
Thoughts of a Second Chance

Killed by his former companions, Kas'Tel gets sent back for a second chance. His regression turns out seemingly fine, however as Kas gets stronger and meets his companions in his second life something seems amiss.

sleep1ngkn1ght · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 - Planning

As Kas walked through the streets he once fought in one thing went through his mind.

'Why am I not in my hometown? I went back in time and have a younger body but I still have the same clothes and am not starting my new life where I should be.'

Kas thought about the change in location for quite some time and landed on an idea:

'When I regressed I must have changed locations to where I died due to my chaotic thoughts at the time. Whoever or whatever sent me back, must have seen this street in my mind when I was dying and thought that that's where I wanted to go. My parents must be deeply concerned about me...How would I even explain this to them?'

Kas recalled a textbook he read in school about regression. From what he studied, regression required two significant things for it to occur. An entity that controls time and an entity that controls space, or an entity that does both. The entity that controls time would send you back to the past, and the entity that controls space would 'align' your soul to your body. In the end, everything that was in that textbook was strictly theoretical due to the fact that regression could never be proved. It's hard to ask someone if they transferred worldlines if they are in an entirely different worldline after all.

'Something must have gone wrong with the entity that controlled space. That's the only possible answer. I can't complain too much though, at least I got a second chance.'

Kas stopped in front of a building after walking down similar-looking streets for what felt like half an hour and looked up at the sign:

[Ravenloft Inn]

'Before I do anything I need shelter and food. I can plan accordingly from there.'

Kas opened the wooden door of the inn and stepped inside. On the right-hand side of the inn, there was a bar with various tables occupied by residents of the inn. Directly in front of Kas were the stairs to go up to a room if you rent one. But, the biggest reason why Kas chose this inn out of all the others he walked by was due to what was at the left side of the inn: 10 rows of shelves, stocked completely with books of all subjects.

Many people didn't know this, but some of the books that stocked these shelves had various rituals and spells that could improve one's capability in many different fields, whether it be strength, speed, or magical prowess. This would allow him to get a headstart before the 'mage selection' began. The only problem was that in order to access these books, Kas had to stay at least 2 days at the inn...and he had no money.

'Perhaps I could steal the books...no. I never tried that in my previous life and due to the nature of the books there must be some security system guarding them. Maybe I could use my natural charm to get ahold of the books...'

Kas walked over to the bar and began talking to the innkeeper.

"How much for two nights here?"

The innkeeper, a short but very burly man with a curly mustache responded: "8 star-gem."

"Are you sure there isn't any way that the price could be reduced..."

"Yeah, you can work here. We've been short-staffed these days."

Kas didn't expect a direct response and offer of work. The offer intrigued him, having a job this early on would be great to set up a basis for investments that may pay off in the future of the plan. However, there was one major issue with this statement.

"How much is the pay per day?"

"1 star-gem... per day. Unless you can find another way to get more income into the inn without hiking prices too much, that's the only pay you'll get."

'Wait! But then I'd never pay off my debt to the inn!'

Kas didn't remember one of his favorite inns being this cheap, but it's not like he had much of a choice anyways.

"OK, fine I'll start working here."

"Alright then, you start today. Clear out all the empty tables and put the cutlery in the back. Quickly."

Kas nodded and walked towards his first dirty table of many to come.

'This is a start... but I'm gonna have to bring income to this place before I drown in my debt!'