
Threads : Where fate entwines

"Escalabus rev" were the final words of my grandmother. As she lay on her deathbed, her eyes were a myriad of colors like the rainbow. This scenario had been troubling me for a long while now until he found me in the bustling streets of Sif'ur, he introduced me to a bizarre world I never thought existed. A world filled with many hidden dangers, a world where the supernatural graces the lands, deities reign supreme, mortals are blessed or rather cursed with bizarre abilities called, The Konquerors pathways. My name is Timothy, and this is the story of how I altered the fates of everyone in the mortal planes, and a journey to uncover the reason why weavers of fate are so obsessed with me. "The stars are extremely sad tonight, as if they're wailing out to me. It's like a piece of me is lost within the stars, crying out. Every day, I sit like this, gazing at the stars with a sad smile... a lonely stargazer."

SHADOW_IV · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

Secrets of the Moirai Estate: The Hidden Chamber

The sinister feeling faded as quick as it appeared and it seems as if Josh had felt it too, I looked back but the street was busy as always with people going on about their business. Brushing off the strange feeling I quickly catch up to Josh who seemed like he was deepin thought " Mr Moirai there has been a change of plans?" Understanding what he was hinting at I nodded

"You are welcome to stay in my house Mr Belling."Josh smiled and quietly nodded without looking at me.

Soon we approached my family estate, a heavy sense of emptiness settled over me like a shroud. The once lively gardens now seemed overgrown and neglected, their vibrant blooms faded and wilted. The ivy that once clung to the walls now crept unchecked, casting shadows that seemed to whisper of loneliness.

Entering the mansion, the silence was deafening, broken only by the creak of floorboards beneath our feet. The absence of my grandmother's warm laughter and gentle guidance hung in the air like a ghost, haunting every room with its absence. The main hall, once bustling with activity, now felt cavernous and cold, the Moirai family crest above the fireplace seemed to mock me with its stoic permanence.

The staircase, where my grandmother had stood so many times, her hand resting on the banister as she regaled me with tales of days gone by, now stood silent and still. The library, once alive with the rustle of turning pages and the soft murmur of conversation, now felt oppressive in its quiet solitude.

In every corner of our family home, I felt the weight of her absence pressing down upon me, a constant reminder of all that had been lost. And as I wandered its halls, I couldn't help but long for the warmth and comfort that had once filled these rooms, now as lifeless and empty as the shell of a once-vibrant soul. Sighing heavily I guided Mr Belling to one of the bedrooms upstairs where he would spend the rest of our stay in.

Upon arrival I opened the Spacious and lavishly decorated sanctuary for rest and relaxation. Canopied beds with embroidered linens took center stage, surrounded by plush rugs and velvet draperies. Ornate dressers and vanity tables adorned with silver trinkets and delicate perfume bottles. This was the best guestroom we had in here so I offered it to Mr Belling who gladly took and asked to be left alone. Not even daring to ask 'why?' I quickly turned and around and left the man alone, deciding to roam around the lifeless estate and reminisce about times that have passed. Looking at the huge halls and thinking of a time when me and Evelyn would run around these halls laughing  after stealing honey from the kitchen and the head cook would be on our tails  cursing at us or the time when  Nana would drag us down these same halls forcing us to memorize the names and faces of our ancestors it is really fun how I miss those small things now and if Nana was here she would give me her lazy smirk and ask "didn't Nana tell you so?"  While she smoked from her pipe.

Walking without direction I ended up finding myself in the library and not the first level but the third level where Nana kept her most prized and bizarre books, funny I had never really noticed the fact that my Nana was really interested in these bizarre stuff to the point where she would even go and do research about these such events.

"My oh my, what did you get yourself into Nana? " my voice came out as a low whisper but the way the library was so quiet I was pretty sure that if the was anyone else around they might have assumed that I was slowly losing it.

" What was it that you had discovered that made you the candidate for the Weavers Of Fate to see you as the perfect candidate for whatever diabolical plan they were coo- weaving." I asked out loudly to no one in particular. Feeling frustrated and confused I leaned against the library shelf and let out a heavy sigh.Nothing seemed to make sense anymore, and I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something I was missing.

As I absentmindedly ran my fingers along the intricately carved wood, a sudden click echoed through the room, jolting me from my thoughts. My heart skipped a beat as I realized what had just happened. Could it be? Could there really be a hidden compartment?

Filled with curiosity to the brim, I searched for the source of the sound, my fingertips tracing over every inch of the bookshelf until they found a small latch cleverly concealed amidst the elaborate designs. Not daring to breath, I pressed down, and with a soft creak, a section of the bookshelf swung open, revealing to me a hidden chamber behind

My pulse quickened as I peered inside, the dim light barely illuminating the small passageway. For a moment i thought of asking Josh for advice but then i thought that maybe what was inside was meant for my eyes and my eyes only, so i took the decisive step forwad and ventured deep into passage with mysterious patterns carved on the walls. I walked for quiet sometime until I heard the sound of running water but how could there be running water right below my house I asked myself as I was drawing nearer and nearer to the entrance of the source of the sound of running water.

I walked for a short while before I was met by a large steel door that had no outstanding design no exterior  but instead it had one simple door knob that I had doubts about opening but it seemed as if there was something  calling me from the inside like I was drawn to whatever that was inside so I hurriedly touched the door knob and- "shit, what the heck?"

Glancing down, I saw a small needle protruding from the doorknob, its tip stained with a drop of blood. Before I could react, the blood was quickly absorbed by the doorknob, leaving no trace behind. and after a short moment the soft glow of lanterns casting eerie shadows on the walls. As I approached the source of the sound, my heart raced with anticipation. What could possibly be concealed within this hidden sanctuary beneath my family's estate?

Finally, I reached the edge of a small pool of water, its surface shimmering in the dim light. A narrow stream trickled down from above, disappearing into the darkness below. I couldn't believe my eyes. How could there be a natural spring beneath our home, unknown to anyone above?

Looking around at what else was inside the chamber, I discovered a bookshelf,a table and many scrolls. Volumes and ancient manuscripts lined the shelves. But it was a small chest nestled in the corner that captured my attention, the chest was small and simple with one outstanding detail, the Moirai family crest.