided after-sales maintenance services, it was just a warranty that didn't cover accidental damage. Similar to Apple Technology Company, the repair costs were outrageously expensive–replacing a battery cost a thousand dollars, and the prices for repairing major components were nearly as much as buying a new one.

RST Corporation thoughtfully offered an insurance service, but that insurance lasted only three years and was also extremely expensive, suitable only for the middle class. The wealthy didn't care for it, as they replaced their models every year; the poor couldn't afford it and would save a lot of money by just being careful.

Early one morning, a regular customer came in for repairs; they lived nearby.

"Dingni, be careful next time you play with your friends, don't break your left hand again,"

As he finished tightening the last screw on the prosthetic limb, Qin Ming patted the girl's head in front of him,

"Thank you, brother." The girl smiled sweetly, her right hand holding the man's hand, then happily waved her left hand in mid-air, "Daddy, brother fixed my hand again."

Qin Ming looked at the joyful girl and then turned to the man with a reminder, "You'll need to keep a close eye on her."

"If it breaks again, you'll have no choice but to buy a new one."

After issuing a reminder, Qin Ming turned back to his work. After a while, noticing that the man behind him had not shown any intention of leaving, he stopped his research and turned to the man who appeared hesitant, as if he had something to say. Qin Ming spoke up.

"Is there anything else?"

The man looked somewhat pitiable. "Dingni's sister has suddenly disappeared. Dr. Qin, can you help me find her?"

"You should go to the police for that kind of thing. Why come to me?"

"I've reported it, but they just registered the disappearance and told me to go home and wait for news."

"Oh, have you received any news then?"

The man replied with a bitter smile and a shake of his head, "It's been three days, and there's been no word about her sister."

"Alright, I'll do my best. You go home and wait for my message," Qin Ming said.

The man: "..."

In the end, the man left with Dingni, and Qin Ming watched their retreating figures, falling into thought.

During these days, he had heard of more than one disappearance, and they were all young, beautiful women. Logically, so many disappearances should have prompted an investigation by the police station, yet they remained indifferent, merely logging the cases as missing persons. This attitude was somewhat intriguing.

Qin Ming turned on his computer and began hacking into the network of public surveillance cameras across California, and after a search, discovered that certain segments had been deleted, which made him suspect there was something amiss with the police station.

It was time to step out for a while.

Thinking this, Qin Ming picked up a pair of glasses from the table, put them on, and then walked out of the recycling station's gate.

As he stepped outside, the dazzling sunlight shone on him. Wearing the glasses, which sensed the outside light, automatically reduced their transmittance.

He walked on the street, and as soon as his gaze landed on a passerby, the associated data about that person displayed on his glasses, just as if he were playing a virtual online game. This was actually the result of connecting to the massive data available on the internet.

These were the electronic AR glasses he had created over the past two days. Thanks to the advanced microelectronics technology of this world, he had integrated various complex electronic components into the tiny arms of the glasses, which had networking, camera, object recognition, and positioning capabilities, along with an extremely energy-efficient coprocessor.

The electronic AR glasses were at least thirty years ahead of the technology of 2007 and could easily overturn the world on Trisolaris Earth, forcing future tech giants like Nokia and Apple to bow down to them.

However, this was merely a component of the powered exoskeleton Qin Ming was still in the process of manufacturing.

He drove to the police station and presented these glasses to the chief.

In the office, Qin Ming looked at the chief who had shielded him from the dealer, and pulled out a bottle of fake medicine.

"This is the medication for the second course of treatment for a rare heart condition."

"You might need to change your glasses, I've brought you a new pair."

The chief accepted the bottle, and Qin Ming, with a smile, used telekinesis on his heart a few times. The chief, feeling palpitations, immediately took a pill, and then eased.

"Thank you, your medicine really works," said the chief, taking off his old glasses from the bridge of his nose, and putting on the new glasses Qin Ming had given him. "These glasses are really good."

Seeing that he had accepted the glasses, Qin Ming left satisfied. He then drove around, deploying a telekinetic field, but didn't find anything unusual.


At night, returning home without any achievements, Qin Ming discovered something in the video feed from the AR glasses.

The glasses' microphone, upon detecting voices, would start recording with the camera, transmitting the data in real-time to Qin Ming's computer via the internet.

The video from the recording was from the chief's perspective, likely in a restaurant, with Buck, the dealer from before, sitting opposite him.

"Aren't women enough?"

"They're enough. This time I'll show him what I'm capable of."

"If you hadn't stopped me from killing him, there wouldn't be all this trouble."

Qin Ming realized that Buck had wanted to kill him directly but was stopped by the chief, who was fearful of death and still needed Qin Ming for his 'heart condition'.

So Buck changed plans, looking to harness those women against him. Although there was seemingly no connection, Qin Ming had guessed Buck's intentions.

Thanks to the video's information, Qin Ming knew the exact location of the missing women—they were at Buck's villa.

I wasn't planning on dealing with you, but since you're out to kill me, then I must strike first.

With this thought, Qin Ming's gaze turned icy as he decided to take care of Buck and in the process, rescue those women.

It was also the perfect opportunity to test the combat capabilities of the first-generation powered exoskeleton, Assault One.

Qin Ming headed to the basement, where, besides repairing power limbs for others, he had been manufacturing his own powered exoskeleton with various advanced materials.

The workbench was cluttered with numerous parts of Assault One, lacking only the final assembly.

Now, this killing machine was finally ready to bare its fangs to the enemy.

Telekinetic energy surged wildly as hundreds of mechanical parts began to assemble on his body, tightly joined together by ultra-strong alloy nuts and special fitting structures.

He didn't need robotic arms for assembly—telekinesis was his best tool. Since arriving in this world, his telekinetic strength had reached 10kg, enough to lift these metal parts.

Seconds later, the armor was assembled, encasing his body into a two-meter-tall, heavily armored powered exoskeleton that exuded a strong sense of oppression.

This suit might not rightly be called an exoskeleton, looking more like a sci-fi inspired Steel Mecha that was both cool and visually striking.

The entire suit was made of lightweight titanium alloy, with special bulletproof cushioning materials built into vital areas, and hydraulic linkages and torque motors installed at the joints, capable of generating over ten tons of force in short bursts.

The firepower module was equipped with a shoulder cannon similar to those used by Predator warriors, except it fired custom-modified grenades crafted by Qin Ming.

The visual module consisted of second-generation AR combat glasses, equipped with various sensors, offering infrared detection, night vision, assisted aiming, and other features.

The processing module included the latest M2 Max central processor and an artificial intelligence developed by Qin Ming himself, AI Xiao'ai, which could assist the pilot in combat, help with hacking networks, analyze combat data, and more. Although its intelligence was still low and couldn't compare to Iron Man's JARVIS, it was sufficient.

The Mecha, connected by neural links, didn't feel like an inanimate object but rather an extension of the pilot's body. Through the AR glasses, the suit's status was projected onto Qin Ming's retina.

"Xiao'ai, begin self-check!"

[Power System self-check complete]

[Neural connection complete]

[Battery charged 100%]

[Sir, all systems ready]


The Steel Mecha stirred to life, its powerful electric energy driving the motors in its legs. In an instant, Qin Ming leaped over the three-meter-high wall and headed toward the direction of the villa.