

In the mystical realm of cultivation, where destinies are woven from the threads of karma and power, our protagonist finds himself thrust into a world of intrigue and vengeance. Reincarnated into the body of Bloodthorne, a feared cultivator with a tragic past, he takes on the name Kai Ren, compelled by a dire ultimatum: exact revenge on behalf of his vessel's former self, or face annihilation. Guided by the memories of his predecessor, Kai Ren embarks on a perilous journey across the land, honing his skills, forging alliances, and confronting ancient beings that lurk in the shadows. But as the threads of fate entwine ever tighter, Kai Ren must confront the dark truths of his past and the sacrifices he must make to ensure his survival. In a world where power and treachery reign supreme, Kai Ren's quest for vengeance will test the very fabric of his soul, and only by mastering the threads of fate can he hope to emerge victorious.

Nitrous · Huyền huyễn
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7 Chs

Memories Linger

Two Years Later.

No matter the power, Sanctuary could not take or show any physical damage from within. Bloodthorne was the true ruler of its entire plane, and despite Kai unleashing techniques that could destroy cities, Sanctuary remained indifferent. Just like Bloodthorne.

And after just finishing a spar, Kai was laid strewn across the pitch-black ground. To his surprise, it was actually comfy as he had gotten used to sleeping on it. His breath came in ragged gasps as he asked, "man, why can't you just make me have unlimited stamina?"

"Because that's not how it is in the real world. If you we–"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it."

Silence filled the air for a few seconds. Sitting on a chair made of shadows, Bloodthorne broke the silence, "you are making considerable progress. You should be optimistic."

"Who the hell said I wasn't?" Kai responded, continuing, "but we both know Advanced Formation isn't good. I need to be quicker."

"Why's that?"

Kai raised his upper body, gazing at Bloodthorne. "I refuse to forget everything about my previous life. I don't want to be here for any more than fifty years. Hell, even that is too much time."

"You both underestimate and overestimate yourself." Bloodthorne said. Kai felt like he should argue, but he wasn't sure what to argue as the original continued speaking, "you lack what potential really means here. You wish to achieve my level in less than fifty years? Not possible. You are much older than those of this world when it comes to starting your cultivation journey. I can tell, you think being mature gives you an advantage. But it only works against you. The old are prideful…"

"... the young simply do what the old tell them to do. They are perfect when it comes to teaching. They do not attempt to alter or try some new technique out of an existing one. They merely do as told. But adults are egotistical. They like to put the label on others, but it is simply a trait all adults share. You believe you are better than children, do you not?"

"Of course, I do. But that's not being egotistical. It's simply a fact. I have more knowledge. More experience than them."

"Yet here you are, your own knowledge and experience setting you back. You hate the idea of being told to do something. You wish to be independent. But your current situation doesn't allow for that."

"Your lectures tire me." Kai said. "I just wish to retain my life. Is that so wrong?"

"It isn't no."

"Then grant me that wish." Kai commanded, groaning as he stood up. He instinctively wiped his pants, despite there being no dust. "You're forcing me to carry out your wish of revenge. So, grant me a wish of my own."

"Memory capacity is a real thing, fool. If you were constantly reminded of your first life, then you would have an overload." Bloodthorne pointed at his own head. "Do you wish to go insane?"

Kai chuckled. "Constantly reminded? How do you mean?"

"If you wish to retain the memories of your first life, then you would have to relive that life over and over. You would spend fifty years here, then relive your first life, and return here. And while it is true I said your rate of development is good, I meant that it is good for an otherworldly person. You will not reach my level for at least five hundred years."

"You did it at twenty." Kai groaned.

"Must I explain to you that I'm different from you?" He scolded Kai. "Anyway, as I was saying, your cultivation level would simply be too low. The higher you get, the more memory capacity you receive. Only more reason why people crave to reach immortality."

"And you're saying I'll go cukoo if I go through with that?"

"You and your words," Bloodthorne looked disgusted, "... but yes, you will lose the fight with your mind. Each time you relive your life, it will take up that space in your mental capacity. That memory is duplicated."

"I just want to make sure; you're saying you can make me relive my first life? Not redo, but relive?"

"Anything is possible for me in this realm." Bloodthorne heaved.

"Then why the hell don't you make us some beds or something!? Or-or a fucking pool, or anything!?" Kai yelled, only resulting in a blank face. Kai ran his hands through his hair, "agh, whatever! Look, I don't give a damn about this-this mental capacity bullshit. Go insane? So fuckin' what!? So long as I don't forget who I am!"

"Even if you as a person change? What reason do memories hold at that point?"

"I am not you nor will I become you."

Bloodthorne scoffed, summoning a sword. It had no scabbard as its coal-like blade was decorated with snakes. "Alright, then every fifty years I will stab you with this, my sword since I was young. You will feel immense pain each and every single time, but with that pain, you will relive that life of yours."

"Sounds like a deal to me."

Bloodthorne made the sword vanish, "then get up," he said, "training here is never ending as is the time."

"You know, I've been wondering, if you had something like this, then why not use it to become even stronger when you were alive?" Kai asked, walking a few feet away from his non-existent bed.

Bloodthorne walked to the direct opposite of him. "..."

The two of them readied their fists. "Fine, I'll play the waiting game."


Forty-Eight Years Later.

Sweat trickled down Kai's head as he launched a fury of kicks at Bloodthorne who dodged with ease. Kai hopped backwards some space, saying, "do you mind not running?"

"I do mind. In this world, there are many cowards. They will not risk their life. The ideal of immortality has only heightened the fear of death. Tell me, will you let them go?"

"I wouldn't."

"Then you'll have to come up with some creative ideas to stop me, then, won't you?"

Kai gritted his teeth, "so be it." He muttered. Taking one step forward, he launched himself. Fist cocked back; he sent his nail of a fist at the face of Bloodthorne who caught the fist with his hand. "Do you ever learn?"

Kai sent his other hand upwards, like a grapple, but that too was caught. However, he hopped off one foot, sending his other one upwards. His body looked like a crane as his foot made contact with Bloodthorne's chin. Right after, once his arms were free, he weaved a punch. He got up close and found himself behind Bloodthorne's shoulder. He tossed his right arm over the neck, connected it with his other hand, and did a take down. They tumbled on the ground before Kai's face was palmed. His body acted like a ragdoll as Bloodthorne tossed him around until throwing him a few feet away where Kai landed, swiftly. 

Well, he wished he did. As he landed, one of his feet slipped, causing him to hit the ground like a sack of bricks.

"ACK!" He went to grab his knee, but the touch felt wrong. His heart dropped as he looked over himself, "fuck!" He cried out, a bone protruding from his right leg. The blood spurted out, as if a broken water fountain.

He began to writhe in pain, clutching his leg as Bloodthorne walked over. "U-ugh! Can you heal this, please!?"

"Did you learn the healing art?" Bloodthorne replied.

"H-healing art! Ack- you fucker just heal me!" Kai began to crawl around, like a zombie, a macabre trail, staining the ground.

Bloodthorne walked in front of him, stopping his crawling. Kai gazed upwards as he heard the words, "this is your fiftieth year here."

"N-urgh! Not right now goddamnit!"

"You made your wish," Bloodthorne held his sword high, "you don't get to pick and choose."

"Don't you dar-!"