
Chapter 43: The Greatest Gift, Part 3

"Really, guys," Brolin said to Derek and me. "We don't have time for this."

Derek nodded, and then Brolin turned on his heels and walked into the cave.

Alone, I looked into Derek's eyes then asked. "What do you want?"

Derek took my hand into his, but I quickly pulled it away. Then he nodded, knowing he had to say what he must without touching me. "I'm sorry, Casey …"

"Save it," I replied then turned toward the cave.

"Casey, I'm sorry about earlier," Derek called after me, verbally stopping me in my tracks. "I was just hurt and jealous. I can't stand the thought of you flirting with another guy just so we can get ammo, even if it's for a good cause."

I listened, saying nothing.

"Casey, please," Derek begged. "Don't do this."

"Do what, Derek?" I retaliated, tired and swaying on my feet. But I was so tired that the words spewed like venom from my lips. "You made it pretty clear that we aren't even together."