
Chapter 12 Danger!_1

Back at the base, Jerry had purchased new equipment and materials with tens of millions of US dollars, propelling the group's research progress to a new level.

"Doctor! We have important results!" a researcher hurried over.

"Let me see what discovery it is," Qin Ming strode toward Unit One, beaming with joy.

Calvin approached Qin Ming quickly, his face rarely showing such surprise and excitement.

"Dr. Qin, our research has succeeded. The test subject's brain can stay continuously in a phase-one activated state, and there are no adverse reactions."

Qin Ming looked at the EEG monitor of the experimental monkey, where thirty-five percent of the brain's virtual image on the screen was in an active state.

"What about human trials?"

"They have been conducted as well, with absolutely no issues. We have completely conquered the NZT drug's side effects and can permanently solidify the phase-one activation state."

"Excellent, continue developing Overclocking Potion, try to go one step further, and excavate more of the brain's potential!"

An elated Qin Ming credited one million US dollars to everyone's account and promised that this was just a minor reward. If they could develop the Overclocking Potion or even a cancer drug, there would be greater rewards.

After taking the new NZT drug, Qin Ming's brain activation level was fixed around 42%, unaffected by whether he took the drug or not, becoming a constant interval value.

Once the equipment was in place, he began to understand the brain activation levels of the base's research personnel through EEG monitors and CT scanners, among other devices. In normal circumstances, his own activation level was around 42%, Anna's was 39%, and others hovered around 35%.

Qin Ming glanced at the balances of several private accounts. Apart from the thirty million plus US dollars just spent, there was still a staggering eighty-eight billion, eight hundred eighty-eight thousand, eight hundred eighty-eight (wishing you a prosperous new year!) US dollars lying inside.

It turned out there were more wealthy people than he had imagined.

The money was already plenty.

He planned to recall Ross and temporarily halt the drug sales. The drug had only been sold for five days and was still circulating within a small portion of the upper society; selling more would definitely attract Eben Company's attention.

The two people he had sent out earlier had also found the whereabouts of Ross's fiancée, and though they had not yet located her, they were close. Qin Ming felt he had to share this good news with Ross.

Thinking of this, he called Ross and instructed him to terminate his mission and return to the base as quickly as possible.

"Alright, Doctor, I'll come back immediately."

Ross hung up the phone, then his face darkened.

In the past few days, someone had set their sights on them, quietly tailing them. According to investigations, they were likely local gang members.

Before returning, he had to clean up the tail. However, before doing that, there was one last deal to complete.

This time the trade was strange—it was always a direct bank transfer before, but this time it was several tons of gold.

Linking it to the gangsters following them, Ross's instincts told him something was wrong.

The abandoned building on the edge of the city, with no one around, was the location for this deal.

A hundred meters away in a tree, Ross and his people were secretly observing.

They had cooperated well over the past several days; even with just four of them, including Laru, it was sufficient.

Laru was in charge of hacking the surrounding surveillance, erasing their traces from the cameras, and additionally monitoring the areas around the transaction site for suspicious individuals.

"How's it looking, Laru?"

Despite having traded with Thomas many times before, Ross remained very cautious and still wanted to ensure there were no ambushes before proceeding with the deal.

"Big guy, there are no suspicious people appearing on the surrounding streets." Laru said relaxedly, glancing at the surveillance footage on his laptop, where not even a shadow was to be seen.

Meanwhile, the Bald guy who was surreptitiously surveying the building with an infrared detector also sent back a message:

"Reporting, Captain, no one has been detected inside the building."

"Laru, keep a close watch on our surroundings; I'll take them to move the gold bars."

Ross loaded his gun and drove slowly into the abandoned building with the hat-wearing man.

The gold bricks were in the corner of the first floor, covered with a tattered tarpaulin. The three of them lifted it to reveal neatly stacked gold bricks, shimmering dazzlingly, a sight that was utterly shocking.

A momentary lapse about a few seconds.

The bald guy also came down to help, and the three of them used machinery to load several tons of gold onto the pickup truck.

During this time, there wasn't any rustle of wind or movement of grass, and the silence was oddly disconcerting.

After loading up the truck, the bald guy at the driver's seat noticed that Ross's expression was amiss.

He asked, puzzled.

"Boss, what's wrong?"

Ross furrowed his brows, scanned the surroundings, and shook his head, "I just feel like something isn't right."

All of them got in the vehicle and left, nothing happened, but when they reached an intersection.


Dozens of black armored Cadillacs surged out from streets in every direction.

These people came aggressively, speeding directly toward them.

"Oh shit, where did these guys come from."

In the room, Laru, who was preparing to clear the surveillance records, was surprised to see the group of Cadillacs clearly targeting Ross on the street monitors; he had no idea what was happening.

"Fuck! What the hell did you do!"

Ross, seeing a dozen black cars emerging from behind and angrily yelling at Laru through his Bluetooth headset, swore that the moment he saw Laru, he would give him a good smack on the butt!

In addition, the five tons of gold worth two hundred million US dollars also slowed down the speed of the truck.

On the streets of New York, a small truck was weaving crazily, followed by a dozen black Cadillacs in close pursuit. Both sides were racing and shooting at each other from their vehicles, the intense gunfire echoing through the streets, reminiscent of a Hollywood blockbuster scene.

Vehicles on the road hastened to scramble out of the way.

The bald man slammed the accelerator, and with unbelievable clearance, he swerved past a sedan and overtook it.

Amidst the flow of cars, the truck zigzagged with incredible maneuvers, slipping through like an eel; the effects of the NZT Drug made him a veteran driver of Mount Akina.

Even so, they couldn't shake the vehicles tailing them, as if their exact location was known.

"That's not right, there's a tracker!"

"There's a tracker in the gold!"

Ross finally realized what was off and looked toward the gold bricks in the back of the truck.

The vehicle rocked from side to side, and it took a great effort for the group to find the tracker.

After blowing up a car behind them, they retreated back into the truck with their guns, looking at the dwindling ammunition. The man in the hat, sitting in the passenger seat and clutching his shoulder in pain, said, "Ow~ Captain, we're running low on ammo, if this goes on..."

In a recent accident, he was hit by a stray bullet. Bullets had no eyes, and even after taking NZT, they couldn't dodge them.

Ross quickly grabbed the hemostatic and gauze to bandage him.

Barely stopping the bleeding, he glanced back and felt a chill seeing more and more people chasing after them.

With or without the tracker, it hardly made a difference now; they had latched onto them like a dog skin plaster.

"No good, we must split up and retreat! Otherwise, none of us will get away!"

There was only one truck, and carjacking seemed impossible; getting out meant certain death.

What to do?

Ross and his group found themselves in a deadlock.