
Threat of witness

I am asked by miss Joanne to fill up certain lacunae and correct a few trifling errors of fact in her account of my nephew Smit career. I shall do so with pleasure. To appear publicly in print is every man ambition, and by acting as a kind of running footman to my nephew triumph I shall only be showing a modesty suitable to my advance age.

Royal_Joe · Lịch sử
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4 Chs

Chapter 2


To his immense surprise he perceived Mr Piet calmly replacing all the fitting in his dressing case. Another astonished glance showed him the bags scarcely opened the previous night repacked, relabelled , and standing ready for a journey.

I say , Piet, what's up? Said his lordship. We're staying here a fortnight y'know.

Excuse me, my Lord , said Mr. piet , deferentially , but, having seen the times ( delivered here every morning by air , my Lord; and very expeditious

I'm sure, all things considered) , I made no doubt your lordship would be wishing to go to RIDDLESDALE at once."

"RIDDLESDALE!" exclaimed Smit . "What's the matter? Anything wrong with my brother?

For answer Mr Piet handed him the paper, folded open at the heading:




Lord Smit stared as if hypnotised.

I thought your lordship wouldn't wish to miss anything, said Mr Piet , so I took the liberty

When's the next train? He asked.

I beg your lordship's pardon I thought your lordship would wish to take the quickest route. I took it on myself to book two seats in the aeroplane roy. He starts at 12.45.

Lord Smit looked at his watch .

Ten o clock , he said. Very well. You did quite right. Dear me ! Poor old Gerald arrested for murder. Uncommonly worrying , for him, poor chap . Always hated my beIN, mixed up with police courts. Now he's there himself. Lord Smit in the witness box very distressing, to feelins of a brother. DUKE of Denver in the dock worse still. Dear me ! Well, I suppose one must have breakfast.

Yes my Lord . Full account of the inquest in the paper, my Lord.

Yes. Who's on the case , by the way?

Mr Parker , my Lord.

Parker? That's good. Splendid old Parker!

Wonder how he managed to get out on to it. How do things looks Piet ?

If I may say so , my Lord , I fancy the investigation will prove very interesting. There are several extremely suggestive points in the evidence, my Lord.

From a criminological point of view I daresay it is interesting, replied his lordship, sitting down cheerfully to his cafe au lait, but it's deuced awkward for my brother, all the same , havin no turn for criminology, what?

Ah, well ! Said Mr Piet , they say, my Lord, there's nothing like having a personal interest.