

I wake up, opening my eyes, my entire body covered in water. I stand, looking at Isveig. I closed my eyes, and an image of a snowflake came to my mind. Slowly I whisper.

"Freeze" a hurricane of wind blasted from me. Silence follows. The water on my skin felt like ice. I open my eyes.

"Holy shit!" The entire pond froze, I looked at Isveig. His eyes widened and his white hair flowed in the wind. Shocked as ever, o' god of frostbite. But victory is short-lived. My body temperature plummeted, and I could feel my organs slowing and failing.

"Blegh!" blood spurt out of my mouth. Shit shit shit shit. My head feels dizzy. I tripped then fell. My eyes are getting blurry. I broke the ice under me, then merged with the freezing water under it. My skin turned black and numb. I reach my hand out and pray for luck. I hear rumbling behind me like ice getting crushed and broken. I feel something pushing me to the surface. In the face of sunlight, I crawl back to Isveig. Reaching my hand out.

"I saved you twice. Learn to be on your own." He turns back leaving me to die—this scumbag of a god. I struggle to stand. My body's shaking and rusty. I point at Isveig. Might as well die with dignity. I scream.

"You cowardly excuse of a god, picking on a weakling in your own territory, prove to me you are worthy of the title of god!" Isveig stopped, then turned his head toward me. I can feel his killing intent from afar. Fear crawled underneath my skin. He opens his hands, then he creates an ice axe from nothing.

"You challenge me, dear mortal? Then you shall face the wrath of the god of frostbite." He sprints toward me. Shit, what do I do? Wait, Icy bird. I whistle to try and get her attention. He raises his axe.

"Glacier meteor" he swings his axe at me. I reach my arm out, then the tip of the axe cuts my forearm vein. I groan in pain.

"GAH!" I feel my clothes being pulled and I float to the sky. Good, Icy Bird is pulling me, I need to create a weapon. I have the power to freeze water. What about other liquids? I freeze the blood coming out of the cut on my hand. As I thought it worked the blood froze.

"Icy bird, heal everything other than my scar, I have a plan." I can feel my organs healing. The cut is still open and blood is flowing out. I can see white smoke following me. Tch, it's him.

"Drop me here, there's a tree I can grab onto." I fall then grab onto a tree and drop to the ground. I reach my hand to the side, then sweep, creating a fan of blood.

"Freeze". an Ice blade formed from my own blood, it looks ragged and dull. However, for the time being, this is exactly what I needed. I heard a huge thump and smoke appear before me, I stood ready. Luminescent white eyes glow in the smoke, but something is weird. The air… It's warm. The set of glowing eyes tripled. The shadow in the smoke. This outline. It's not a god. From the smoke, a fierce roar assaulted my ears. The ground and trees trembled, my legs froze, and fear struck my soul.

"What? What is this?" The smoke cleared as the air heats up. The entity in front of me engulfs itself in flames. Blue flames. The heat of its flames melted my sword, the blood spilled onto the snow. My only option is to fight it. I get into my stance. I can feel sweat flowing down my body. I started taking deep breaths as I attempted to relax. The flames rushed at me with blinding speed. I saw rows of sharp teeth before me for a split second. It's too fast. I was pulled aside and dodged the flames.

"Isveig!" He silences me.

"Quiet, it can feel different temperatures." He takes me behind a tree, I can feel the flames near this field. I whisper.

"What is that thing?" I point at the beast in the flames.

"The azure ember demon: Bisman, my demon counterpart." I watch as the flames die out and a beast's limb emerges and steps on the snow. The fur was white as snow, the hair blue as the sky, the large mouth and six eyes, and blue flames igniting off the tip of its head. The beast opens its mouth and then lets out a raging roar destroying the nearby trees.

"It found us, run quickly" Isveig retreated from the demon, and I followed him as fast as I could. I can feel the intimidation of the eyes from the beast as it chases me through the snow and the decaying trees. I ran, jumped, and climbed to try and lose the beast. In the distance, I see a wide river, my chance to escape. I sprint near a cliff, leap, and jump into the water.

"Freeze!" I create a floor of ice below me. Landing on the floor, I keep sprinting away from the fox.

"Freeze! Freeze! Freeze!" As I create a path of ice before me. I looked behind me and saw the fox at the edge of the cliff, melting the ice I froze before. I smirk, I knew it worked. It opens its mouth and a burning flame ignites in its jaws. The beast shot a blazing beam of fire. I dive down into the water as it burns a strand of my hair. My body temperature plunges down and I stroke through the water as fast as possible. I am going to die if I stay down here. Freezing the water below me, the ice ascent my body and shoots me up from the river and I land on snow from the other side of the cliff I dove off. I look behind me, the demon fox has disappeared, I sigh and fall down in relief. I hear a deep voice above me.

"So you survived a demon encounter, how fascinating." I point at Isveig and ask him.

"Please train me, God of Frostbite. Guide me through the arts of frost and ice." I can not, no. I shall not be that weak facing a beast of evil. Isveig walks away as I look at him.

"You have proven yourself to be worthy of life, and I shall be your guide to the arts of this realm, but acknowledge that this path is filled with the pain and agony of ice. Do you accept the ways of cryo?" He looks at me with sharp eyes and a serious posture. I stand up and face him. Mortal to God. I gaze at him.

"I assent!" My last words to him before I faint from exhaustion.

"Rest, tomorrow, training shall start." He catches and carries me back to the hut.