
Threat of witness

I am asked by miss Joanne to fill up certain lacunae and correct a few trifling errors of fact in her account of my nephew Smit career. I shall do so with pleasure. To appear publicly in print is every man ambition, and by acting as a kind of running footman to my nephew triumph I shall only be showing a modesty suitable to my advance age.

Royal_Joe · Lịch sử
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

The inquest was held today at riddlesdale , in the north riding of yorkshire, on the body of captain Denis cathcart , which was found at three o'clock on Thursday morning lying just outside the conservatory door of the Duke of Denver's shooting box, Riddlesdale lodge. Evidence was given to show that deceased had quarrelled with the Duke of Denver on the preceding evening and was subsequent shot in a small thicket adjoining the hospital. A pistol belonging to the Duke was found near the scene of the crime. A verdict of murder was returned against the Duke. Lady Joanne, sister of the Duke, who was engaged to be married to the deceased, collapsed after giving evidence, and is now lying seriously ill at lodge. The duchess hastend from town yesterday and was present at the inquest. Full report on 4pm

Old Dan ! Thought Lord Smit, as he turned to page 7 , and poor old Joanne! I wonder if she really was found of the follow . Mother always said not, but Joanne never would let on about herself.