
Merry Beginning

As usual, my school bus reached the school after the first bell rang. So when I reached the classroom, my tutor was already there in the classroom. He was about to take attendance of the class when I asked him permission to enter the class.

My tutor is Mr. Sam who was about the age of 30. He was married and his wife also work in our school. She handle primary classes. When one meet him for the first time, they may have a impression of him as a hitler and hard to handle type. But in reality he was really a jovial and light heartened person. He was an expert in Biology particularly in cell Biology. Because of his expertise in this field, he got many chances to work in many well-known companies and other institutions. But the management of our school made him stay by provide extra perks. He was the highest paid staff in our school followed my mathematics sir Jyosh. I took Biology as my major subject because of three reasons. First, it is my favorite subject. Secondly, Mr. Sam's classes are quite interesting. Thirdly, with Biology as a major we can choose any subject as a major in higher education.

I looked at my tutor and asked him to excuse me.

Suddenly he asked, "Is there one more new student to our class? But the office staffs didn't notify to me about another one new student."

Until now, only a few students looked at me and the rest were busy in acquaint with others. But when tutor asked me this question every one began to look at me as if I was from an unknown planet.

His question even startled me. I looked at him deeply. I was wondering whether he turned into a lunatic within two months of vacation. How can he forget a student who was always studious in class? Oh.. Sorry.. Studious only in his class.

"Sir, I am Anya who was in your class even last year. I was the one who always follow you to lab and make you tired with my unending questions. Do you remember me? I was the one who asked you to find a micro organism that would boost the capability of scoring highest marks without reading and doing homeworks". I was really panic when my tutor asked me such a question. So unknowingly I tried continuously to make him remember me by reminding my foolish acts.

The whole class along with my tutor began to laugh aloud on hearing my blabbers. I was terrified of this laughter. I just stood there and wondered what made them to laugh. Then I realized that he was making fun of me.

"Yeah.. I know Anya.. You are Anya who studied in my class last year and who always have some rhetoric questions. But where is your uniform?"

Now I understood why he asked me whether I was a new student. Only newbies won't wear uniform on the first day. Even though I had completed my 10th grade in the same school, we have to make a new admission to join in high grade. I considered it as a new admission to my old school. So I wore a LAVA brand sky blue dress. I chose to wear it because it is my favorite color and it always suits me well.

"Sir, I thought it is good to wear something colorful on the first day of the class". My answer was really insane. If I say the real reason behind it, then they will consider me more than insane.

Then he allowed me to enter the class. I quietly entered the class and walked towards the last bench which was empty. I kept my head down and walked without looking at anyone. I could feel everyone's eyes were in my direction. All the seats in the last row are empty. I took the seat which was near the window.

It was really different for me to sit in the last bench . I used to sit in the first or second row in my earlier grades because of my buddies. At that moment I missed the days we used to spent together.

I looked at the playground through the window. It was my habit to stare at empty space with some thoughts on mind. Meanwhile all the students who were outside the classroom entered into the class. Anoop also returned to the class. He took all his belongings from a bench in second row and sat in the seat near to my desk.

Even though my thoughts were absent, I sensed some one was near me and looked at him.

"Hey Idiot.. You freaked out again".

"No.. I'm fine and I'm very active. Even I created a huge laughter when I entered the class".

As expected he began to question me with lot of questions over a little matter. He was joined by my few girl friends. Even though it was a petty thing, he would consider it as a huge matter. If I was correct, he will collect word-by-word of what I did in class and dump it into Harry. Even though it was wrong to suspect one's own friend, I began to feel some lack of trust with this Anoop especially in my personal matters.

"Anya.. Anya.."

My thoughts again lost in the memories of my earlier days and I ignored the place where I was. Anoop's frequent calls brought me to the present.

"Anya.. Are you okay?"

"Yeah.. I am... I am just thinking about something that disturbs my mind".

Suddenly he shook my head with his hands and said "Is there any such an important problem in the world that could even disturb the empty mind of my cute idiot? "

He knows very well what I'm thinking about. But he prefer me to be normal as usual than worrying about some bad days.

I completely ignored his question and began to focus on the class. It was the first day so Mr. Sam asked everyone to introduce themselves to other classmates.